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The Breakdown of Rights in America - The New Roman Empire

Updated on November 7, 2011

In this series:

By now we've covered the difference between the valid system of government we made and the eroded system we got instead. Research into those johnny-come-lately replacement concepts established in the modern law books has led us to methods used by the ancient Romans, and to their operating model of domestic subjugation and survival based on expansionistic military conquest. We managed to work out that there's a global force at work continuing the agenda of the Roman Empire even today. Evaluating the methodology, we've briefly gone into how the Vatican has continued the agenda of the textbook Roman Empire for centuries, hacking the governments of countries across medieval Europe, and we can get a sense of how they do what they do. So we can begin to understand what they're doing with the modern U.S.. To get a better idea of their modus operandi, and enable us to better catch on to how it works in modern times, let's briefly read up on some historical evidence of what they've been up to for centuries.

The Vatican has officially claimed dominion over the whole earth, basing their claim on the principles of conquest and discovery. They did this in 1452 in a proclamation called the Dum Diversas, and followed it up in 1455 with the Romanus Pontifex. In 1493 they made the claim yet again, in the Inter Caetera. While it's not something the Vatican publicizes much today, they've evidently kept those official claims in effect and haven't withdrawn them.

Claims like that seem absurd and quite pompous to us today, and they probably are. But consider the research we've already dug up on them. We have a centuries-long effort to hack the governments of the world, and a pattern of terraforming political structures and dumbing down the People. In a century or two, without intervention, the People would likely have been thoroughly befuddled to the point of actually begging for their authoritarian brand of paternal guidance.

Now consider that they've tried to ban ownership of, or limit access to, the Bible for anyone but their own clergy several times throughout history. At least fifteen times it's been documented on historical record. If you were found owning a Bible, they'd issued decrees to have your house burned down!

Pope Innocent III
Council of Toulouse
Council of Tarragona
Council of Oxford
Paul's Cross
Index of Trent
Pope Clement XI
Pope Pius VI
Pope Leo XII
Pope Pius VIII
Pope Gregory XVI
Pope Pius IX
Pope Leo XIII
Pope Leo XIII
Code of Canon Law
Pope Pius XI
Code of Canon Law

That isn't a typo, that last year listed is 1983. In other words, they've been at it for centuries and they're still doing it. Now either there's something really wrong about the Bible that laypeople aren't qualified to own a copy, or for some reason the Vatican considers common public knowledge of scripture to be a threat to their established authority. Ostensibly, their reasoning was to prevent the public from encountering any dangerous misinterpretations of the Bible - and by that, the Vatican meant any interpretation they didn't approve themselves.

Ironically, when they brought Joan of Arc up on trial for heresy before the Church - and violated several processes of their own ecclesiastical procedure to do it - they tried to entrap her into admitting guilt with a tricky bit of ecclesiastical law. They asked her whether she was in the grace of God.

If she answered no she'd be admitting guilt, and if she answered yes she'd be admitting to heresy for claiming to know the mind of God. Yet here we have the Vatican consistently claiming the same thing throughout history, in purporting to be the ultimate authority of which interpretation of the Bible is accurate. It doesn't seem to make any sense on a spiritual level, but from a political standpoint of consolidating authority through propaganda and information warfare it's too convenient. Incidentally, Joan of Arc avoided the entrapment by answering, "If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me." The Church then obligingly assisted Him in bringing her there - evidently no answer is quite good enough for the Vatican when it's made up its mind about something.

The Vatican's influence spread across the countries of medieval Europe, forcibly converting the local pagans and putting up Gothic cathedrals like McDonald's franchises. Eventually it established so much power consolidation that it was the cause of four ruthless Inquistions (Medieval, Spanish, Portuguese and Roman) between 1231 and 1860 A.D.. Inquisitions were a form of ecclesiastical fascism before the word "fascism" was invented. They provided a pretext to enforce the church's authority in despotic terms, and became a justification for deadly bullying from those within the in-groups of a town or village. All they had to do was get enough people together to accuse someone of heresy, and fabricate testimony of witchcraft, and the ecclesiastical courts would do the rest: Rigged trial, asset seizure, confession obtained under torture, and eventual execution. This became a very profitable thing to do, and the Inquisition was a land-grab for the church as well as a means of consolidating their power. Naturally, those "informants" were well-paid for their willingness to assist the church in finding heretics.

The Church is known historically for something else as well: overthrowing the established political authority of whatever country they happened to be moving in on. The rivalry between Church and State authority is known even today. But to understand how that affects us here and now, let's find out a little more about the mechanisms they used... because it certainly didn't happen spontaneously.

Phase 1: The Infiltration

Imagine an idyllic - or perhaps not-so-idyllic - medieval European country. Villages full of serfs loyal to their lord, who's the latest in a line of kings ruling from a sizable castle. Things have been going pretty much this way for generations. Now the Church enters onto the scene and sets up shop, preaching Catholicism from the pulpit once a week.

At this point, there's no reason for a king to forbid a religious sect from entering their country. There isn't any evidence of a conflict of authority. The king is the unquestioned ruler of the country, and the Church is just a group that provides spiritual guidance to the local bumpkins.

Phase 2: The Conversion

What isn't so apparent is that while the Church is giving all its sermons and organizing social functions, it's also using espionage techniques to build a covert network among the local citizenry. With a combination of bribery and a form of covert symbolism couched in a religious context ("doubletalk"), the Church is converting people to a treasonous cause against their own king and country. Only those people who already know the covert symbolism they're using become aware of what's going on, and typically anyone who knows is already complicit. The Church bribes a few people, those people bribe a few more, and what amounts to a covert multi-level marketing scheme grows throughout the community. This network of amoral sell-outs is loyal to the Church because of all the bribery, and to retain that loyalty each of them is on the lookout for deviation from any of the others.

Phase 3: Creating Drift

When the Church network has amassed a significant proportion of the demographic, it applies the covert signals it uses to organize its people to start very gradually and subtly influencing societal trends and shifts in the public mindset. When you have the seemingly-natural complicity of a lot of people within a community towards a specific goal, the results can seem very normal - particularly if it's done gradually over several generations.

The king falls out of favor with the people little by little. Calumnies are started against him - accusations made specifically to diminish his public acceptance. What's more, the Church's authority begins to compete with the king's authority first on little matters, then on increasingly large ones. They begin to take on seemingly equal roles - but equal authorities in different areas of life. At this point the Church has come to be regarded as the supreme authority in the spiritual domain, while the king is regarded as the supreme political authority of the country. At least for the moment.

Phase 4: Establishing Dominance

By now, the Church has well-established in a country. Monastaries, convents, ecclesiastical courts and a dense covert social network has been emplaced. Whole generations of families have grown up being loyal, dedicated Church-goers and proud of it. Many are now seemingly-respectable people in their community, and have jockeyed to obtain positions of wealth and prominance. The most successful are those which have learned the secret covert symbolism and use it to co-ordinate their efforts with others. This sounds like treason and racketeering, and it is.

Through deft use of its social network, as well as effective politicking, the Church has now moved into a position within the public mindset as the supreme authority of the land, superior to that of the king. After all, the people then reason, the Church is the spiritual authority of the realm. All the king has is comparatively lowly earthly authority, and to think otherwise could have one tried as a heretic. Even those who are sincerely loyal to the original political authority now find it hard to endure public chastisement, and come at risk of covertly-organized recriminations. The bribery and propaganda campaign has succeeded.

Phase 5: A Puppet State

The Church begins to assert its authority directly to the political leaders, albeit in rather coy terminology. With the support of the majority of the public and most of the people in prominent job roles, this is rather easy to do. The king must then accede to the authority of the Church, in return for which he's allowed to continue to rule - at least in terms of superficial appearances. He becomes yet another well-paid lackey to the Church.

Should he resist, some well-placed poison delivered through a covert functionary will allow someone more maleable to replace him. Repeat as necessary. The Church's control over any neighboring states - as well as their armies and merchants - enable them to impose brutal or subtle force on the king in question until he accedes. The inevitable result is yet another puppet state, at which point the Church can continue its spread to the next country over.

This is a technique which has been successful for centuries. It's a form of covert warfare against the unsuspecting populations of whole countries the world over, and though the techniques are by now well-honed, to each new country encountering them it all seems completely new and unanticipated. As each country becomes a part of this new Roman Empire, it cedes a significant portion of its financial resources to the Church in some form or another, to finance its ongoing covert conquest.

This technique relies upon a few things in order to be successful. First, the strategy must be kept a secret and never exposed openly to the public. It must always keep the element of surprise in order to remain effective. Secondly, a significant proportion of the population must first lose its sense of moral decency in order to become complicit in the Church's covert network in the first place. So the Church typically gradually begins its efforts there, desensitizing the public on a moral level and actually removing spiritual insight and knowledge of universal metaphysical principles from the people, before it can recruit effectively. It distracts them from genuine values with various enticements to their baser desires, using a number of covert techniques I'll expose later. It also suppresses open discussion of, and eventually knowledge about, magick and psychic abilities. They would lead the public back to an understanding of the greater universal principles which the Church would suppress. This explains why the Church also suppressed the Bible, and particularly any interpretation other than its own.

Third, this covert infiltration technique relies on the king not having a coherent understanding of that spiritual and metaphysical knowledge himself, and making sure to reinstill an understanding of those things among his people while he still retains authority. It's essentially the only way he can keep his authority. Historically though, most kings either didn't have that understanding or decided to try and keep it for themselves; having a monopoly on information can often be a profitable affair, but in this scenario it only leads to a loss of authority. Actively promoting an understanding of a functional way of living is the only way to effectively stop this covert takeover - reinstilling it among the People, so that they'd never accept something of far less value in its place.

The "drift" part of this covert warfare technique is called obreption and subreption - which are two crimes most people today have never heard of. They used to be well-known crimes under the Common Law, and today only the Vatican still keeps them on the books and is essentially the only power structure that still remembers what they are. Small wonder. They refer to taking something from the sovereign through stealth, fraud or guile. Obreption literally means "crawling stealthily towards", and subreption literally means "crawling stealthily away from". It comes from the same root word as reptile does. Together and in a larger sense they refer to crawling stealthily away from a country's established system of authority, and towards a totally different system instead.

Now, I'm no fan of monarchy. But in evaluating what the Vatican has been doing, the political authorities in the countries it's crept into have typically been monarchies. My concern is how they've been eroding the established structures of government in the world, whether they be monarchies, democracies, or republics. Globalization is also a concern, as is the deliberate attack on the public's sense of moral decency - particularly from something that claims to be a church. My research into how attorneys work - using essentially the very same methods - shows me that if you want to sabotage the legal system, you become a network of attorneys. If you want to screw up religion, you pose as a church. You claim to provide valid information to people on subjects about which they know almost nothing, and then you can really make society go haywire.

This is essentially what they've done here in the united States, just as with every other country they've encroached upon. There were a few minor differences here, due to how the country was structured differently. Originally the sovereigns here in the Union were the People themselves, rather than just a few elite royalty. Therefore, more of an emphasis was made to reduce the overall moral standards and knowledge base of the People in general - taking out the sovereigns here required them to gradually disintegrate the competency and effectiveness of the People as a whole rather than a ruling minority, to a much greater extent than with most countries in Europe.

The other main difference involved how the country was established. It's no secret that the involvement of the Freemasons played a major role in the formation of the Union. Not only did they provide much of its overt basis and structure, but as a covert fraternity who were aware of the strategies of the Vatican they were initially safeguarding the Union against such threats on a covert basis as well. Therefore, taking control of the Union also required the Vatican to first infiltrate and take control of the Freemasons.

The Vatican adapted the standard techniques it applied with taking over the overt political systems, and modified them to a covert application for use against the Freemasons. It used bribery and covert organizing symbols to cause the more corrupt lodges within the Freemasons - termed "black lodges" - to become more successful. Using the advanced social networking techniques of the "black lodges", combined with the sophisticated propaganda techniques the Vatican had used for centuries, enabled them to foment a covert spread of influence within the Freemasonic group. The proportion of black lodges increased, as did their influence. Monopolies formed in the corporate world, and the mainstream media became thoroughly consolidated in synchronization with the political infiltration. When you have most of the people in critical government positions, influential monopolies within the banking, corporate and media sectors, as well as extensive covert networks among the people, you have the ability to gain increasing control over an entire country. The P2 lodge in Italy is one example of what happens when these "black lodges" get control within a country - corruption becomes rampant, and scandals become routine. The whole country begins to disintegrate piece by piece, as the operating basis drifts away from the healthy and functional principles it was founded upon.

In the next Hub in this series, we'll detail specifics of how the Vatican has used "black lodge" social networking techniques in modern-day America. We'll identify the cultists of Molech, and feature a field-spotters guide to many of its sub-groups and how they've implemented their agendas. You'll actually be able to notice this cult at work in the world around you today, once you know what to look for. And with that exposure comes the opportunity to break that covert conspiracy and make it impossible - not to mention dangerous - to perpetuate. Treason is still a capitol offense, and racketeering can be prosecuted against once the mechanisms become a matter of public knowledge. Even better, this covert movement will be rendered ineffective due to the exposure, and ordinary people won't be conspired against and ripped off by this covert movement.

By paying close attention to the "protester" in the opening of Part 2 of this video, you'll be able to easily detect him throwing Cultist of Molech verbal organizing code when you've read the next Hub in this series.

Alert: The "Occupy" movement

For the moment though, some relevant news. It's coming out via the internet that the "Occupy _____" movement the media is playing up nationwide is actually an effort by the CIA to use a network of people to create agitation and violence, as a pretext to bring in the military and "occupy" the Union. This would create an opportunity for them to establish martial law, and re-take the country using military force. The general objective here is to forcibly restructure the laws of the Union, removing from us our access to the sovereignty of the People that our law has until now established. I happen to know that these agitators belong to the cultists of Molech, and work for the Vatican. It's easy to detect when you can spot their covert networking symbolism, and I'd be remiss not to alert the People to that fact. Reasserting our rights successfully isn't going to happen through an open warfare - we already did that when we won our Independence. What's needed is for the majority of the People to again re-learn the actual law and their rights, and then collectively reassert them both - and militarizing against the government isn't going to do that. If everyone knew their rights and the actual laws of the Union, government corruption would be unfeasible because we'd all know better and demand lawful justice. Without that knowledge, no amount of militarization is going to be constructive.

So we'll be exposing more detailed information on how this cult has been operating, and give you the beginnings of the ability to spot what they're doing in the Union today. Join me next time for The Breakdown of Rights in America - The Cultists of Molech.


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