Sequestration? Not His Idea?
"We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater..." Admiral Obama speaks...
Frog Shakes Head...
I could spend pages fact checking Obama on the foreign policy debate and pointing out his lies, some would prefer that I call them fabrications but they'd still be lies. I will instead zero in on a very serious subject that will affect the military - sequestration. Lost in all the rhetoric is the fact that the US Constitution outlines the primary role of the federal government as the defense of this nation. Liberals can dispute that until the chickens come home but that's what it says.
Yes, as usual, Obama was his usual sarcastic self during the "Empty Binder" debate but that is his schtick. He has nothing else left in his bag of stupid tricks to feed his sheeple. I never expect, nor desire, my President to be a flaming butt hole but I got one this time around. I used the graphic above to illustrate his lack of knowledge of warfare. I posted the graphic around here and there on forums to illustrate Obama boning up on his naval strategy. All hands on deck, we have an idiot at the helm!
How Many Pinocchio's You Want?
Last night Obama asserted that the sequestration cuts, which gouge the military's budget by a half-trillion dollars "will not happen." And he went even further with his fairy tale for the masses. He claimed it was the idea of Congress. Supposing that was so, which it isn't, who signed the bill Hussein? You took the same dictatorial powers that your namesake had, did ya? Lets talk facts now that the lies have been told with the Blaminator-in-Chief spin attached to them.
Obama's assertion took Congress by surprise. They've been working to reverse course since the whole fiasco was set up trying to smoke and mirrors the public with their debt deal shenanigans. So whose idea was it you ask? Obama said it "wasn't something I proposed." That's a play on words folks. Then he went further and said "It is something Congress proposed. It will not happen." So back to who proposed it? It was his current chief of staff Jacob Lew. When did he propose it? when he headed Obama's Office of Management & Budget. WHOOPS! Caught in the trap Barky.
Need Some Proof?
Accountability aside there is the concept of legislative responsibility. It became a law and one that Obama actually signed himself. Now he does have a bad habit of ignoring federal laws which he disagrees with but if he disagreed with this one then why did he sign it? In his post debate interview, John McCain pointed out that Obama isn't a dictator yet. He's like to be but I don't have that happening. A followup with Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said: "It's a nice line, but for more than a year, the President hasn't lifted a finger to avert the crisis... Jobs have already been lost. The President and his party in the Senate have failed to offer even a single real solution that could resolve sequestration. If the President is determined that these cuts won't happen, why has he drug it out so long?" Buck it's called Chicago style politics.
So then what happens? Team Obama starts walking Obama back immediately. Take a listen.
Walk The Dog Back...
"Will not" became "should not" by the Obama handlers. Obama knows nothing of the military. His horse and bayonets remark was off the mark. As many pointed out, our armed forces still train with bayonets. When the stuff hits the fan sometimes it can come to that. It's called hand-to-hand combat and it still happens.
The horses have been substituted by iron horses Barky. Bayonets still get attached to bayonet studs at the end of rifle barrels. Maybe it is Obama who needs to understand more about what the military is about. Semper Fi Marines! I've been there and done that and Obama has not a clue about any of it. As far as naval power, it takes a mix of ships to get the job done and protect the sea lanes of the world. Admiral Obama needs to stick to being a community organizer and leave the work of men to men. The armed forces began fighting under the "combined arms concept" decades ago. something Obama has no knowledge of.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: U.S. Can't Kill Its Way Out Of Extremist Threat
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As Always,
The Frog Prince
- Empty Binder Debate #3
Debate #3 is about foreign policy/affairs. Obama will claim what a success he has been. Has anyone bothered to look around the geopolitical landscape lately rather than have Obama tell you how great he is? Maybe tonight we'll get some straight answer