Why are criminal actions perpetrated by police & politicians excusable

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  1. RealityTalk profile image60
    RealityTalkposted 10 years ago

    Why are criminal actions perpetrated by police & politicians excusable

    Case in point. The story goes: A 20 yr. old Virginia student buys water from a store.  She gets in her car & 6-unidentified plain-clothes agents from the Alcohol Beverage Control Division flash unrecognizable badges at her. She's scared. 1 agent jumps on her car; they scream at her & try to break her car windows.  She drives off in fear.  She is arrested & charged with assaulting an officer & eluding arrest. They thought she bought beer. It seems police watch too much TV because they are rarely polite & usually gestapo like in their approach of innocent citizens.  What do you think?

  2. residentstone profile image57
    residentstoneposted 10 years ago

    Because they have power, goes to their heads, they think they are untouchable, and act accordingly. I've never met a cop I liked, their all super douchey. Double-down that on politicians.

  3. deanberry profile image60
    deanberryposted 10 years ago

    America's on the verge of complete communization.  Cops know they can freely trample on our Constitutional rights because nobody has a million dollars to take their case to the Supreme Court.  http://truthmonger.info

    1. RealityTalk profile image60
      RealityTalkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's an interesting point.  Government uses our tax dollars to pay for its court actions. The average American cannot afford to pay his or her own court fees.

    2. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      BINGO!!!    You guys are ON TO SOMETHING!!!  LOL

  4. Express10 profile image85
    Express10posted 10 years ago

    They are inexcusable however, they can lie/mislead/or otherwise intimidate others from reporting or doing anything and they know this. There are many who have no spine that let their wrongs go without reprimand. Let's not forget about the unions and arbitration. Let's not even get into the double standard of all the texting laws and the fact that PO's are often seen using computers, radios, cell phones, cameras, etc. WHILE driving. Many are seen running red lights but will get you for anything they want to meet a quota.

  5. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 10 years ago

    Ah, yes, RT....I see you dare to question the licensing of BULLIES.  Apparently, you fail to understand how this works.  Police & Politicians are granted special permission, as well as protection from recourse, to hold all the little people responsible, in terms of obeying all the laws and rules, they create.....that they, themselves may break....or completely ignore. Any & all outrageous mutilation of the little people's Constitutional rights, may be violated, with abandon.  The people with badges & Titles, are deemed all-powerful and righteous, while given blanket dispensation from responsibility of harm or hardship upon others.
    Granted, this may not make sense to those with a brain....capable of reason....but that is when all means of smoke, mirrors and deception, comes in.  Herein comes their secret training to cause confusion, fear, threats & intimidation upon these little people until a terminal case of frustration & helplessness has been established.  This may not seem fair.
    We may hear there have been some bold & brazen little people, who bravely chose to take these bullies on....of all insane things, to fight for fairness.  May they Rest in Peace, "Bravo," to them.
    You ask what we "think."  Since Rule # 1 states the little people are not ALLOWED to think, but only to COMPLY, I'll merely say that I assume and offer this as a possible explanation.  If you remain confused, I apologize.  However, the response from Police & Politicians may be less than apologetic.  They will offer a stock comment, similar to, "Well, buddy, too damned bad....THIS IS THE WAY IT IS AND THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT. Anymore questions?

    1. NiaLee profile image61
      NiaLeeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The funniest is that it is thanks to tax payers and voters like us that they are where they are... making a weapon that turns against us... deja-vu!!!

  6. NiaLee profile image61
    NiaLeeposted 10 years ago

    Seriously??? They don't check what people buy before getting on their case??? This is a joke. These are not professionals and adults if they don't correct that mistake.
    Apart from that, they are good people and professionals who make mistakes and corrupted people who get away with it because of help or benefit of the doubt. What to do?
    I had a 4th grade teacher who was a pedophile and ruined my school record (perfectionist) because I refused to let him touch me... it took another year for him to get caught for passing a STD to one of my classmates. Then I met in the following year in winter camp, he was a teacher in another school in the same city. Did our records get corrected for refusal to be touched or/and have sex with the teacher??? NEVER

    1. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      WHOA!  Nialee....This is quite a story you have.  Have you written a hub on this?  Be careful not to use the "prohibited" words.......

  7. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 10 years ago

    Let's see, my state convicted a four-term governor and sent him to jail for about eight years. There have been a number of sheriff's and police chiefs arrested and convicted during my lifetime. As a reporter I did an expose on a police chief who was convicted. I do not remember if it was the Governor of Illinois or Mayor of Chicago who was arrested...

    Some may slip through the system, but many are caught, convicted and jailed.

    As far as the incident in the question, that sounds like an isolated incident and they do happen. The Rodney King beating is one example. Following Hurricane Katrina several New Orleans policemen were arrested and jailed for unprofessional conduct.

    I am not saying that the story you mentioned did not happen, but I can't imagine six plain-clothes agent descending on one car. Sometimes these stories get a little boost along the way. The person was probably stopped and probably for no legitimate reason, but I do have some questions about the details.

    1. Express10 profile image85
      Express10posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I live in VA and the details are available online at Wavy10.com and other places if you look. The water and foods were for an Alzheimer's charity event. The ABC idiots made an incorrect assumption & overstepped many boundaries.

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