The Republican Party Reapers, Hannity,Limbaugh,Morris,Luntz.
These four characters are inflicting irreversible damage to the Republican Party.
As the November elections continue to get closer, these four characters are inflicting irreversible damage to the Republican Party that goes well beyond the presidential election.They are literally destroying the Republican Party as a political party able to win a presidential election.This process began with the nomination of John Mc Cain as the republican nominee for the 2008 election.John Mc Cain, a moderate republican was fiercely opposed by the extremist wing of the Party that was starting to gain strength within the base and staging a vociferous revolt against the establishment ,and the moderates and even liberals that still existed in the GOP .Their power grew even more with the gamechange move made by Mc Cain in chosing Sarah Palin as his running mate.The candidate who had been a moderate republican able to work with democrats in the senate in a bi partisan manner was forced to abandon many of his previous positions as he did on immigration and move far right to appease his detractors and unify the party towards the presidential election.Mc Cain lost the election because of many reasons, the gamechange move backfired since Sarah Palin was great for the base but was also obviously not ready for primetime, he lost much of the hispanic vote Bush had due to his abandonment of comprehensive immigration reform and his move towards what is seen as anti hispanic policies, and because the economy was crumbling not only here in the US but also potentially the world over, the party in power would inevitably be blamed and it is hard to imagine how he could have won the election against any Democratic candidate.And here is where the disaster unraveled. The republican establishment was unable to take the reigns back and articulate why the election was lost, they simply went into hiding and allowed for the tea partiers and the extremists to become the sole rulers of the base and the party at the same time as they were being instigated and aroused by the people that make up the title of this article.
Rush Limbaugh
And here comes Romney obtaining a Pirric victory in the primaries
Just as it had happened four years ago in the case of John Mc Cain,Romney who had certainly not been an extreme conservative was forced to move so far to the right in order to win the peimaries that when these were over he had lost any possibility of triangulating or move to the center as it has always been necessary to win a national election. And so he became the candidate of the twenty million or so Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity audience.These people make up the majority within the republican party base but are a minority compared to the voting population of the country,a country that is arguably center right in its majority, , but with an emphasis on the "center " part of that which the extremists fail to realize , because of their ideological isolation and their preaching to the choir.And as reality begins to show them that whole voting blocks are abandoning them left and right , what do these geniuses of political strategy start calling for?They argue the party must keep moving further to the right wherever possible which is not much , or stand their ground where they'll fall off the map if they move any further. And how do they articulate these views?I'll explain next........
First is Frank Luntz's foolish theory
He is convinced and has convinced the simpletons that run the party that political victories can be achieved merely and solely through the skillful use of words and language.His theory is based on some successes obtained by republicans in certain particular instance, for example using the words energy exploration instead of oil drilling and death tax instead of estate tax.He believes this will extrapolate to an entire political campaign and victory can be achieved by using the right words and language no matter how lousy a campaigner your candidate is. Reality is showing us otherwise.
Dick Morris is a little bit of a mystery to me.
Sometimes I wonder if he may be a Clinton undercover agent or a mole.Only because he is extremely intelligent has great political knowledge and the capability of seeing the political events and reality better than most strategists and analysts.So i have come to the conclusion that the reason he is driving the republicans straight to the political abyss is because he just doesn't care that they'll lose the election and disappear as a viable party. There has to be only one thing on his mind, to sell books to the same twenty million Hannity/Limbaugh audience we mentioned before.He is whipping out several books every year and making a fortune with it.And his online business is also bringing him some pretty hefty dough.
Dick Morris
Sean Hannity has turned into a caricature of himself
I started listening to Sean Hannity about twelve years ago, I still listen to him , but it is not possible to listen to him for long periods of time any more.He has morphed into a caricature of the person he was .His used to be a very entertaining and varied show. he was always a conservative but he was able to carry on a conversation and talk about different topics.Not any more, he is unable to go a few seconds without ranting and raving against anything and everything democrat.Sean is as he always says is more of a conservative than a republican,so I guess in the back of his mind if the republican party goes by the way side maybe a true national conservative party will emerge as an alternative to the democratic party which for him it's a positive outcome.
The right wing talk shows.
Rush Limbaugh the present day KING maker.
What to say about Rush,he is the king of talk radio, and at this particular moment in time a de facto ruler of the republican party.Rush says who is or is not worthy of being a true republican , and if he deems you a RINO it's time for you to consider a career change.The base of the republican party and the tea party take their marching orders from the midday mogul, and his ego is so large that whether Romney wins or loses is a minor consideration compared to the fact that the Rush Limbaugh show continues to be number one in the ratings.