What Everyone Needs to Know About Preventing Suicide
Every year
- There are about 10 youth suicides for every 100,000 youth
Every day
- There are about 11 youth suicides
Every 2 hours and 11 minutes
- A person under the age of 25 completes suicide
Why Do I Need to Know About This?
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for teens. For every suicide, there are 50-200 attempts. 25% of high school students are considering suicide. YOU can make a difference in yourself or someone else’s life.
Assess for Depression Risk and Symptoms
History of depression
Drug or alcohol use, smoking
Having stressful life events
Having few friends or personal relationships
Having a serious illness
Having certain personality traits: low self-esteem, pessimistic, overly dependent
Feeling sad or unhappy
Lack of interest in usually enjoyable activities
Significant weight gain or loss
Significant sleep gain or loss
Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, guilt
Loss of energy
Agitation, irritability, restlessness
Inability to concentrate, indecisiveness
- Recurrent thoughts of death, suicide attempt or plan for suicide
Know the Warning Signs of Suicide
Substance abuse
Mood changes
Suicide Risk Factors
Family history of suicide
Family history of child abuse
Previous suicide attempt
History of mental disorder, especially depression
History of alcohol and substance abuse
Feelings of hopelessness
Impulsive or aggressive behaviors
Multiple local suicides (local epidemic of suicide)
Loss (relationship, social, work, money)
Physical illness
Easy access to lethal methods (firearms)
Unwillingness to seek help because of shame
Myths About Suicide
People talk about suicide to get attention. People who die by suicide usually talk about it first.
Once someone decides to try suicide, there is nothing you can do to stop them. Suicide can be prevented. Most people do not want to die, they want to stop their pain.
Suicide only strikes people of a certain gender, race, age, status, etc. Suicide can strike anyone.
People who attempt suicide will not try again. People who survive often try again.
People who attempt suicide are crazy or weak. No! They are in pain or may have a chemical imbalance in their brain. Many who are very “strong” die by suicide. Anyone can attempt suicide.
When people who are suicidal feel better, they are no longer suicidal. Sometimes they feel better because they have a plan and may feel a sense of relief that the pain will be over.
Protect Yourself! Communicate with Family
Talk with family about values and customs
Spend time doing enjoyable activities together
Talk about sensitive issues
Make decisions together
Eat meals together
Protect Yourself! Increase Self Esteem
Don’t compare yourself to other people
Don’t focus on things that haven’t happened yet
Be thankful for the things you have
Don’t love to please others
Protect Yourself! Manage Anger
Take a timeout
Once you are calm, express your anger
Get some exercise
Think before you speak
Identify possible solutions
Stick with “I” statements
Don’t hold a grudge
Use humor to release tension
Practice relaxation skills
Know when to seek help
Protect Yourself! Practice Stress Reduction and Effective Coping
Eat well
Get plenty of sleep
Give yourself a break if you feel stressed
Avoid drugs and alcohol
Find support, reach out
Parent, relative, coach, friend, counselor, nurse, doctor, pastor
Express yourself
Get involved-volunteer, play sports, play an instrument, join a program
Stay in touch with others
Crisis Intervention
Help a Suicidal Person
Always take suicidal comments seriously
Call 911 if someone is at high risk for suicide
Try not to act shocked
Stay calm
Talk with them in a matter of fact manner
Get help immediately
Do not handle the situation alone
Call referral sources
While waiting for help to arrive
Listen to everything the person is saying
Comfort the person with words of encouragement
Let the person know you are deeply concerned
Do not leave them alone
Talk openly about suicide
- Suicidal?
- Method?
- Have what you need?
- When?
If a firearm is mentioned, call the police to remove
Don’t be judgmental
Be careful of statements you make
Listen, be kind, be gentle, be understanding
Let the person express emotion in the way they desire (but do not allow violence)
Follow up on a regular basis
Never keep suicidal intentions a secret
We Must Eliminate the Social Stigma!
Be a role model/peer leader
Name trusted adults to talk to and spread the word
Promote asking for help
Promote effective coping
Promote positive healthy behaviors
Discuss referral sources and crisis intervention with friends
Connect peers with community organizations and activities
American Association of Suicidology. (n.d.). Fact sheets. Retrieved from http://www.suicidology.org/stats-and-tools/suicide-fact-sheets
Centers for Disease Prevention and Control. (2010). Suicide: Risk and protective factors. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/suicide/riskprotectivefactors.html
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Coping with stress. Retrieved from http://cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pub/coping_with_stress_tips.html
Levin, H. (2006, August 13). Tea party [video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcodyFKKdVM&feature=player_embedded
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2012). Anger management. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/anger-management/MH00102/NSECTIONGROUP=2
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2012). Depression. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/depression/DS00175/DSECTION=symptoms
Mental Health Association of Illinois Valley. (n.d.). Agency programs. Retrieved from http://friends.peoria.lib.il.us/community/mental_health_assn.html
National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2012). Family forum. Retrieved form http://www.namitri-county.org/PDF_Files/Feb_March_12.pdf
Self Esteem School. (2011). Increase self esteem. Retrieved from http://www.self-esteem-school.com/how-to-increase-self-esteem.html
Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide. (2011). Making educators partners in suicide prevention. Retrieved from http://www.sptsusa.org/educators/
Suicide.org. (n.d.). Suicide myths. Retrieved from http://www.suicide.org/suicide-myths.html
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2011). Child-family connectedness. Retrieved from http://mchb.hrsa.gov/chusa11/popchar/pages/108cfc.html
Vassilas, O. (2009, April 1). Divorce and family dysfunction PSA project [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAIEGEPk_0w&feature=player_embedded
Wyman, P., Hendricks, B., LoMurray, M., Schmeelk-Cone, K., Petrova, M., Yu, Q., Walsh, E., Xin, T., & Wang, W. (2010). An outcome evaluation of the sources of strength suicide prevention program delivered by adolescent peer leaders in high schools. American Journal of Public Health 100(9), 1653-1661.
Xtouchingheaven. (2012, February 21). There will be a day Dave Karofsky [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGO9ECXZfZs