Time is the the most wonderful and greatest gift
Time is the most wonderful and greatest gift we can give to others aside from listening to them.
We are all very busy in our lives trying to earn a living, doing things for our own selves, at times we need to work double jobs just to make the both ends meet. Sometimes we don’t have enough time to do to all the things that are needed to be done according to our own prioritization of things.Will it always be like this? Shall we always be a prisoner of time and we can let ourselves decide how to use time? Shall we devote our time making a living and just pursuing our dreams to get all the material things we want? How about the time that our loved ones need from us. Shall we always prioritize other things and think about them later?
Time I say is the greatest gift to give to others:
Time for your children: When is the last time you had a quality time with your child. Just talking to them and making them feel that they are important and loved by you. When was the last time you really sit down and appreciate what they have been doing? And dropping by at their school just to check and talk to their teacher? Some parents who doesn’t time to their children always justify their actions that they have been busy making out for a living and to give their children a nice life, what they forget is the time that you spent with your child is a treasured one and they will remember that for a long time and will do that to their children too. And even when they become adults the time spent with you are the times they can remember, you are there for them.
Time for your spouse or partner: When was the last time you hug your spouse and tell them you love them and make them feel the most special person in the world? When was the last time you said thank you for all the years they have been with you, and for the ups and downs you shared together? When was the last time you said “I love you” to them. Whether it is a new or old relationship, just keep it burning and alive with constant loving and reminding them that life is worth living because of them and their love. Spend some more quality time with your loved one, where you can share laughter and just the joy of sitting down together. And for all the support he/she gave you.
Time for your parents : When was the last time you talked to them or called the on the phone, or hug your parents if they are still alive. I am telling you, now is the time to spend time with them if you can and let them feel how greatful you are, because they are your parents. How about your siblings? When was the last time you reached out for them, time to talk and know what is happening in their lives?
Time for your friends : Do you still remember an old friend or your current friends? Let them know how grateful you are that you have them as freinds, true friends are a treasure, they are worth gold if you find the real ones. You know it when they are there for you always and you can count on them in good or bad times. Share a beer and watch a game together, have time to ask what is happening to their loved ones too.
Time for yourself : this is the most important thing, time to contemplate and ask yourself what matters most. Have a time to think and improve yourself and do the best, love yourself more, so that you can love others in return. Kick the old habits, give yourself a treat, pamper yourself for a day in a month, spa, relax and just sitting down watching television with your legs up and beer in hands.
We doesn’t have anymore reason not to reach out to people who matters most to us, we have internet technology (twitter, social sites) and telephone are provided for us as tools to communicate with a blink of an eye.
And most of all, bow down your head and pray for the betterment of the world, whether you are a Christian, Muslim, believer, non- believer, Buddhist etc, or you have other philosophies in life, we should have always time to make this world a better place. It always start from us.