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Memory Lapses And Obama - Part 3

Updated on January 24, 2012

Tonight's The Night

Yes friends and neighbors tonight is the night that hopefully Obama will give his last State of the Union address. His teleprompter won't be missed. Lets flash back to a now famous quote that first spieled out of his teleprompter. He makes some of this too easy since we now have him on record, something he wasn't going to do prior to running for the highest office in the land. It was against his handler's rules prior to him duping so many people. I know it's hard to admit when you are duped but if you voted for him you fell for it big time. Here's what he said: "Yesterday, I held a fiscal summit where I pledged to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term in office."

So you ask, "When did he utter those words?" Those words were dished up to his adoring followers in 2009 when he gave his first SOTU to the nation. Many believed him but I did not. If you believed him you were wrong, and I was right. In the usual Obama fashion I am sure he doesn't remember saying that. Or the other option is that he wasn't going to do anything close to that in the first place. It did make for good talking points though.

I'm sure you remember the speech because Pelosi looked like a jack in the box springing up with applause at every other sentence he uttered. If you are still one of those Doubting Thomas's that Obama never said this or never said that, here is the entire video of his first SOTU address and but you can also do a reality check on the other things this wet behind the ears individual uttered that night.

The Truth And Nothing But The Truth? ROTFLMAO

So, as usual, lets do some math. If he were serious, and he wasn't, according to the Associated Press the deficit should be in the $500 billion range as of now. Instead what we have seen is record budget deficits year after year with the 2012 deficit projected at $1.2 trillion. Must be that new Obama math he wants to teach the American public.

So how did this happen one must ask? It's really rather simple. The Democratic Party had so much pent up spending energy accumulated that it was "Damned the torpedoes and fully spending ahead." There was some reckless spending no doubt during the Bush years and I won't deny that. But how does one "cure" reckless spending patterns? You have to be a liberal to understand what I am about to say. The only way to tackle reckless spending is to do more reckless spending to add to the federal budget deficit. After all, it usually isn't their money that is being squandered.

Think of it this way. In the last three (3) years the Democratic Party has forced the three (3) largest deficits in US history upon this nation,. There might be magic in three's but this isn't anything more than Voodoo magic. This year will add a fourth year to his tally. And he wants four (4) more years? We'll be bankrupted if we aren't already.

SPECIAL PRAISE: The Democratically controlled Senate deserves special praise this day, the day of Obama's third SOTU address, for achieving the remarkable milestone of not passing a budget on the 1,000th day of this event. Hip! Hip! Throw them out of office time. That is their job...

So who has he continually blamed? Why George Bush of course. This is a man who will never, ever take responsibility for the mess he created. He has accumulated more red ink in three (3) short years than every President from George Washington to Bill Clinton. He's making history since he wants to be so historical.

Flash back again to SOTU #1. Yes, it is also in there if you care to review the video above. Here's another outright lie he told that night to the American people: "My administration has also begun to go line by line through the federal budget in order to eliminate wasteful and ineffective programs." Isn't this the same guy who has increased the size of the federal bureaucratic monster by seventeen (17) percent since taking office? He has added new departments so I suppose that is a line by line too. Or maybe it is another "lie by lie." I report, you decide. Again the $500 million Soyndra fiasco comes to mind. Must have missed that line, huh Obama.

Wired For Words. But It's Still Just "TALK."

n summary, tonight expect more talk from Obama. He talks the talk but then fails to walk the walk. Expect more pie in the sky pipe dream spending to get us out of the very mess he has gotten us into by previous pie in the sky spending binges. It will never work, You can't cure the economic catastrophe this guy has created by continuing to throw bad money after more bad money. Anyone who runs the average American household knows that to be a fact. With Obama it is always talk, then more talk then on and on. His teleprompter is tireless.

FACTS. Under Obama:

1) Gas prices have risen 83%. 2) Price of beef has risen 24% 3) Bacon has risen 22%.

As Always,

The fiscal conservative the liberals love to hate.

The Frog Prince


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