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The Ant and Dec of Politics?

Updated on November 21, 2019

Well, right now, we have Ant and Dec, introducing 'Im A Celebrity, Get me Out of Here'. For those unfamiliar with this show, Ant and Dec, are a double act who introduce this show, about, celebs living a simple life in the Australian jungle. Except, the celebs, don't, they are in an artificial environment, that looks like they are, in a Bear Grylls survival scenario, but the environment the celebs are in, is controlled.

Celebs, get eliminated, and one of them becomes king or queen of the jungle. I myself, am not a fan of this show, but I am not going to bore the reader, why, just YouTube it and make your own mind up, if you are not British.

As you may or may not, have noticed, there is currently the run-up in the UK, of a general election, to be held on December 12. So what has this got to do with Ant and Dec, you may be asking? Well, Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson, were appearing together, in question and answer session, hosted by ITV news stalwart, Julie Etchingham.

As Corbyn and Johnson, stood there at their podiums, they could be, the political 'Ant and Dec', facing the dangerous jungle of various political questions, asked by voters and by Julie Etchingham.

I likened Boris and Jezza to Ant and Dec because 'Im A Celeb' just happened to be on right after, the Corbyn and Johnson double act show.

Corbyn had a neat beard trim and haircut, while Boris, was learning to box in a gym. Obviously Boris felt ready for combat in the verbal sense, after his practice in the gym. While Jeremy presumably felt better in himself and smarter after his date with the scissors.

Corbyn was asked about anti-Semitism, which whether you believed him or not, about tackling this form of racism, in the Labour party, he answered head-on. Johnson was asked about lying, which he is accused of doing, and appeared not to answer this directly, but instead, went on a tirade about Labours apparent lack of clarity over Brexit.

Johnson, on Brexit, said he had already an agreed plan with the EU, over Brexit, which has been partly approved by parliament. Should he be re-elected as Prime Minister, Boris said, his Brexit plan, was ready to be put into action, and said, the UK would leave the EU, by 31 January, (maybe?). Boris attacked Jeremy, for his apparent lack of a Brexit plan, however, Jeremy said, he did have a Brexit plan, and it would be put into action, via a new referendum, should he be Prime Minister.

Mr Corbyn said Brexit was obscuring the real issues facing the UK's people, while Mr Johnson said, once Brexit is achieved then those could be addressed. Both Corbyn and Johnson, were asked should they be Prime Minister, after December 12, would austerity, be over? Both replied emphatically yes, to be fair, Mr Corbyn was always against austerity and seemed the more believable, while Boris is a member of a party that should not have done austerity in the way it did in the first place, (now after inflicting 9 and a half years of austerity on the UK's poorest people, they want to lift austerity - well good for them, but too little, too late for me).

Boris and Jeremy were asked to shake hands, which they did, and finally, both men did their closing statements. In the aftermath, both men will appeal to their political followers with all that that entails. Of course, in the end, its the ballot box and who gets the most votes, this is is what ultimately matters.

Jo Swinson Lost Vote.

Lib-Dem leader, Jo Swinson, leader of this arch remainer party, took ITV to court over the Johnson-Corbyn, head to head. She felt she should have been there amongst Mr Corbyn and Johnson, as the third main, presumably, largest party in the UK, of course, the SNP could also be argued to be that.

However, Jo and the Lib-Dems lost the court appeal, however, Ms Swinson appeared after the Johnson-Corbyn confrontation. She was interviewed and given the chance to present the Lib-Dems policies, as were other party leaders.

Ms Swinson wants to be Prime Minister, wants to cancel Brexit and cancel article 50.

She has made it plain, she has no time for either Corbyn or Johnson, and has stated, she would do a better job as Prime Minister, than both of them. Her party has done a deal with other remainer parties like the Greens and Welsh nationalists, for any of the three of them, to stand aside, should any of the parties, stand a better chance of winning.

Can Jo Swinson, be Prime Minister? On paper, no, however, the Lib-Dems could be in a position to go into coalition with another party and form the next government. Ms Swinson has ruled out any coalition, probably because of her party's disastrous coalition government with the Tories.

As with Labour and the Tories, the ballot box will decide the Lib-Dems fate come to this election.


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