Trust and Credit: Survival ! More bailouts in 2013 & 2014?
What is our Credit Relation to Trust
Trust and Credit goes hand in hand, with credit being
given when trust can be had. The people of the world
are now losing trust in the banking system, the governments
of the world and the system as a whole. The corruption
of the governments, the bailouts of the deceitful and
worst run companies and governments only adds to the
distrust that the people are multiplying in their thoughts.
The debt that is being added to the Without trust, America and the world cannot respect and value each other’s decisions and exchanges. Our trade with other countries would become non-existent. The march on Wall Street is becoming a wake-up call for many Americans and for people from around the world. People are finally seeing the truth, corruption and dishonesty that exist in our businesses, governments and cities. The citizens of the United States have worked hard to make this Nation great and now are seeing our wealth plundered, our military weakened and our monetary system crashing because of the greed, corruption and deceitfulness.
The corruption is growing in the world with the ones directing the companies, corporations and institutions. Even the religious communities are becoming targets of corruption, greed, conspiracy, deceit and dishonesty.
The colleges, churches, corporations, banks, financial institutions and other business firms are becoming increasingly wicked and corrupt. The cover-ups and lies are becoming an everyday occurrence. Those holding the positions of authority are also becoming the blame of rapes, murder, incest, corruption, sexual misconduct, theft and embezzlement.
Billions of dollars are stolen, transferred illegally or misappropriated or laundered. The CEO's then get massive bonuses for their failure of handling of the companies. The church leaders embezzle millions of dollars and merchandise with only a slap on the hand for the mishaps. The big shots of universities only might lose their jobs for hundreds of lives destroyed by cover-ups and sweeping illegal activities, rapes and murders under the carpet.
Where is our justice system? The cops are going after the simple crimes while leaving those who destroy the lives of others? The money is said to be the root of all evil. Why should a cop stop a car with one light out at the tag and waste a half an hour doing so, while there are numerous leads to crack houses, robberies, murders, thefts and rape?
Who is teaching these people that it is right or wrong to steal, cheat, kill, lie, or rape? NO ONE anymore. The purpose of churches and the religious groups is to make money and to bring more people into the church to bring in more money. They are not functioning as they once did, but their main concern is to continue in the life style of the rich and famous. The bankers will not teach these values because they are the ones that stretch, manipulate, and lie about the money, loans and financial agreements. The used car sales men/women surely will not be the examples of the community to teach these values because their god is the all mighty dollar and they will tell anything to sell a vehicle.
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- Debt and Budget Deficits under President Obama Charts
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- America\'s Total Debt Report - summary page - by MWHodges
America's total debt approaching $60 Trillion, including the highest peacetime ratio. I am concered for the economic future of our youth compared to prior generations.