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Today's GOP ,The Party Of "Simpletons"

Updated on September 17, 2016

You are not welcome in my state.

It just dawned on me I owe the xenophobes and bigots in the republican party an apology.

A recurrent comment on the part of the people who oppose the dream act, or any kind of compassionate solution to the situation of millions of illegal aliens in the US, or even the discussion of comprehensive immigration reform is the fact that most countries have even harsher immigration laws than those of the US,including our neighbor to the south, Mexico where millions of illegals actually come from.Mexico according to these people does not allow any of their neighbors to the south to enter their country illegally and if they do and are caught are immediately deported no if, and's or buts.Another one of their favorite questions is to ask what would you do if people came illegally into your country?Well here is why I feel I have to apologize to the bigots, the xenophobes and the racists because I come from a country where nobody in the history of the country has been asked "papers please". The country where I was born is Uruguay ,a tiny country in south America surrounded by Argentina to the west,which is 15 times larger, and Brazil to the east, which is 45 times larger.The population of the country is entirely of immigrant descent similarly to that of the US.Being born and growing up in such a country where everybody is different but equal, where it wouldn't cross anybody's mind to think if someone came into the country legally or not(simply because the concept doesn't exist , you come in , you like it you decide to immigrate you request permanent residence and unless you are a criminal it is granted), or if they had"papers" or not ,that is why the notion of there being people who are so fearful and hateful towards people who come from another country is so incomprehensible to me.

The xenophobes don't know any better.

So I would like to extend my apology to the hordes of bigots, racists , and xenophobes who share those narrow-minded views, they don't know any better.When I came to this country back in the early 1970s, we came to the state of New Jersey, in my school and in my neighborhood there were people from many different backgrounds, races,cultures , religions, and I was blessed to grow up in such a community that allowed me to have the life experiences in which you don't look at people in terms of what church they go to, or what country they come from or how dark or light their skin is.It's sad, though, that people who know better are constantly instigating and promoting discrimination against anybody who is of a different race or country, or sexual orientation, or religion preying on the ignorant to obtain sometimes political sometimes economic benefits and many times both.It is no coincidence that those more vociferous against gays are also the most fiercely opposed to immigration reform , and employing dog whistle and coded language against the black community.Thank god as loud as they are, they are the minority,and as soon as the engines of the economy start rolling again , as they will because we are the economic engine of the world, they will be seen as what they are,dogs barking at the moon.


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