Obama And The Supreme Court Nominations.
An important part of President Obama's legacy will be his Supreme Court Justice nominations.
The nominations of two extremely qualified justices in Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor will be an important part of president Obama's legacy.The importance of these nominations will grow exponentially if the Democratic party wins a consecutive third term,is able to nominate more Supreme Court Justices and the court resolves cases that have been untouchable for decades related to guns,equal rights,and immigration.
Obama, a successful two term president.
Please have a little respect for the office of President.
I was listening to a radio program today and I felt I had to write a hub about it , as the show conductor ,Larry Kudlow,was interviewing one of the right wing nut talking heads and he kept referring to president Obama as "THIS GUY",which is not the worst I have have heard them call him,but It got me thinking that these guys and gals ,who supposedly love this country and the constitution so much ,have very little respect for the office of president of the United States which is an institution much greater than the current president or any president past for that matter.Another thing that they don't realize is that it makes them look worse than the person they are trying to diminish, not only that it reflects poorly on their parents , that may have tried to to do their best to teach these people some manners and educate them but it shows they weren't very successful.So why do they do it besides the fact that they hate the democratic party more than they love the republican party?Well it is politically profitable,they know they don't have to be openly racist to appeal to the most radical elements within the base of the republican party, so they are constantly blowing on those dog whistles they know will mobilize the base,which it is true is not majoritarily racist , but it is energized by the teapartiers and the crazies.And the way to achieve this is to make it clear in every way possible that "this guy" is not worthy of the respect awarded a REAL president, this guy is possibly a foreigner, possibly a closeted muslim, and as it was repeated for years by Sean Hannity an associate of terrorists and America haters. Sean Hannity likes to refer to the president as "the annointed one".That classy chick,Monica Crowley likes to refer to the president as "the dude" "the bamster",or "the bama",Rush Limbaugh calls him "Barrack Hussein obama hmm,hmm,hmm" and the first lady "Michelle My Belle"who he also described as " uppity ".Which brings me to the point that here is another example of the lack of scruples of this bunch, now since their almost only strategy to win the elections the deteriorating economy and the general malaise is quickly disappearing , they are trying to perpetrate character assassination on the first lady with a notorious increase in negative portrayals of her and the numerous attacks she is being object of.Good luck with that strategy, I realize that the fact that a Democratic president would have such an exemplary family life and nucleus must be really painful for the attack dogs of the republican machine , but I think the resources would be much better employed in other endeavors .
So, what I would like to say to you the pseudo America loving neanderthals is ITS MR. PRESIDENT TO YOU
Whether the extreme right wing radicals like it or not president Obama not only has become a two term president but he has also managed to unify the party,and the two factions within.The Kennedy/Obama wing of the party wouldn't have succeeded in getting him reelected without the enormous and relentless help from the opposition wing ,the Clinton faction,which was a determining factor in the 2012 presidential election.Even though since day one of his first term the main objective of the Republican Party has been to prevent him from governing ,his signature program,what they started calling Obamacare as a pejorative term may backfire on them and just as the "New Deal" made Roosevelt one of the great presidents in history and Johnson's "Great Society" as well as the civil rights legislation and Medicare put him on the roster of the Great presidents,Obamacare and universal Healthcare may put Obama on the select "great president in history" category, with the added bonus given to him by the right wing loons of making his name synonymous with healthcare for all americans. With the terrible result for the GOP that unlike the other two precedents where they can claim cooperation and partly take credit at least for the parts that they like from those programs or whatever can bring them some political reward for caring about the country first, with Obamacare they get no such recognition since they have opposed it relentlessly and even tried to repeal it dozens of times in a fruitless and obsessive manner.