Jane Burgermeister and infighting by conspiracy theorists and New Agers
Jane Burgermeister versus Dr Bill Deagle and others
A big problem in the fields of ufology and conspiracy theory, which the media and the controllers of the world are no doubt very glad about, is infighting between its leading authors, speakers and researchers. It basically invalidates whatever is being said, at least to the public perception, although it should not. It plants seeds of doubt but it doesn't have to.
People who are genuinely looking for answers are not going to find them among a mass of bizarre claims, opposing opinions, hearsay and petty squabbling.
Swine flu
If it is true it is true
Basically, if something is true then it's true and it doesn't matter who said it or what they have done before, or what their past record claims. The search for truth the people of the world need should not be about who you believe and should not be about ego battles, although often this is a part of the problem.
I have seen it time and time again that some leading speaker has upset another or their fans because they have made remarks against another author or researcher or have failed to give credit where credit is due for material quoted or used. This is unfortunate but the truth is the truth and is all that is important!
The worst thing about this infighting is that newcomers to the subject and people who are waking up to the reality that the world is not as they have been led to believe, will get put off looking any further by such behaviour and confusion entered into a very complicated subject anyway.
Jane Burgermeister is an Austrian journalist, who has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and a number of the highest ranking government and corporate officials over bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder in a population cull using the Swine Flu vaccine.This would be part of the depopulation programme put into action that many people are very concerned about.
Jane has put forward an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. What she has done follow charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for creating contaminated bird flu vaccine, and Burgermeister alleges this was done deliberately to cause and profit from an orchestrated pandemic.
Since this Jane Burgermeister has become a new "heroine" to conspiracy theorists and people fighting the New World Order and videos have been circulated on Youtube and elsewhere about what she had to say.
Jane was also interviewed by Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan of Project Camelot, who are now caught in the crossfire bacause they have also been on friendly terms with and interviewed Dr Bill Deagle, who is currently claiming that Burgermeister is a fraud, and she is responding by taking legal action against him and Jeff Rense, True Ott, Arthur Evangelista and Devvy Kidd for defamation.
This is a very sad state of affairs because basically they should all be on the same side. All agree that the Swine Flu vaccine is a threat and all agree that the pandemic has been manufactured and that the media are being used to spread fear and to make people think they need this vaccine.
The latest on this is that Jeff Rense has apparently apologised and is out of the ongoing mess.
I would like to think that this is just a case of male egos upset by a female newcomer to their territory and that the whole issue can be resolved. I would also like to think that the public, concerned about the Swine Flu issue, which is a very serious matter, will listen to what all parties have to say and are able to discern the truth of the matter and disregard all this crazy battle.
As someone wisely commented on YouTube: "Infighting - that's all we need!" I would like to think that they could all settle their differences! The important issue here is that the Swine Flu vaccine is a potential danger!
UPDATE (25 Sept, 2010) : Please see the post in the comments below for Apostle JoAnne's views about this matter.
UPDATE 2: Since publishing this hub two years back I have moved onward and no longer support David Icke or many other conspiracy theorists. You can read why here.
Links to do with this hub
- An urgent request from Jane Burgermeister US EXERCISES NLE 09 Dprogram.net
- Journalist Fired Over Flu Pandemic Lawsuit
Kurt Nimmo | Jane Brgermeister contends the elite plan to unleash a deadly pandemic as part of a eugenics depopulation program. - Clay and Iron Ministries
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