You Might Be Brainwashed
Aluminum, boron and fiberglass
Are you brainwashed?
When the subject of brainwashing comes up, no one wants to say that they are brainwashed, but we have let us be brainwashed.
Only 11 percent of people can think on their own, while 89 percent of the population have to be told what to think and do. We are trained and brainwashed that we need to work at 40 hours a week to make a living, we send politicians to run the country and that we need to pay taxes to get things done. People finish high school and college and never get past supporting the football teams and sports. People are programmed though the media, politicians and religious elite not to ask questions, question the source or to go against the norms.
There are many different ways of brainwashing people, including the television, radio, newspaper, tweeter, books, schools, colleges, colors, frequencies, speeches, peer groups, music, religions, magazines, work places and Facebook. Back in the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and even up to now, many governments researched how to influence mankind to bring about the desired results of the minds of the people. Many brainwashing efforts were to have the population back the war efforts, increase productivity of the citizens, promote nationalization and to establish an increasing tax rate.
Brainwash Citizen
Do you believe that you are brainwashed
Lies, lies and more lies
When we are born into this world, our life begins with lies and untruths. Anyone that was ever asked about a newborn baby about being beautiful, that person would always say that it is beautiful. While growing up, children are constantly bombarded by the sugar plum faeries, tooth faeries, Santa Clause, ghost and goblins. Preachers will get in the pulpit and have Jesus Christ and Santa Clause, both at the same time.
We have been brainwashed to the point that everyone who sings in church deserve and applause and compliments, whether or not they are great or terrible. Applauding and clapping of hands are brainwashed into our beings and not normal.
The people of the United States have been brainwashed by the politicians from the beginning. In the Bible, politicians told the citizens and people that they must go to war, to wipe out nations and to kill others, including man, women and beasts. In WWII, the president knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor at least 30 days ahead of the attack, but wanted the citizens of the US behind the war effort. He was actually brought up on charges, but was not completed because the citizens would lose the enthusiasm of the war effort.
The news that the United States went to the moon and had landed brought about cheers, laughter and satisfaction. This news release happened in the 60's, where the technology could not have produced such a event. Even today, NASA has come out and said that they do not have the technology to go to the moon. The Van Allen Belt protects the earth from the extreme heat, cold, space debris, rocks, meteors, comets, radiation and plasma burst. Outside the protection of the earth, the temperatures range from 300 below zero to about 4000 degrees above zero. NASA stated that the lunar module was made of aluminum and plastic layers, of which would not have protected humans from the extreme heat or cold. Who took the pictures of the astronaut as they came out of the module? How was the footprint made in an environment without moisture. Where are the stars? Why the mysterious lighting?
As we listen to the government officials, media and news stories, many events do not make sense, but most of the people have been brainwashed to accept the lies.
Temperatures of the atmosphere
Moon Landing
Do you believe that the United States landed on the Moon?
More questionable lies and untruths
As we go through life each and every day, there seems to be mistrust of the government officials and government. In the United States, the foundations were set in effect for the people to run the government, by the people, of the people and for the people. As the world grows, it seems that this is quickly changing to what the world wants, taking our rights away through lies, deception and brainwashing.
There are those who think that they are in power, wanting to depopulate the earth, restrict travel, impose higher taxes and control the movements of the citizens of the US. They want to ban guns, ammunition and retirement accounts. Brainwashing plays a terrific roll in this. The media, politicians and the mainstream news present the news to go against what Americans know and trust. Hitler knew the secret to brainwashing was to tell it over and over and over, until it became fact to the public. Even known lies would become fact to the population. Hitler used fluoride in the water to make the population docile, so that they would accept new directions without hesitation.
Today, with the new technology of frequencies and transmissions, brainwashing has become even more dangerous. The spraying of chemtrails in the air disperse aluminum, boron and chemicals to clog the pineal gland in the base of the brain. This creates confusion, disillusionment and disconnection. Aluminium also blocks the absorption of nutrients in plants so that humans are lacking the same nutrients, causing sickness and disorientation. MK-ULTRA was a government top secret project that was involved the research of brainwashing of masses.
Now comes the frequencies, colors and transmissions in which can be broadcast over the miles directly into the brains of the citizens. With the advancement of technology, wavelengths, nanotechnology and microchips, people can be controlled at a distance. Frequencies can be generated to penetrate human brains to create happiness, sadness and even to the point of hearing voices and seeing visions. The RFID CHIP NANO CHIPS embedded into the person, clothes or footwear can be able to track movement, buying habits and activity.
Would you be willing to have a CHIP embedded into you
- Nanochips & Smart Dust: New Face of the Human Microchipping Agenda | The Freedom Articles
The human microchipping agenda has a new face: Nanochips & Smart Dust. What are they? Are you being set up to be a node on the grid? What can you do?
The Agenda
Taxes and Job
Who says you have to work or pay taxes? Have you been programmed or brainwashed to think that you have to work, to work 40 hours or you have to pay taxes? Who decides that you have to send you children to public school, to church or to college? Who decides that you make a certain amount of money per hour? Who decides what your home is worth and how much the taxes are? Why do states have income tax, sales tax or local tax? How can a state demand that you pay sales taxes that you make online or from another state? Taxes have gotten out of hand and with the amount of government growth, the expansion of new roads, and the growth of government, the taxes must be on an upward level to maintain the infrastructure that is now in place. The buildings, roads and bridges, at this point are becoming a major turning point of achievement because of the massive repair that is needed.
The people getting out of high school and from colleges are looking for a positive outlook, a terrific job and high pay. High taxes, social security tax, high education costs and high living expenses come with this. How long will it take these newbies to find out that they are taking care of the 65% Baby-Boomers, who are 65 percent of the population? Can the brainwashing still work on these newbies when their paychecks equal zero take-home earnings?
What percent would be the max amount that would be ok for citizens to pay?
Religion and thoughts
People believe what they believe, whether true or not. Religion changes thoughts and guide right, wrong and governments. People base the laws of government, wars and the future on what they are taught by religion. Death, life, assault, sex, wars, laws moral are based on a higher entity or being. Is it wrong? Is it right? Is it morally right or wrong? Do you believe in life after death? Are you alive before birth? Is it right to kill others in war, in self defense or in the case of defending your family?
Gold has been declared as a precious metal and is highly sought after. Indians mined gold, even though they had no particular use for gold. It was something that they believed and would spend countless hours in dark, cold and damp mines. Did the medicine man or higher authority deemed it necessary to mine and collect gold?
Some people depend on religions for all purposes, including all medical, food and housing needs. Many people interpret the wording from historical documents to their own misguided thinking for an entity fully taking care of them . Why work? Why go to the doctor? Why not take what you want, without paying for it? Why save? Why have a government? Why gather or store food? Why pay anyone? Why help others? Why not let others take care of you?
How much would it take to convince a person to alter their mind-thoughts? How hard would it be to change what already has been learned scribbled into the brain? Some ideas of working all your life, making others rich, all for nothing, are making people think hard and long. In the Bible, the Book of Ecclesiastes, devoted to how worthless it is for a person to work all their lives, all for nothing. Everything goes back to dust, the next generations to come destroy what you have created, designed and built. If the generations do not destroy all your life creations, the weather, environment and the elements will demolish all. It all goes back to dust, including your bones.
Is it for religion that people will not take vaccines or is it just by the wisdom that people have been given to extend their lives? Could the vaccines be healthy for people or is it a death sentence that embed cancer, bacteria or viruses that would mean a potential death later?
Are Vaccines Dangerous?
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the Dangers of Vaccinations
Dr. Hotze visits with world renowned vaccine expert, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, about the dangers of vaccinations. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has invested 18 years and more than 30,000 hours documenting and exposing the problems associated with vaccines. You don’