Fulfillment of Daniel’s 70th WEEK Prophecy - - The TRIBULATION Period begins
The “Seventy Sevens” prophecy in the Book of Daniel (Daniel 9:20-27) was given to him to show the span of time from what was their ‘present’ era in Babylonian exile to a point many generations in the future and even to our modern times. This includes the last part of the “Age of Israel”, leading up to the point that Christians now know as the “Age of the Church”, whereas Jesus Christ established the “New Covenant” and a shift in God’s focus moved from solely the Jews, to also include the Gentile nations of the world.
“Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, To finish the transgression, To make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity, To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy.” (Daniel 9:24 NKJ)
Daniel’s previous interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Daniel 2:39-45) already established and showed the succession of powerful rulers and empires that would span from those ancient times far into the future. The ‘statue’ in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream represented the original glory of the Babylonian empire, which would then be conquered and replaced by the Medeo-Persian Empire under King Cyrus the Great and his heirs. To next be followed by the conquest of the known world by Alexander the Great and the Greek-Macedonian empire. Which would then later be replaced by the largest kingdom of the four, the greatest worldwide empire ever known, with Rome.
The accession of Cyrus the Great of Persia in 538 BC and his subsequent conquering of the Babylonian Empire (as prophesied), made the re-establishment of the city of Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the Temple possible (Ezra 1:1-4; 2 Chron 36:22-23). The city had been previously conquered and the Holy Temple of King Solomon decimated by the Babylonian invaders (2 Kings 25) as a conquest of returning from their war against Egypt (587 BC). The Hebrews were finally released by the Kingdom of Persia (King Xerxes, Darius, and then Artaxerxes) and were allowed to return to Judah from their exile in Babylon. The decree came from Artaxerxes, who granted the Jews the right to rebuild the destroyed city of Jerusalem in 444-445 BC. The Hebrew people then reoccupied Jerusalem and began restoration of the city and their Holy Temple (the ‘Second Temple’ and Holy Tabernacle). It is believed that it took 49 years overall in returning to Jerusalem, for the ruins to be completely restored and the Holy Temple to be rebuilt, thus fulfilling the first part of Daniel’s prophecy (seven ‘weeks’ = 7 x 7).
“Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times.” (Daniel 9:25 NKJ)
Following this, there would be approximately 434 years (62 weeks), leading up to the time of the “Messiah” (Jesus Christ) to where He was crucified (Messiah shall be “cut off”), ending at the 69th week mentioned in Daniel’s prophecy.
“And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; And the people of the prince who is to come Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, And till the end of the war desolations are determined.” (Daniel 9:26 NKJ)
Now many theologians and biblical scholars have debated the meaning and significance of the final (70th) week in Daniel’s prophecy. There is a wide range of interpretations, especially with the differences between Judaism and the Christian faiths where pertaining to the nature of the “Messiah”.
One such occurrence was the desecration of the Holy Temple by the Greeks (167 BC) by placing a statue of Zeus in the sanctuary and then offering pig sacrifices to it, which was proposed as the “abomination” mentioned in Daniel's prophetic account. When the Seleucid Empire (formerly an eastern division of the Alexandrian Greek Empire) began disintegrating, the Hasmonean dynasty (a ruling class of Judaea and the surrounding regions) then came into power and ruled between 140-116 BC. The temple was finally reclaimed by the ‘Maccabees’ dynasty around 110 BC and then rededicated by the Hebrew Pharisees and Sadducees, with Judaea becoming a fully independent client state under Rome. Around 19 BC, King Herod the Great performed a massive renovation and expansion of the temple complex, where it then became known as Herod’s Temple throughout the time of Jesus.
Likewise, another historic event was the destruction of Jerusalem and the ‘Second Temple’ (70 AD) by the Roman army in response to a revolt by the Hebrew people (in fact prophesied by Jesus – Matthew 24:1-2; Mark 13:1-2; Luke 21:5-6). This last event does fit however, as you will also notice that in the middle of the verse (Daniel 9:26), “people of the prince who IS TO COME” (future agents of evil) “Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary”, falls beyond the timeline presented (after the “Messiah” being “cut off”) which would still correspond with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Romans (based on the Christian interpretation of the “Messiah” Jesus Christ).
Otherwise, these events do not match correctly or line up with a specific date within the 69-week (483 years) timeline presented in Daniel, even when trying to "bend" them to somehow fit, nor will they work as a component for the 70th week either. They are however part of the "puzzle" presented in this prophecy, but are more of a foreshadowing of similar actions that the coming 'Antichrist' of "this age" will perform at the 'Third Temple' (yet to be built). This is the more widely accepted belief and common understanding of most Christian theologians who study the overall prophetic WORD of God in the Holy Scriptures.
The 70th Week - The TRIBULATION Period begins (first 3.5 Years)
Now let’s take a look at the last verse (Daniel 9:27) about the 70th week and break it down, one component at a time:
“Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week…” (Daniel 9:27-a NKJ)
*(one ‘week’ OR ‘seven’ = 7 years; based on the increments of time already established in this prophetic vision)
A “covenant” by the dictionary definition; is an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do, or not do, something specified. From Strong’s concordance (H1285) it is (1) covenant, alliance, pledge (a) between men.
Most theologians agree that this will be a form of ‘treaty’ or ‘peace accord’ between Israel and another (or group of) nation(s). Since the phrase “with many” is also used, the speculation is made that the ‘Antichrist’ will help broker this arrangement, possibly between Israel and its adversaries (and quite possibly through the supervision of the United Nations).
With what we are seeing in the news headlines today, this could quite likely be a way of settling the border disputes between Israel and the future Palestinian state (Gaza Strip and Jerusalem), with Lebanon (West Bank), and with Syria (Golan Heights). One thing that Israel will likewise probably insist on as part of the exchange, will be the right to re-occupy a portion of the ‘Temple Mount’ currently held by the Muslim Quarter in Jerusalem so that they will have enough ‘real estate’ in which to rebuild their Holy Sanctuary (thus the ‘Third Temple’ rebuilt). Incidentally, the Jewish nation has already allocated enough funding and acquired all the materials in anticipation of this project, which once the ‘green light’ is given, it can be completed in a relatively short period of time.
This fulfills the first part of Daniel's 70th Week in the prophecy and starts the countdown for the 7 year span of time (known as the "Tribulation Period").
Mid-TRIBULATION - The Covenant (Peace) is Broken
Next we have the following verse:
“In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering…” (Daniel 9:27-b NIV)
Since we already know that the ‘seven’ equals 7 years, the middle of the seven would therefore be 3.5 years. This is believed by theologians to represent the period of time that the “Antichrist” rises to power. This will be done under the guise of ‘peace’ and they (he) will also be instrumental in resolving other problems that the world will be experiencing at the time (all with the intent of eventually establishing a system of control over such).
With the failure of the U.S. financial market, this could (and probably will) come in the form of a unified global economic system established by the European Union’s world bank and financial centers in London working in exchange with the Asian market and world banks of Hong Kong-China and Kuala Lumpur–Malaysia. The U.S. banking system would then become subject to the EU for administration and China who holds the note on most of the country’s debt.
A global political system (‘New World Order‘) is also on the horizon and could easily be implemented through the United Nations, which would then be controlled by the powers of the EU and the Arabic Muslim nations, who each currently hold about an equal half of the voting power respectively therein. Ultimately, the financial body of the EU would be the ‘entity’ that would be in control of both organizations. The combination of these geo-political and economic factions will again be used by the ‘Antichrist system’ to resolve problems that our world is currently facing such as famine, hunger, and even poverty through providing employment to institute these measures.
Lastly, with the current trend and push for ‘religious harmony’ and inter-faithism, we may see something like a convergence of Christianity with Islam (such as ‘Christlam‘ already in place) along with other world religions. The movement for interfaith cooperation is already being supported by the Catholic Church (the ‘New Holy Roman Empire’?) and many widespread denominations of Christianity as well as the more ‘New Age’ emergent churches. This foundation could thus set up and give us a one-world religion under the Antichrist and False Prophet (Revelation 13:1-18).
These things would occur in the first half of the “Tribulation Period”, before the “middle of the seven” referred to above (Daniel 9:27-b).
The 70th Week - CHART
When all of these mechanisms are in place, Israel and the Middle East will have been experiencing a brief peace and will have prospered during this time as well. Israel will also have completed construction of the ‘Third Temple’ and will conducting daily worship practices, sacrifices and offerings, as they had traditionally performed in the past.
“…And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation…” (Daniel 9:27-c NIV)
This midway point (roughly 3.5 years) is where the ‘true colors’ of the Antichrist will be revealed. He will have manipulated world favor along with his growing political and legal status to where he is in position to seize control of it all. As the above verse states, he will then go into the Holy Temple and “put an end to sacrifice and offering” by proclaiming his divine authority over the entire world, thus becoming the "abomination that causes desolation” (Matthew 24:15).
70th Week - CHART DETAIL (Additional Alternate Interpretations)
The GREAT TRIBULATION - (last 3.5 Years)
What then begins to occur in the second half of the 70th week is described in great detail by many other prophetic verses in the Holy Scripture. This is the time referred to by Jesus Christ as the “Great Tribulation” (Matthew 24:21; Revelation 7:14) lasting for (3.5 years -OR- 42 months -OR- 1,260-1,290 days) up until the time of His return at the ‘Second Coming’.
“…until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” (Daniel 9:27-d NIV)
What then begins to occur in the second half of the 70th week is described in great detail by many other prophetic verses in the Holy Scripture. This is the time referred to by Jesus Christ as the “Great Tribulation” (Daniel 12:1; Matthew 24:21; Mark 13:24-25; Revelation 7:14) lasting for (3.5 years -OR- 42 months -OR- 1,260-1,290 days) up until the time of His return at the ‘Second Coming’.
“He replied, ‘Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end [ it will not become evident until these times ]. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand. From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days [ 3.5 years ]. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days [ 45 days more = 1.5 month ] As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.’” (Daniel 12:9-13 NIV)
MORE INFO on Daniel's 70th Week Prophecy (Unveiling Today!)
*For more complete details illustrating the world events that are currently transpiring to initiate the beginning of the 70th Week in Daniel’s prophecy, SEE OUR ARTICLE:
END TIMES REPORT – Daniel’s 70th Week Prophecy Coming to Fulfillment?
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