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This Is Far From Over!

Updated on April 11, 2011

Some Of You Asked For This

Tax And Spenders

The Democrats are known throughout history as being the "Tax & Spend" party. As I was reading today, I had to reflect back to the early parts of his administration when all the excessive spending was taking place, bailout mania was the name of the game and increased taxes were tucked away snuggly in the bills that the Democratic Congress passed and Smirky signed. I cautioned at that time that raising our taxes even more would be the next thing on the plate for our consumption.

I have a theory, and over time it has been proven more than a few times, that it is never a good idea for both houses of Congress and the Oval Office be under the same leadership of either political party. The system of checks and balances gets skewed based upon whose agenda is the order of the day. As I watched the 2008 election returns coming in, I knew we were headed down that road again. The American electorate should know better than to let this happen. I attribute it to having short memory spans. Here's what worried me and it turned out to be the case for the initial 2 years of the Obama reign.

The Democrats held Congress hostage from 2006 until 2008 with a Republican President they had to deal with. They held each other in check somewhat for what that was worth. Then in 2008 they added The Whine House to an already bad situation. Not only added it but installed the most unqualified, inexperienced snake oil salesman on the political scene to sit in that chair to warm the cushions. Congress loves to appropriate money. Have you ever noticed that? I said at the time that it wasn't a good time in our history to be having to go through on-the-job training (OJT) with someone of Smirksalot's background. It wasn't good timing as I easily prophesied, and I'm no prophet. It was so easy to see that Stevie Wonder couldn't miss it. .

The Democratic Congress was chomping at the bit to open up those tax payer purse strings and let the good times roll. They hadn't been in the position to do so for what seemed like ions to them. Yes, some of them have been sitting up there that long. They were further delighted that the Oval Office would have someone sitting there who had no idea, or clue, to even know how to run a lemonade stand, much less this country. He threw his Presidency under the Pelosi and Reid bus from the get go and we all witnessed the carnage of his first two years in office. He wasn't running the show, they were and it was very apparent.

Obama seems to be a day late and a dollar short in all of this. Unfortunately it appears that the dollar short falls to us - the American tax payer. He enters the fray at the last minute and it should be obvious to all who see it - he lacks the leadership abilities and traits to lead. For 18 months Congress wasted valuable time focusing on Obamacare. If you haven't seen all the hidden taxes contained therein, boy are you in for a shock on its effective date. That's primarily the Dem's strategy though - slide the taxes in under the radar as much as possible under the guise of doing something other than taxing the people. He slithered into that debate at the last minute as he has a tendency to do too.

The President stayed over the horizon concerning the deficit reduction as long as possible after this last election. Why? He wanted to see if the Republicans would act. After all, Obama never wants to be the bad guy. It didn't take too long for them to act. They knew what the mandate of the American electorate was when we shellacked his party in November 2010. The message was clear as a bell 1) cut out all the excessive spending 2) reduce the federal deficit and 3) business-as-usual in Foggy Bottom was unacceptable.

So this Wednesday night what should you expect for Obama to unveil in his plan to meet the long-term deficit reduction necessary to put this nation's fiscal status on a level of having a responsible government? The details are sketchy to say the least. The findings of the bi-partisan deficit reduction panel he himself appointed have been largely ignored. Why? The findings weren't going to win him any popularity contest if they started being implemented is the primary reason. Word of the dollar amount he will propose are a bit fuzzy, about as fuzzy as a wuzzy. But beware of his tax proposals. They'll be there.

The Democratic play book will be the same as it has always been. Raise taxes so you can continue on your way down the path of spending even more of our hard earned tax dollars. Yeah, that's the ticket! That isn't the answer, nor the actions that the electorate were mandating this past November. It's all about reducing SPENDING stupid, not raising taxes so you'll have more money to piss down a hole. Raising taxes by revoking the Bush tax cuts won't put a dent in our national debt and most economists are stating that fact. Raising taxes during these economic times will have a detrimental effect on the economy's recovery. That's is also a pretty well known fact of economics. Besides the fact that the move will dim his chances of reelection even further, what else is new?

As of a few seconds ago when I looked at the Nation Debt Clock, every tax payer in the country would have to stroke a check for $45.916.00 to wipe out the national deficit, not to include the unfunded liabilities. Are you prepared to do that?

Stay tuned. It took Paul Ryan and his group a long spell to put their proposal together and now along comes Obama, at the last minute as usual, to unveil his fix to the problem. Hang onto your wallets my fellow Americans. The federal pick pockets are amongst us.

It's always so much easier to spend someone else's money rather than your own now, isn't it?

Have a nice day.

The Frog Prince

Listen Closely Now


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