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Kate Steinle Law

Updated on December 5, 2017
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Before retiring, Jack worked at IBM for over 28 years. His articles have over 120,000 views.


Recent events in San Francisco led Bill O'Reilly on his show "The O'Reilly Factor" to call on Congress to pass a new law "Kate Steinle Law." I have created this hub In support of Bill's efforts. Please sign the petition in the links below.

-July 2015

Updated Dec. 2017


Bill O'Reilly has a track record of getting results. A few years ago, Bill called for the passage of Jessica's Law at the State level. To date, 42 of the 50 States have pass that law. Now, Bill has asked for Congress to pass Kate Steinle Law. This simple law will require a mandatory sentence of 5 years prison term for any undocumented immigrants convicted of a felony after having been deported once before. This law, if in place, would have saved Kate Steinle's life. She was a 32 year old shot to death while walking with her father on Pier 14 in San Francisco. The assailant is an undocumented immigrant with multiply felonies and having been deported five times.

A Tragedy Could Have Been Prevented

How did this happen? It is tied intricately to our current broken immigration policy. We have deferred this problem for over 30 years by both political parties. In addition, we have many large cities that provide sanctuary to undocumented immigrants even when they are convicted felons. They have used the excuse that it will provide a safer environment for the city when the immigrants are not suspicious of law enforcement officers. That is a bad policy and illegal. If current federal laws were followed, these cities could not be a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants. Since the law was ignored, a tragedy like Kate Steinle became another statistic.

Sanctuary Map

A Make Shift Tribute...

Personal Appeal

I remember President Obama commented right after the Trayvon Martin's shooting that "this could have been my son..." Well, Kate could have been my daughter, or niece or anyone of us. It is so senseless beyond comprehension.

I also want to appeal to the undocumented immigrants already here and the immigration activists that are vocal on this issue. I believe most of you are law abiding people just trying to improve your living standards. Please join us in support of this law. It will separate you from the felons that are plaguing our society. The American people are generous and fair minded. They will respond in kind when the time comes where your status will be addressed. Putting criminals away is just common sense regardless of their immigration status.


An old Chinese saying "a Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." Passing Kate's Law would be that first step. The immigration problem must be addressed and fixed. I have proposed some solutions in my other hubs. I have been thinking about this for quite a while. In 2006, I served on a grand jury in NYC and spent one month hearing case after case of criminals caught then deported and re-captured for other crimes again and again. It was a revolving door where our legal system was brought to its knees. I wrote a letter to our officials documenting my experience. Here was my letter and their responses. Needless to say, nothing was done.

I am asking everyone to put aside our political differences. It is no secret that I am a conservative. If you follow some of my hubs, you already know that. On this one issue, I think we can all agree that a long term permanent solution is needed. Our citizens deserve this and I believe it is also the humane thing for the immigrants. I hope all will support the Kate Steinle Law. Her death shall not be in vain.

Update 10/21/2015

The Senate has failed to allow Kate's Law to move forward for a floor debate. 45 Democrat and 1 Republican voted to block this action. This is why the American public belief that Washington is out of touch and broken.

Updated 11/5/2015

The latest news is that Senate Minority leader Harry Reid has single handed block the bill from voting on the floor of the Senate. His justification is that it would cost too much to implement. What a disgrace.

Update 6/28/2017

It has been two years in the making. Kate's law is finally making it to the floor of the House. Speaker Paul Ryan is putting it up for a vote. Who could vote against this common sense law? Why did it take so long?

Update 6/29/2017

The House of Representatives passed Kate's Law by a vote of 257-167. Great news. Who were the 167 members against this common sense law?

Updated 12/1/2017 The final Verdict

The verdict by a San Francisco jury is NOT GUILTY on the serious charges...It boggles my mind how justice is denied in this politically motivated verdict.

Shame on the jury of San Francisco. Shame on the city administrators who supported the sanctuary city policy.

The lesson is - You get the government you deserve!

Malia Cohen - SF Board of Supervisor

© 2015 Jack Lee


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