The Cupboard Is Bare?
Someone Help Me!
So according to Minority House Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) there is no money left to make cuts in spending even after this administration has run 1 trillion dollar plus deficits since Obama has taken office? Is that right? Maybe, just maybe, it is the vacant cupboard space between that woman's ears that is empty. It needs a new occupant because that one brain cell is getting lonely.
This woman is certifiable and keeps getting reelected. After a while I have to connect the dots and figure out the voters in her district are right there in the loony bin with that loon. It is beyond me why anyone would listen to the cackle of a brain dead hen but CNN invited her on State of the Nation to make such a preposterous statement to the American public, at least those who tune in to CNN. Probably every self-serving liberal with his hand out lapped it up like the mush it is.
According to Pelosi Uncle Sam's wallet is dusty and bare. Nothing left there to cut, no even a skinny penny you see. Here's her quote as we go on, ”The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make. It’s really important that people understand that. We all want to reduce the deficit.” There isn't a deficit reduction bone in that woman's body I can assure you.
And Lock Her Up!
Let me tell you where this is going with a Democratic spin in sheep's clothing. Since not a skinny penny is available and all fraud, waste and abuse has been snuffed out then what's next? Try more tax increases than the ones they have already instituted under Obama to get to this juncture. Obama claims he has reduced taxes. That's all smoke and mirrors. Any American worker can tell you that is total bunk. But the sheeple who feed off the people will eat it up as gospel.
Here we have this administration floating face down on continued tepid GDP growth, a false employment analysis continually being fed to us and I can guarantee you they are going to start screaming about milking more out of the private sector because the federal government is crying poor. At this point I say "Let em eat cake." As long as Pelosi can use illegal immigrants on her vineyards without interference the rest of us can go suck an egg.
Then we have the supreme obstructionist of all obstructionists presently sitting as the Senate Majority Leader - Harry Reid. He just went on an "anarchist jag" about the Senators who oppose Obamacare. Hell yeah Harry! The majority of Americans oppose Obamacare so we're all anarchists?
We're Anarchists?
If you Google "Reid Anarchists" or You Tube the same terms you'll see how this political dinosaur slings that label at anyone who disagrees that having a money munching monster. Lets just go along with 4 trillion dollar budgets that are anywhere between 30 to 40 percent beyond our means (read: borrowed money). Just sit tight. They have it all under control? If you believe that...
Reid and others like to tout Obamacare as law. In this nation our laws are supposed to apply to everyone. Obamacare doesn't do that. Using Reid's rationale Obama is an anarchist because he thinks he has the ability to change the law to suit his political needs. As another observer has pointed out his ignoring the Defense of Marriage Act. Anarchy is another example. You bet it is. Lets add that to the bill of impeachment for Obama. Obamcare is, and always has been, about the exercise of power. Very little of it has anything to do with the US Constitution or law itself.
This whole thing is so skewed that it gets sickening. Rational discourse hits the skids with these career pick pockets. Deny the laws you don't like is the Democratic mantra. They are unjust and damned what the US Supreme Court says. The US Constitution is a moot point to this bunch of thieves. But Obamacare is to be held above all others because Obama's name is on it. Or the deficit is totally off the cliff as long as the Democrats get to tax and spend and tax and spend again.
The Architect Of This Law Warned Us It's Coming Then Announced His Retirement
The disturbing part of the equation is that despite the fact that it is a known that Obamacare is a train wreck waiting to happen the Democrats don't care about the failures built right into the law. Why? They wrote those failures into the law and passed the law without knowing what was in it. They have this need to be able to bolster the bloated bureaucracy, wean more citizens onto subsidized anythings and everythings and dole out carve outs and exemptions to their favorite special interests. Meanwhile everything can continue on as usual in Washington DC. I don't care if you're a liberal, conservative or anywhere in between. That is a sad state of affairs in this nation concerning running this nation.
What we are now seeing is health care plans that are going up in smoke even though Obama promised everyone that if they like their plan they can keep it. Just one of many Obama lies in reality. We see a part time worker economy coming because of an asinine ruling that now that we have Obamacare 30 hours constitutes a full time work week. Less hours means less taxes paid but that's okay. The Democrats will now want to raise taxes which will make it even worse than it is now. This is all about to become a vicious circle with people like Pelosi spouting off. As it gets worse she will check the cupboard and declare it to be bare more often and declare that and woe is me they just can't make those dastardly spending cuts most Americans are making in their own budgets to finance her type of nonsense.
The DC Stooges
Eventually their end game will be totally unsustainable and the likes of the three above will be retired and their damage will have been done. I don't find it funny at all myself. The whole system that has been devised is rife with corruption. Devise a system where trillions are being spent and billions upon billions will be siphoned off. They've promised to cut fraud, waste and abuse for how many decades now? And for how many decades have they kept designing federal programs that promote fraud, waste and abuse.
I have never met one person, other than a career politician, who can name one bloated federal program that has been successful. A few of them are on the brink of becoming insolvent as is the federal government itself. If this spending charade is allowed to continue it may last another decade before coming apart at the seams. What then? No one seems to be asking themselves that question. If you aren't I suggest you start. The cupboard isn't bare it is stocked full of garbage legislation meant to float a sinking boat.
I rest my case. I'm proud to be known as an anarchist as defined by the likes of a Harry Reid.
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As Always,
The Frog Prince
Part 2 Of The Series
- The Cupboard Is Bare? Part II
Pelosi grab a step stool next time you open the federal cupboard and proclaim "nothing left to cut." Either that or have Stevie wonder take a look see for her. An analysis of what is sacred to her.