Intolerance And Ben Carson
Now you have to understand that anyone who criticizes Barack Hussein Obama is considered to be a racist by many on the left. It just isn't right for anyone to agree with his policies, or lack thereof, to effective run this nation as its CEO. We couldn't possibly have any idea what he knows that we common people out here among the uneducated masses know to be true. But wait a minute FP you say. What if the man doing the criticizing is a brilliant, black neurosurgeon? Is he a racist too?
His first encounter with Obama, the media and the unwashed left wing slobbering fools who don't know a fool unless they are looking in the mirror was at this year's National Prayer Breakfast. Then he actually had the audacity to call Obama out on his nonsense to his face. You see he knows Obama is unqualified and inexperienced and has no business trying to turn an economy this size. He also knows that Obama is turning this nation's health care system upside down and doesn't appreciate that as a lowly brain surgeon.
The Man Makes Perfect Sense
I only played a short video of part of his remarks. You can find his entire remarks on You Tube. At the time he made these remarks the sheeple of the left started in on this noted doctor from John Hopkins. Did these slobbering fools happen to note that Doctor Ben is black? He is a lot blacker than Barack Obama to be sure. Even the left wing media was beside itself that this noted healer was criticizing "The One" about a subject which he is more than imminently qualified to address. It also appears that even though he's but a lowly brain surgeon he knows forgotten more about economic than Obama knows.
If you haven't heard his whole address that day at the breakfast take the time to listen to a man who has some common sense. He gained instant recognition for his intelligence and use of common sense in discussing this nation's ills. Yes, the nation is ill. He has obviously also figured out that he and Obama put their pants on the same way - one leg at a time. Some of you need to stop acting like Obama is a rock star on American Idol. Rarely have I seen a man who knows so little about so much myself.
So along comes the CPAC gathering in Maryland and he is again asked to address the thinkers of this nation. At that gathering he quipped how some of his less tolerant admirers were hurling the "N" word at him for daring to "insult" the President. You see, to them anyone who disagrees with King Obama is ignorant. When in fact most of those who seem to agree with Obama appear to be a few ham sandwiches short of a picnic to this writer.
There is a critical question that seems to be asked more and more as black conservatives of either sex are called every racist name in the book. The questions, and Ben Carson asked it at CPAC is, “When did we reach a point where you have to have a certain philosophy because of the color of your skin?" if one listens closely to the likes of Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton you might recognize a few of the sources of this type of stinking thinking.
Put It Away For Pete's Sake
So after his remarks at CPAC the Intolerant Troll Brigade rolled out once again branding Doctor Carson as a token, an Oreo, and of course an Uncle Tom. This is a man who worked his way up from poverty to become a renowned brain surgeon and this is the best these intolerant, ignoramuses can muster up?
Even after having been called out about their "nasty grams" some of these bigots couldn't restrain themselves. Go figure. Here's a link to Twitchy where samples of the left's vileness and hate can be read up close and personal in their own sorry words. This is where they show their true racist colors.
So there you have it friends, neighbors and fellow Americans. I have had the race card hurled at me enough that I find it sickening. It usually occurs when someone of the left has no argument to use against fact, logic and reason so they revert to unreasonableness.
I suggest that you either keep that sort of thing to yourself or join the "Tolerance
Brigade" as they are now known. The members in fact are intolerant, bigoted fools who have lost sight of the fact that this nation is a melting pot of all people's with many ideas. Obama was the man who was going to heal this nation and bring all the people together. You see what you get when you get sold snake oil? Let me close with Doctor Ben's remarks to CPAC.
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As Always,
The Frog Prince