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Same Game - The Blame Game

Updated on November 21, 2013

Obama's incompetence and lack of leadership is always someone else's fault. Have you noticed? How could you not at this point? Yesterday he pulled out his blame it on someone else board and had at it again only this time in front to a group of Wall Street CEO's who knew better. That group is not comprised of low information type voters who will believe anything that spills out of his mouth.

His hot button right now is Obamacare and he's now trying to disassociate his name from the Affordable Care Act. Good luck with that Barack. He can't blame Bush anymore for anything. That wore out after a while as he's only had the buck stop with him (not literally obviously) for 5 years now. Yesterday he blamed the failure of his roll out on who? The Republicans is who. That group of lawmakers who have wanted nothing to do with that monstrosity since he dreamed the idea up. His liberal buddies (Congress people who rammed this down our throats) are running like scalded dogs away from him and seeking political cover themselves.

Now you really do have to be dumb to believe that the Republicans want anything to do with Obamacare. What the Republicans seem intent on is making sure the collateral damage, and it will be massive, done to the American people is minimized. The majority in this country did not want this piece of trash legislation and the poll numbers have increased not decreased as he said they would when he rolled the lemon onto the showroom floor for us. In fact the 2010 flip of the House of Representatives was a result of Obamacare being forced upon us primarily. Not sure why he doesn't get that.

He accuses Republicans of "rooting for the laws failure." It is a failure right out of the gate and the Republicans didn't have to do a thing. In fact they just need to sit back and watch the whole fiasco continue to implode. That would be to the detriment of the American citizens so they are trying to rid the nation of a bad idea.

In Obama's fantasy world the Republicans are interfering with the implementation of Obamacare. He never seems to do deeply into why he thinks that other than he just thinks that. Then he went on talking about "re marketing" and "re branding." Those clowns have spent billions of dollars already and it is time now to cut to the chase and do away with any continued waste. It's called total repeal and next time concentrate on health care reform and not a take over of 16th of this economy.

You're Credibility Is Shot Blamer-In-Chief

Now I realize Obama is often overcome by narcissism but come on now. This is what the most divisive political figure to ever grace our presence told those executives next:

"Washington needs to “break through the stubborn cycle of crisis politics and start working together.”

Wowser! Doesn't Obama know how toxic he has been since taking office. He knows nothing about compromising, as the passage of his signature legislation aptly points out to any intelligent person, He has made that quite clear like a child having a temper tantrum anytime everyone doesn't agree with him. Any leadership style he might exhibit, which would be slim if any, is to manage by crisis. The crisis being created by the very administration he leads.

The blame game initially was aimed at CGI, the prime contractor for the development of That shifted back to HHS when hearings revealed that Turns out HHS took years to issue final specs which caused CGI to not even begin work until the spring of this year. If those specs weren't in the hands of contractors until that time it would be hard to blame CGI for the debacle we are witnessing. In fact, the lead government designer just stated that when the site rolled out on October 1st it was only 60% complete.

Didn't know that? Well change the channel you watch to get your news.

No one has yet to explain how a crony of Moochelle's Princeton days got the lion's share of the no-bid contract to build said failed website. What about that Barack? Does that now make it your wife's fault. Here are the specifics. Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of ’85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal. They got the no bid contract for the $678 million to build CGI Federal is operated in the US by a Canadian firm with a very spotty record. CGI's contract was the ONLY contract reviewed by HHS concerning Obamacare. Strange huh?

Sure opposition exists and even Stevie wonder can see why. Well DUH! Obamacare is at odds with the American public's economic self-interests and that becomes more apparent every day with the mounting cancellation notices. Couple that with Obama's unilaterally changing a law without having Congress do it (that's there job) and there you go. Then he wants to chide anyone about "working together?"

It becomes more apparent to me every day that Obama is a partisan nutcase. He had Pelosi and Reid ram that law down the American public's throat using political trickery on a Christmas Eve. Has he forgotten how that was done and by whom? It sure wasn't the Republicans who did it.

So lets break it down and have Obama specifically explain why the Republicans are responsible for his failure. He keeps saying that Obamacare is the law of the land. It is. He is responsible for its implementation not the Republicans. Last but not least Obamacare has been funded and the cost is growing daily as the lemon gets peeled.

Seems to me the incompetence, malfeasance and outright lying by this administration and his party minions have some explaining to do. The Republicans should now just press that issue and only that issue.

Vote It," "Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

New Low Of 39% Approval Rating. He's A Winner Alright!


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