Immigration . Beyond the lies and misconceptions
A loaded question.
This hub is in response to a question asked by Jackie Lynnley,she asks "Should illegals be made citizens before ones waiting in line?".The question already makes the assumption that those who benefit from the president's executive action are now first in line to become citizens,nothing could be farther from the truth,all the measure does is allow the people who meet certain qualifications not to be deported, it doesn't even give them an immigrant status.These people are not even in line to become citizens let alone jump in front of anybody.I don't blame Jackie for asking an erroneous question because the anti immigrant forces have managed very successfully to present the issue of immigration in a way that favors their position.The people who are already permanent legal residents and are waiting in line to become citizens need not worry about anybody jumping in front of them because everybody has to wait the same period of time to become citizen ,even if these latecomers are granted legal permanent residence one they they will have to wait five years to apply for citizenship.
What does it take to become a citizen?
Let me clarify once again what it takes to become a citizen once again as I have already stated on other hubs.First of all you have to obtain legal permanent resident status.You have to reside in the country permanently for five years in order to be able to apply for citizenship.Once you apply it takes between six months to a year while you are investigated to make sure you have the pristine criminal record that is required for your request to be approved .If you have any kind of criminal record,however small the offense ,for example a DUI,DWI,or were arrested for being in a fight ,any misdemeanor ,not only will your citizenship request be denied ,but your legal permanent residence status can be revoked , and you could very likely be deported.
Obama and Illegal Aliens
Another urban legend perpetrated and perpetuated by the anti immigrant lobby is that Obama hasn't deported any illegals.The opposite is actually true.Obama has deported more illegals than his predecessors both George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.The numbers are there to be checked by any curious person willing to learn the facts other than the falsehoods repeated daily by the right wing talking heads and the Heritage Foundation.
What do you think about Illegal Immigration?
Who should be deported?
The New Colossus
The Myth of the parasite illegal aliens.
This is one where the xenophobes are really good at,blaming the illegal aliens for the federal deficit and bankrupting the country. In reality Illegal aliens DO NOT get food stamps,or any government benefits like disability or unemployment.There may be an isolated case here and there which would be the exception that confirms the rule,because let me tell you when you are an illegal alien you want to be unnoticed,some people are too afraid of being deported to even set foot in a hospital when they are sick or go to the police if they are robbed or abused.So the idea that most illegals are lining up at the nearest social service or welfare office with false documents to obtain benefits they don't qualify for is not only ridiculous but also known to be a fallacy by those who propagate it.A great majority of illegals have consulted with either private or charity organization lawyers because they want to become legal one day,and the first thing that any immigration lawyer will tell them is to never accept any social benefit they couldnt qualify for under immigration law even if they could qualify under local ,county or state law because tis will come out when the application for permanent residence is introduced and it will be rejected.