Government Shutdown , A Tea Party Favorite .
Again threatening to shut down the government.
History repeats itself
This phrase never more true ,as the republican congress threatens to shut down the government if the president doesn't offer an unconditional surrender and kills his own signature peace of legislation "The affordable healthcare act".The internal turmoil within the republican party is reaching historic proportions because those who do have memory and remember what happen in 1995 know that it will not only damage the national economy which is recovering from the recent recession but it will backfire on their own party as they will be blamed for the dire consequences the government shutdown will bring.The current scenario lends itself for people like Ted Cruz latest darling of the tea party extremists to try to position themselves as front runners for the presidential primary election towards 2016,like the recent charade he performed with his 21 hour non-filibuster filibuster attempt.As if the threat of government shutdown wasn't enough they also threaten with sending the country into default by not raising the debt ceiling to pay for what congress has already authorized, if the White House and the senate refuse to comply with their long list of demands as if all of a sudden the party that looses an election gets to determine how the winning party should govern.Even people who have no sympathy for the president or his party recognize that the current path chosen by the hostage takers will not advance the cause of the GOP or even the conservative movement, but will increase the possibility of a democratic takeover of the House in 2014.
But,if the Economy Improves,which It May or May Not,they're Left with Nothing.
It's a sad situation the extreme right wing fringe of the republican party has put the GOP in towards the next presidential election.They have put their party in a position where the only thing that can make them win the presidency is an economy where the great majority of the people are suffering economic distress.From the talking heads, to the party leaders and legislators, there's only one theme ,and that's to defeat Obama, whom they despise beyond reason;this wouldn't be very unusual if they would've had him as a political opponent as the elections of 2012 approach, but what makes it not only unusual but irresponsible is the fact that this has been their strategy since the very day he was sworn into office.Both leaders of the house and the senate, as well as other leaders of the party itself were out making it clear and not mincing words stating that their primary mission was not to overcome the possible recession or even depression that was looming at the time but to make sure that Obama failed and was a one term president, they didn't infer this ,they said it in so many words.And to their credit they have kept that promise ,there hasn't been a single white house initiative that the republicans deemed worthy of any consideration as a starting point for negotiations to arrive at a bipartisan solution to any problem .I clearly remember that simpleton knucklehead sean hannity whining every single day for hours at a time on his talk show ,how the democrats were wishing for the economy to go downward so they could defeat bush, unfortunatelly for him all this can be easily verified by a single click of the mouse,and now the republicans have shown us that they not only have wished for the economy to worsen but have actively worked tirelessly for years now to undermine the recovery and if possible create their beloved double dip recession that would guarantee them the white house.I really don't think it's possible that with unemployment at over 9 percent Obama will be reelected,but what the righties have done with their relentless state of confrontation and political hyperbole is to both lower the expectations and the bar for what would be perceived as a success for the administration and at the same time raising the bar for themselves as far as how bad the economy has to be for them to be right.But in any case, THEY BETTER WIN THE 2012 ELECTION BECAUSE AS I WILL EXPLAIN TO YOU IN ANOTHER ARTICLE EVERY YEAR THAT PASSES BRINGS CLOSER THE INEVITABLE REALITY OF A GOP INCAPABLE OF EVER WINNING A NATIONAL ELECTION.