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Why I'm Voting For Obama

Updated on January 14, 2015

Why Vote For Obama?

After a 2 month lapse in my writing, I feel a drive to tell the world why I have chosen to vote for Obama this year. I know the 2 supposedly taboo subjects that one should never argue about are politics and religion, but if my stab at writing here has any effect to positively influence someone to make a better choice, then this hub has been well worth it.

I won't pretend to be some highly knowledgeable political commentator, because I'm not, but what I can say is I am an average American and a pretty well educated small business woman who has been looking at all the options.

I must say that I was intrigued when Vice President nominee Palin first came on the scene, but after seeing her blistering attack on Obama at the Republican Convention I got really turned off not only by her sarcastic approach but also by the fact that she did little to explain what she would do RIGHT for the country. John McCain also had my notice on Letterman, but like Obama says, it's JUST MORE OF THE SAME.

After being in small business for over 14 years, and seeing the utter devastation that has been wrought on our economy under the Republican Regime, and watching our climate issues repeatedly being argued over and not addressed, I've just about had it with the Republican platform, who has obviously been in league with the corporate interests who persist in keeping the wealthy wealthier and the poor even poorer.

So besides being turned off by McCain and Palin why have I decided to vote for Obama?

For one thing I love his choice of Vice President, Senator Joe Biden. It shows a lot of character and vision on Obama's part to pick a running mate that has the strengths he doesn't - especially in foreign policy. Obama is smart and knows he needs help in that area and has picked a good man for the job. I also like the fact that Obama has a lot of spunk and a lot of vision, which I think the United States desperately needs right now. I think his supportive family and the support he is receiving from his Democrat constituents also shows an EXTREMELY well united team, and it looks a like a team that has the same goals in mind - not only the health and the financial condition of our country but more importantly the well being of it's citizens - YOU AN I.

Watching the Democratic and Republican Convention

I have to admit , this was the fist time I have sat and watched BOTH the Democratic and the Republican Conventions, and I was absolutely riveted to the TV . Being a very visual person, I had some interesting observations when I looked at the people in the convention crowds. At the Democratic Convention I saw a crowd much like the same crowd I would see in my everyday American life - a wide variety of people, of all ages,genders and ethnicity's. A real mixture of people which I would expect to see in our multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society,

Now at the Republican Convention I noticed a huge lack of diversity not only in races but also just generally on how people looked. Most of the people in the crowd looked rather well to do, predominantly white, and for me that was a real red flag. This is not to say that race has anything to do with this election- like I said this was only an observation, but I feel an important one. Why? Because I want to know why the people that I see in everyday life were not there representing what I see as the true picture of the American people.

After thinking about all this I really began to see and understand finally the differences between the two parties- Obama on the Democratic side representing the reality of America- the average working class American- and McCain on the other side representing the more affluent side of America. Now you could argue that and say that is not a true observation - but - if you don't believe me take a look back at the conventions on YouTube then draw your on conclusions on who is really being represented here and by whom.

The Most Important Reason I'm voting for Obama

After studying climate change for the last several years and beginning to really understand the serious state our Earth is now in, I am absolutely appalled at the lack of action taken in the last 8 years under the Bush regime. And what is even more shocking and incomprehensible to me is at the same time one of the largest American oil companies Exxon is reeling in RECORD BREAKING PROFITS while we average Americans are struggling at the pump to pay an an ever increasing price for gas. There is something intrinsically wrong within the Republican Party that they could allow this travesty of justice to happen. While oil company executives walk away with fat bonuses and corporate tax breaks, the people of this country are SUFFERING just trying to put food on the table and keep gas in their tanks. THIS IS JUST PLAIN WRONG, and to know that McCain has voted 90% in agreement with Bush in the last 8 years gives me absolutely no comfort that this American Ripoff is going to end. if anything, under McCain and Palin's rule we will not only be looking into Palin's Alaskan backyard for more oil to fed our oil addiction - but we will once again be ignoring what really needs to happen - a total ALTERNATIVE ENERGY REVOLUTION to save our planet before it's too late. Under Obama's visionary plans we will be tackling climate change head on with bold plans for Alternative Energy and creating jobs along with that, which I think is the ONLY way we can possibly go right now if we want to see our children and grandchildren have a habitable Earth. After Palin's acceptance speech about how they have PLENTY OF OIL on the Northern Alaskan slopes I just had to absolutely shudder at the thought that once again we have Republicans looking to oil for the answer.

Serving Your Country Does Not Make You Presidential Material

Oh and by the way Mr McCain? I have the utmost respect for the fact that you served in the military and persevered under very tough times. even torture. But you know what? My dad was in World War 2, and I know what it's like to be in a military family. My uncle who lived in Canada also fought in World War 2 and was a POW who was also tortured during imprisonment. So I think Mr. McCain although you have made a wonderful contribution to our country it doesn't mean that you should get elevated to the status of President of the United States because of it. I for one think you should stop showing so much coverage of your wartime experiences and instead start showing all the millions of other men that have fought and died for our country, and never aspired to the Presidency. I admire your background, but if my dad were alive, he wouldn't have voted for you either.

Like my beloved mother said as we were discussing the courageous life and death of my dad who was a simple man : "there are many great men who never get the recognition they should". My dad was one of them, and there are several million more out there who also served their country with great courage like you - so instead of focusing on your own accomplishments why not focus on those vets who really need our love and support - those in harms way now and those in harms way that now live on the street?

America Is Sick and We Need Serious Help

So that's my little spiel on why I'm voting for Obama this year - I really don't think we can afford to have Republicans in office for 4 more years- I think we may not have a country or even a world to look forward too if we keep marching down this downhill Republican path. I think it's time WE THE PEOPLE took back our rights as American citizens, put our thinking hats on together, get some medical care like Obama and Hillary want to implement for ALL OF US, get healthy and get back on the road to wellness again.

America is sick and we need help, and I think Obama is just the proactive healer we need right now. The other alternatives are not only scary but downright dangerous. If we don't do something different at this critical junction in history there may be absolutely no turning back the devastation that we are moving into. Let's make records profits for the people on our street and get the money back where it should be going- to the American people.

Let's heal the broken relationships we've fostered in other countries, get our troops home, heal the Earth and most importantly of all, heal ourselves. Time for real change!



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