Trust? An Oxymoron When Combined With Obama
Some One Hand Me A Barf Bag Please
Now this type of talk from Obama, the Snake Oil Salesman, is digging really deep in light of what we have witnessed since the presidential debates ran through their cycle and beyond. I've never been one to trust someone who has been identified as being a pathological liar. I hear from left wing parrots that all politicians lie. If that is so then we need to start changing that too along with changing the inhabitants of The People's House. That is not a good defense for the continual lying that spills from Team Obama now on almost a daily basis.
Maybe you can find it in yourself to trust a liar. I cannot nor will I. Obama has on several occasions said "check the record" or "check the transcript" lately. Every time it is checked it shows that Obama has not told the truth. Then he wants people to trust him? The problem is that Obama actually believes his lies and that is pathological.
Yes, Trust Does Matter Obama
It's just the little things that need to be focused on at times. Like a few from the last 24 hours maybe?
From the Des Moines Register interview that Team Obama didn't want released to the public (how's that for transparency) "Q: Yes, that begs a question from us, Mr. President. Some say you had a super majority in your first two years and had this incredible opportunity, but because of what you were talking about, as you were running, you had to go to get Obamacare done. Do you have any regrets taking on some of the economic issues, some of the issues that we're talking about for your second term, that when you had the chance, so to speak, during your first -- do you have any regrets that you didn't do that at that time?"
The context has to do with his ignoring the declining economy and instead concentrating on Obamacare. That piece of legislative garbage that bears his name. Talk about narcissistic!
Here's his response. Now keep in mind the had control, total control of both houses of Congress, during the first two years of his term. "A: Absolutely not, Laura. Remember the context. First of all, Mitch McConnell has imposed an ironclad filibuster from the first day I was in office. And that's not speculation. I mean, this is -- it’s amply recorded. He gave a speech saying, my task is to defeat the President."
I can play his SOTU Address from the year he was told no and he said "JOBS" were going to become his top priority, which they should have been from the get-go, and instead he ran the end around and spent two years on Obamacare. No contradiction there huh? It isn't what Obama says, it is what he does by his actions.
Next up that same day is Benghazi and the emails that have just surfaced. For weeks Obama and his team of misfits had claimed that they didn't have the intelligence necessary to call a terrorist attack what it was - a terrorist attack. They blamed the killing on four Americans on some silly film. You see, in Obamaville if you don't don't utter the word "terrorist" there's not one. He lied during debate #2 about his Rose Garden statement So trust away huh? He has continually been in the lead covering up the whole Benghazi disaster. So trust away huh? He lied during debate #3 about sequestration and yes I just wrote about that. So you still trust his judgement do you? If his lips are moving now he is suspect to me.
More falsehoods...
- Sequestration? Not His Idea?
Obama signs a law then says it's not going to happen to the whole nation. Sequestration was his administrations idea and he denies that? Time for him to be evicted from The People's House and take his lying yap with him.
Obama told another bald faced lie at the University of Miami on October 11th concerning the recovery of TARP funds and I wrote about that too. All you trusting liberal souls out there take solace that "you know who Obama is." The question I have to ask myself knowing what you should accept about Obama why in the world do you even consider believing and trusting the man? Is it because he has a (D) by his name and you are that blinded by your partisan attitude?
It's time to stop the blame game and rid ourselves of someone who talks leadership but knows nothing about it.
Bald Faced As It Gets. Trust Huh?
- Another Bald Faced Obama Lie
Another Obama WHOOPER emerges on the campaign trail. Remember all that TARP money that went out the door? According to Obama "we got back every dime." That's an outright lie.
Here we have a President out on the stump calling people childish names claiming that they have memory lapses. I'm known for my video library and having the capability of pulling up the many falsehoods Obama has stated many times since his 2008 campaign. And you expect me to trust Barack Hussein Obama? I don't think so...
Here's one his more memorable ones that got many of you to vote for him in the first place. Snake oil at its finest and some of you still slurp up every lie he utters like it is cherry flavored koolaid. So he can't run on his record and he reverts to name calling and petty class warfare. Is that what anyone should expect from the President of the United States? I don't think so...
Less Than 2 Minutes And Just The Start Of His Lies
Just use that video as your gauge of the man. Those simple promises were things he easily could have done and did NOT do. He failed this nation and if given another 4 years will destroy our country. All the sudden, after the debates are over, he comes out waving some mythical 20 page plan for the coming 4 years. What do I call that? Too damned little and too damned late is what I call it.
Just think about the four Americans who lost their lives in Benghazi and the ongoing cover up that we are seeing. If you aren't seeing the lack of character and leadership in this whole fiasco I suggest you look first at that and then at yourself. If you aren't seeing it then change the station that you are watching. The blame game has gone on and on even with the truth being exposed. I don't like being misled.
After four years of watching and listening to him blame others over and over again for his own failures, Obama shouldn't be requesting any concerned citizen in this country to trust him. Yes Obama, I do know you now and don't like much of what I see. What I see is a very petty, vindictive, evil man. That's what I see.
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As Always,
The Frog Prince