What's Wrong With Westboro Baptist Church?
What's wrong with the Westboro baptist church? A lot of things.
I grew up in a christian home raised by a father and mother who took us to church every Sunday, youth group on Fridays and sometimes bible studies during the week. My father read us bible stories each night and was active in more than one church as a youth leader. They were strong in their belief in what is right and good and I only hope that I be as pure, honorable, and righteous as they were.
The Westboro Baptist church is none of these things. They are not Christians because true Christians don't act like that. The only thing they do is make Christianity look like a horrible cult and make it that much more difficult for real Christian leaders to make a difference. I've read much on their church and have seen interviews and videos put out by the Westboro baptist church. The leader of this cult, Fred Phelps enjoys releasing videos laden with profanity and racial slurs on a frequent basis. If Jesus were to visit this man he'd be washing his mouth out with soap.
The Westboro baptist church also enjoy picketing at military funerals. This is wrong. The dead bodies in those coffins contain young men and women who gave their lives for your country. Regardless of your views are on the wars your country is involved in you should have respect for human life and with that respect comes respect for their friends and loved ones who are grieving. They have just dealt with the death of their father, brother, son, etc. they don't need to remember the day their funeral as a more horrible event than it already is. Just remember that the freedom of speech you enjoy so much is protected by the same deceased soldiers that you mock. So have some decency, put away your signs, go home and leave others in peace.
Over 80% of the Westboro baptist church congregation are related to Fred Phelps, the head of the church. One can only hope that as generations shrink that the amount of Westboro baptist church goers dwindles and eventually disbands the church.
A plea I would make to Mr. Phelps is to turn back away from this craziness. You have been allowed to lead a church full of people that listen to you, that follow your words. Think long and hard about what you are doing, the path you are going down. If not for yourself then for the sake of your congregation. Read what is in your bible. Remember what it says in Luke 17:2 - "It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin." They look up to you and you're the only one that can lead them away from this path of self destruction.
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