Ways to Help Bernie When You're Too Broke to Donate

You have bills to pay, food to buy, and rising rent, but don't despair. Even though you can't send your hero, Bernie Sanders, a $50 donation this month, there are still ways to help.
No money? No problem! Here's how you can help Bernie Sanders.
Ways to Help Bernie When You're Broke
- Use your spare pennies.
- Make your own Bernie shirts and signs.
- Create public art promoting Bernie.
- Use your wit.
- Phone bank.
- Sell some stuff to help Bernie.
- Commit some random acts of Bernie.
- Make "Bernie bucks."
- Put slogans in your car windows.
- Make your own Bernie Sanders stickers.
- Vote.

Use Your Spare Pennies
Find your old pennies. Whether you find them in a vacuum, under the couch, or in your glove box, a penny's still a penny. Every little bit can help in the long run. Enough small things can lead to one great big outcome!

Make Your Own Bernie Shirts and Signs
Fans of Bernie Sanders are endlessly creative in supporting their favorite presidential candidate. They make their own signs and design t-shirts. You can too. Below are some more project ideas for you.

Create Public Art Promoting Bernie
Allison's husband drew this great graphic on the sidewalk. Chalk is fairly cheap and we can use our driveway or sidewalk to spread the message about Bernie.
How Broke Are You?
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Use Your Wit
Be witty and promote Bernie. Look how cleverly they added a Bernie touch to the tree in their yard in the photo up above. Your sense of humor can help attract more people to the movement.

Phone Bank
Google "Bernie Sanders phone bank" and view the training video. Sign up for the daily password, then start calling. Follow the script provided, put a smile in your voice and recruit volunteers and voters for Bernie Sanders. Volunteer with Bernie Sanders and help make a difference!

Sell Some Stuff to Help Bernie
Here's advice from Jason Jensen to the Bernie Believer's group on Facebook:
"My wife said if I get rid of the junk in the garage, I can give the money to Bernie Sanders!
So, last week I posted things on Craigslist, like baby gear, a table, and chairs that were taking up space we needed. There were some good used toys my son outgrew, like a big stack of wooden chunky puzzles, etc.
It's already gone! I was going to advertise that the money is going to Bernie, but decided not, as it might limit my buyers (and it made my wife nervous).
Anyhow, people got stuff they need (reduce, reuse, recycle), my wife got the space she wanted in our garage and I got $475 to kick to Bernie through Act Blue.
Have a look around and see if there's something you need to clear out anyhow! Do it for Bernie!"

Commit Some Random Acts of Bernie
It's time to promote your favorite candidate by doing some "random acts of kindness." Help your neighbor out... and maybe wear a Bernie shirt while you do it. If you need some ideas for getting the word out, below are ways to commit random acts for the Bern. Help others #FEELTHEBERN!

Here's How to Make "Bernie Bucks"
Write on your money. Bernie bucks are an easy, no-cost way to support your favorite candidate, Bernie Sanders in his campaign for president. Put Bernie slogans on your cash before spending it as usual. Spread the word while you do your regular shopping with Bernie bucks. Yes, it's legal.
Whatever cash you have, add a Bernie campaign slogan to it. When you pay your bills or buy something, the message starts traveling from hand to hand. Eventually, many people will see it.

Put Slogans in Your Car Windows
Maybe you have some car window chalks/paints on hand from a sports rally or a wedding. Write a Bernie slogan in your car window to promote him wherever you go. This picture up above is from the earlier campaign, so you will put 2020 on yours.

Make Your Own Bernie Sanders Stickers
I created this sticker using Shutterfly. They had a free day, so I only ended up paying for the postage, not for the cost of printing. Sign up with them online and they will send you special offers like this. I need to get new ones printed for 2020.

The ultimate way to help your candidate is to go out and vote. Make sure ahead of time that you are registered and know where your polling place is. Schedule time off from work, if you need to, and arrange transportation.
Offer a ride to the polls for like-minded friends.
Did You Find an Idea That You Can Use?
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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2016 Virginia Allain