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The Fear Of Defeat...

Updated on October 26, 2012

He Smells It In The Air...

Yes, the fear of defeat by a politician can be a powerful motivator. Such is the case with Barack Hussein Obama but even knowing now how that fear is motivating Obama I feel it best not to trust this man. Why? The little open mic slip up with the Russian President gave me a clue that even as reckless as Obama has been during his first term, his second term would make the first look like a walk in the park. That is the danger of fear. It is very real and and looking back on all the promises Obama made, then broke, I realize how much disdain he has for my nation and the people in it. I've read his books and studied his history. I have been keenly aware that it isn't what Obama says that one pays attention to, it is what he does.

This election is primarily about the state of the economy after four years under Obama's progressive leadership. Yes Virginia, Obama is a progressive and not a liberal. There is a difference. Obama wants to make it an election about little issues because he has failed on the big issues. He was given a chance but he failed America.

"It's Worked Before..." His Words Come Back To Him

This is the man who throughout this entire campaign,. even though he promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term, has totally ignored the enormous debt he has accumulated by massive spending sprees and total lack of fiscal responsibility to the tune of adding $5 trillion plus to our national debt in less than four years. He derided George Bush and called him unpatriotic for doing less but he wants us to forget everything he has previously said and promised.

This nation of ours is on the brink of economic catastrophe and Obama is dead in the middle of our demise. He was supposed to right the ship, not sink it. So this week, with fear of defeat as his motivator, Obama rolled out a glossy 21 page plan for the next four years no different from the last four years. I read it and it is high on sheen and low on substance as it the man it represents. He also has announced that in his second term he will seek the "grand compromise" and reduce our nation's 16 trillion dollar debt. Have you previously heard something similar from Obama? He's like 4 years late and $5 trillion short in realizing his goals?

When we took a credit downgrade because of this administration's haphazard handling of our economy he was incensed and acted like "how dare they." Those are the agencies around the globe who rate a nation's credit rating and ability to repay. That's how dare they.

Now all of the sudden Obama wants to compromise with the Republicans to curb his excessive spending and propensity to borrow more and more money that we don't have? Really? Do you believe that just over a week out from this election? Yesterday I mentioned the Des Moines Register interview in my Hub on "trust." Part of that supposedly "off the record" interview dealt with Obama saying he had no regrets about ignoring the economic peril our nation faced and ramming Obamacare down the throats of a resistant America.

It's interesting to note that in that same interview, which is now public, that Obama said a budget deal was "one of the biggest things we can do for the economy." He should have thought about that in 2009 I believe. As the graphic above points out this administration has not had a budget at all since 2009. Not even an unbalanced one, just NONE.

This Is The Time For Another Review Of What He Said And Is Saying Again

Now here is a nifty smoke and mirrors trick that Obama revealed in that interview. He says he has proposed this "grand bargain" before but "the record"shows that the idea was first brought up to Obama by John Boehner after the 2010 election shellacking.

"We're going to be in a position where I believe in the first six months we are going to solve that big piece of business," Obama said. "It will probably be messy. It won't be pleasant. But I am absolutely confident that we can get what is the equivalent of the grand bargain that essentially I've been offering to the Republicans for a very long time, which is $2.50 worth of [spending] cuts for every dollar in [taxes], and work to reduce the costs of our health-care programs."

He offered no details (surprised?) in that interview concerning what he would compromise on then nor when an avalanche of tax increases and automatic budget cuts hit on January 1st of 2013. This from the guy who promised to make the oceans recede and the planet to heal. And you believe that now do you? Really? The guy is the slickest snake oil salesman to come on the nation's political scene in God only knows when and you want to continue to be conned?

Promises are promises and Obama is good at ignoring them after an election. We know this about the man. He told the crowd in Iowa the other day "You know me." Yes, I do and I also know your failed record.

Obama has run record deficits since he took office as follows: $1.4 trillion in 2009; $1.3 trillion in 2010; $1.3 trillion in 2011; and an estimated $1.2 trillion in 2012. Those figures have been generated by the Congressional Budget Office. A look at the national debt clock will confirm those figures. We, as a nation, cannot afford to spend the sums of money that far outweigh incoming tax revenue. No nation can do that and Europe is testament to that right now. An example is the debt just in 2010 when it ballooned to 50% of our nation's entire economy. Current projections by the CBO have that percentage 87.4% by 2021 if we don't change the way our nation balances it books. It isn't balancing anything right now which is exactly the problem we have faced and Obama was willing to do nothing about.

While the graphic above might elicit a chuckle the question behind it shouldn't. Who is going to pay for all this excessive spending? Look at the national debt clock closely. Right now each citizen's share of that debt is $51,500 and some change. Each "taxpayer's" share is equal to $141,400 and some change. Yes, something has been said about the 47% of people who pay no income tax in this country, not a dime, and rightfully so.

Have you sat down with your children and their children and explained to them that they are going up the creek without a paddle and you think that's it is okay as long as you continue to get yours? Do that for me and then come back and tell us how it went.

Obama's "New Economic Patriotism: A Plan for Jobs & Middle-Class Security" is now out and he's waving it at every rally. It came out after the debates are over or maybe you failed to notice that too? What it amounts to is Obama's stale ideas about increased spending and more tax hikes that he seems stuck on. They don't work and won't work. Now it's maybe time for Obama to look for work. I hear there's a community organizer position open in south Chicago.

Go back up and watch that first video one more time after you leave a comment nugget :)

"Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Remember In November


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