Wright Was Being Arrested For Choking And Robbing Woman At Gun Point

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  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 3 years ago

    The warrant Wright was being arrested for was choking and robbing a woman at gunpoint...
    https://www.insider.com/daunte-wright-d … ice-2021-4
    And now he is BLM latest HERO!  And a 26 vet of the police department is being villainized for trying to arrest a wanted criminal. We have had three nights of rioting for this so-called Hero. BLM  has stepped up and claimed this a racist crime without any form of investigation.

    VP Harris implies openly that the shooting was racially motivated. IMO stoking the racial divide,     --- “Our nation needs justice and healing. And law enforcement must be held to the highest standards of accountability,” the vice president said. “We know that folks will keep dying if we don’t fully address racial injustice and inequities in our country — from implicit bias to broken systems.” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/vice-pre … 75ab44b3eb

    We have a few facts so far, Wright was wanted for a violent crime, and a couple of officers were making an attempt to arrest him. he fought, was shot and got in his car, and fled, We have a police video that has the office loudly telling the suspect he would be tased. We have an officer claiming it was an accident. This office was aware of the arrest being on video on a Police body cam.  The video shows him fighting violently with the police.

    BLM continues to call for doing away with law enforcement. It leaves me to think this would not be a bad idea. Perhaps in areas where black-on-black crime is prevalent, it would be prudent to pull the police out of these areas. Let them police themselves as BLM has suggested. Why should law enforcement deal with the problem of trying to stop crime in these areas, and be punished for doing their job?  It is obvious we have an element that just waits for a situation where a thug is killed by police. and will justify looting. We have politicians stoking the racial divide and citizens left to live with the results of their rhetoric.

    https://www.foxnews.com/us/daunte-wrigh … was-killed

    Hey if blacks don't want law enforcement, take the police out of their neighborhoods, To put it bluntly ---  Why should white police be at the mercy of this BS?

    Maybe time to just give them what they want.... Thoughts

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      It is difficult, very difficult, for me to believe that all blacks, or even a simple majority (or even a large minority) are stupid enough to believe that living without police protection is a viable answer.

      No.  Those demands are coming from a tiny minority that are stupid and ignorant enough to think it would work, and from the criminals in society that would rejoice at having a free hand to do as they wish.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I do agree that it's a small majority of blacks that would want to do away with law enforcement.  However, why the hell should law enforcement officers be obligated to be penalized for doing their jobs. I am well over Democrats race-baiting to the ignorant you speak of. 

        My God Harris's statement was blatantly race-baiting.  How would this kind of rhetoric help do anything but stoke hate?

        I see the officer was arrested for second-degree manslaughter.

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Oh, I pretty much agree with the rest of your post.  We are hamstringing our cops to the point that it is impossible for them to do their job (protecting us) and if they do they are hung out to dry.  The criminal has every advantage over the cops today, and that's not only wrong it is stupid.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "The National Police Foundation reports 86% of the departments nationwide are experiencing a shortage. It was already an issue, but the events so far in 2020 have the situation worse. Before this year, hiring for officers was on a five-year decline. “It's a hard time being a police officer,” said Dean Esserman.Sep 11, 2020"

            https://www.wpxi.com/news/washington-ne … G65NSX3DM/

            So, it may be soo we could have a very serious situation with so few considering police work.   Perhaps it will become like the "old west"  we will need to protect ourselves.

            1. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              That's one way to get rid of Police.  While at the same time disarming the public so there is no protection at all.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                It would seem this is the path that the Biden Administration is headed down.  The bias media-bashing law enforcement, race-baiting, I mean who would want to go into police work?   And the House hell-bent on disarming citizens. Yes, that certainly seems to be a plan that could do the trick.

                Well, I think enough citizens are armed to defend themselves.

              2. Castlepaloma profile image77
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I don't ever call the police, better off protecting myself.
                Don't want them casing my place for profit.

    2. crankalicious profile image90
      crankaliciousposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      The same day Wright was shot, a police officer was killed in Georgia during a chase.

      Police officers have a very tough, dangerous job. A police officer lost his life recently when he charged into a supermarket to save people during a mass shooting. That job is brutally hard and stressful and dangerous.

      We should not create heroes out of people who have committed criminal acts. However, neither should people have their lives snuffed for petty offenses.

      We cannot do without police officers and nobody in their right mind believes that. However, what we can do is to ask how we can protect people, all people, better. We can come up with ways to train our police officers to protect us more effectively and to deal with situations differently that clearly do not require deadly force.

      That said, we should all imagine ourselves in situations where we had a gun and felt threatened. It's hard not to pull your weapon if you fear for your life. The problem is that many people automatically assume that black people are dangerous or have done something wrong simply because they are black or hispanic or Asian or Muslim.

      There's a better way to do this, to treat our officers with the respect they deserve, and make us all safer.

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        "However, neither should people have their lives snuffed for petty offenses."

        This statement is, IMO, one of the problems.  Cops don't kill someone for a "petty offenses".  They do it for fighting with cops, but not for petty offenses.  Looking back over the past year or so every one of the deaths was for something far beyond a petty offense...yet the call still goes out that cops kill for no reason.

        "We can come up with ways to train our police officers to protect us more effectively and to deal with situations differently that clearly do not require deadly force."

        We might at that...if we quadruple funding, if we quadruple the number of cops and send them all out in groups of 8.  We aren't going to do it with procedures and funding as it is.

        "The problem is that many people automatically assume that black people are dangerous or have done something wrong simply because they are black or hispanic or Asian or Muslim."

        A bigger problem is that people automatically assume that a cop would rather shoot a black man than work with them.  They automatically assume a criminal did nothing wrong (or just a petty offense) and the cop just wanted to kill.

        Yes, respect for cops is a must.  The (very) large majority are good people, trying their best in difficult to impossible situations.  And they are losing respect due mostly to outcries from people that haven't a clue what the job entails.  And don't care, either, as long as they can "hang a pig".

        1. crankalicious profile image90
          crankaliciousposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          All the data suggests that black people are pulled over, targeted, and profiled, at a much higher rate than white people. Policing and racism are very intimately tied together. There's lots of improvement to be made and recognition of policing's origins in racist policies.

          The problem with being a police officer is that your mistakes are magnified and can often end in somebody's death. I simply can't imagine how stressful that job must be.

          For myself, I try to have appreciation for the police and the difficulty of their job while also recognizing that blacks are profiled and targeted and many live in fear every time they are pulled over that they might be mistaken for a criminal because so many cops and people in general assume black people are dangerous.

          1. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Did you consider why blacks are profiled?  Or just assume that cops are all racists?

            We have a problem in the treatment of blacks by cops, but the answer is not to make assumptions and not to simple declare that cops are all racists.  That blacks are "profiled" is undeniably, but perhaps we should ask cops why that is.

            We also have a desperate need to understand that the deaths we are seeing are not from "profiling".  They are from violent actions by the criminals being arrested, and it only hurts to have the actions of those people called "petty offenses".  Perhaps the need for education is on both sides of the law; the police and blacks innocent of any wrongdoing.  Instead we "educate" black children to be afraid of cops.

    3. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Like I said before, attention needs to paid to police departments and how their interaction with the public takes place, only ridiculous extremists are talking about eradicating police departments.

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        You're right - ridiculous extremists.  With loud voices and media behind them, with people that listen without understanding and swallow whole what they are being fed.  While the rest of us stand quietly and wonder just what is going on.

      2. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Dec 20, 2020  ---   Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey signed a $1.5 billion city budget on Friday that preserves his proposed police staffing levels.

        It also takes nearly $8 million from the Minneapolis Police Department to pay for crime prevention programs, mental health crisis response teams,
        and other initiatives.
        https://www.mprnews.org/story/2020/12/1 … ce-funding

        Feb 5, 2021    "There are far fewer police officers patrolling the streets of Minneapolis so far this year than city officials anticipated. Members of a City Council committee Thursday approved $6.4 million for the city’s Police Department to hire dozens of more officers this year."

        "Chief Medaria Arradondo told the committee that 105 officers left the department last year, which is more than double the average attrition rate. And so far this year, 155 officers are on leave and are not available for duty."

        Seems that cutting the budget and moving funds into crime prevention programs, mental health crisis response teams, and other initiatives have been a failure.  Maybe if one does not resist arrest, and physically fought with officers it would stop officers from needing to use any kind of force to take them into custody. Police Cam video   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK_Y75M_BmI

        What we have is a dead young man. An officer of 26 charged with second-degree manslaughter. Four nights of looting, and rioting. A police chief tossed in the towel. A VP of the US race-baiting. Do you really think interaction training will do the trick?

        Racism is on the rise, and who do you think is stoking it?   And where do you seriously think this is all headed?

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Sharlee, Yeah, but if we are honest, 8 million from the total Minneapolis budget of $179 million for police is hardly draconian, now is it? I don't see this diversion as something not to try at little relative expense.

          Police cannot be judge, jury and executioners. I don't see that in the light of shootings and excesses that a relatively small amount can't be diverted for training and agencies that can keep police out of areas where they are likely to be less effective. Police are not Cowboys, they do not have Carte Blanche to do as they please. If people are intimidated about the job because they want more latitude, maybe they need to consider another line of work. For the small amount diverted funding wise, I think the idea of interactive training is worth a try.

          It is not a matter who is stoking racism, but who it is that continues to practice it.

          I am not always pleased with purely political commentary from officials in high places, but it is not as if the Republicans did not practice this daily while they were in charge, n'est-ce pas?

          We are just going have to regroup with an entirely different group of candidates that have different attitude.

          Police officers like Chauvin, who killed Floyd should have been screened out through the appropriate psychological batteries and tests and never allowed to serve on the Minneapolis Police Department.

          I think that the officer is being treated harshly. If this guy had a rap,sheet and was being arrested for a serious assault charge and he resists arrest, she may well had to shoot him. So, no one is saying that there are not times when use of lethal force is the only way to go. It was just a careless moment from an officer within a profession where mistakes are not easily absorbed.

  2. emge profile image80
    emgeposted 3 years ago

    Frankly, I am getting a little sick of BLM. I wonder why these chaps can't adopt nonviolent methods to achieve their aims.

  3. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    One thing everybody on this thread fails to mention is this shooting was an accident.  The officer thought she was pulling out her tazer gun, and she pulled out her service revolver.  It had NOTHING to do with race.  This was a terrible mistake.  The body cam video proves it.  The female officer even yells "Tazer, Tazer, Tazer" which is a signal for other officers to get out of the way. 

    The left has found another terrible tragedy to exploit for their own political purposes.  They don't care about people, police, or even justice.  They want their power and will take advantage of any situation to obtain it.

    This is something horrible that happened but nothing is so horrible the left won't try to benefit from it.

  4. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago


    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Did you not get the memo --- BLM but not this little 7-year-old....

  5. Valeant profile image75
    Valeantposted 3 years ago

    Actually, the warrant was not for aggravated robbery.  Documents showed that he was due to appear in court this August. There is no evidence of outstanding warrants related to this case, meaning the police would have no reason to arrest him because of it.

    The warrant was for carrying without a permit and fleeing a police officer.

    It said officers responded to a call about a man with a gun and found Wright in a car with other people.  The complaint said Wright ran away from the officers, who chased but did not catch him. It said a loaded handgun was found in the car.  Another record showed that Wright was due to attend a court hearing via Zoom on April 2 - that record was delivered to the wrong address and Wright never received notification - hence the warrant.


    Either way, he did not deserve to be shot in the street.

    1. GA Anderson profile image83
      GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      His death was a terrible tragedy caused by two things; a cop's honest mistake and his own actions of resisting arrest and trying to escape.

      I think there is shared culpability. Wright is not blameless. He would be alive now if he had not resisted arrest. The officer's mistake would not have happened if he had not tried to escape.

      You may argue that he did not deserve to be shot in the street, (car), but I don't think you can argue that his actions didn't contribute to him being shot in the street.


      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, his actions most definitely contributed, beginning with running from police on a prior day and failing to show up in court, followed by resisting arrest and diving into his car (for a weapon?).  Had he not done those things he would not have been shot.

        1. crankalicious profile image90
          crankaliciousposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          To me, this incident highlights so many problems in our country it's hard to know where to start.

          First off, the Left immediately jumped to the conclusion that the cops basically shot this guy in cold blood without first hearing the circumstances of him getting pulled over. Frankly, I haven't heard the whole story, but I think it's fair to assume that if a guy has a warrant out for his arrest and you pull him over for an expired tag or an air freshener or whatever, the cop is going to take his license and go run it in the database and discover the outstanding warrant at which time the cop is going to ask the man to get out of the car so the cop can arrest him. If the guy doesn't want to be arrested, there's likely to be a problem.

          The second thing that comes to mind is that every time a black person is shot by a cop, the black's person's character is always dragged through the mud. Rightly or wrongly, that's always what happens. In other words, the assumption is always that the black person must have done something wrong to get shot. Sometimes this is true. Many times it is not.

          Black people get pulled over by the police for completely pointless stuff way more than white people. Cops also seem to pull their guns out on black people way more than white people because they feel threatened by them.

          As a white person, I never have to worry that I might get shot by the police, but the same black person in my shoes (middle class, law-abiding) does have to worry about it.

          Being a cop in this country is becoming damn near impossible.

          Being black in this country is way riskier than being a white person.

          Almost every black person you talk to has a story of being harassed by the cops or pulled over for no reason. Why is that?

          We need to be able to have a civil conversation about the causes of certain incidents involving black people without the conversants being labelled racist if they believe there's some reason to doubt one side of the story or the other.

          1. Credence2 profile image80
            Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I am "left" and did not "jump to conclusions, being stopped for expired tags is justifiable probable cause.

            As you say, there is a routine procedure in such stops to run a check on the driver and the registration. That is not out of line. The young man resisted arrest and attempted to flee the scene. The lady police officer is in trouble for confusing a taser with her firearm. But, the man needed to be restrained as he was being placed under arrest for serious charges. If she did not do it then some other officer would be required to do it later.

            Yes, there is a racial bias that blankets the society as a whole from which many of our public servants are not immune. I have experienced a stop once that was out of line, Denver cops looking for narcotics as they suspected that my frequent appearance in the area was reported and was associated with drug dealers, when actually I had been attending weekly Jehovah's Witness meetings. They rip my glove compartment to shreds and did not apologize. This stuff did not happen in Lakewood or Arvada some 30 years ago.

            Otherwise, I did not  see as many of the problems, because outside of race, social economic advantages provide some protection.

            The risk for black middle class is comparable in many ways with whites. I have A story. Racism and social economics combine to exacerbate a confrontation.

            I don't throw the word "racist" around loosely, you've got to earn it.

          2. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "As a white person, I never have to worry that I might get shot by the police, but the same black person in my shoes (middle class, law-abiding) does have to worry about it."

            But is that actually true?  This story is, in my limited experience, far more indicative of what actually happens - while a tiny percentage of people are shot, or at a minimum threatened, the vast majority is more like this one.  I have family that the cops pulled guns on because the car they were in had been reported stolen...but I also know they didn't do as told.  Follow orders, behave in a quiet, unconfrontational manner and you won't have a problem, black OR white.

            1. crankalicious profile image90
              crankaliciousposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Well, that last part is factually untrue. There are just too many stories of black people getting shot when they reach for their wallet or their registration.

              Further, data proves that use of force incidents occur disproportionately during routine and minor traffic stops.

              There can be a conversation about how cops can be more effective, but we do need to stop creating heroes out of people who have committed multiple crimes including resisting arrest and jumping to conclusions in favor of the wrong victims. I'm thinking specifically of the shooting of the girl with the knife. Why was the headline about her shooting rather than the officer saving the life of the person she was going to stab?

              This does not mean that people should be summarily executed by the police (like George Floyd), but one cannot expect a police officer, faced with somebody wanted for a violent crime who might be armed, to willingly sacrifice his or her life for the sake of political correctness.

              1. wilderness profile image95
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                The girl with the knife is an excellent example of how media and the people are reacting.

                As far as stories about being shot because the victim reached for a wallet - yes, there are stories.  And there are stories that Floyd was a hero, too.  Stories mean absolutely nothing - a man reaching behind him (for a weapon in his waistband?) after being told to raise his hands will turn into a story that he was shot for reaching for his wallet, without ever mentioning that he did NOT follow directions and instead absolutely disobeyed them, scaring the cop.

                George Floyd was not "summarily executed" by the police; he was murdered by a single cop.  This is exactly the type of spin we're seeing today from media looking for ratings and from people looking to vilify all cops without regard to reality.

                Finally, that expectation of cops sacrificing their life is exactly where we're headed.  IMO, of course.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                  Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  IT amazes me that many ignore that in 2020 68 officers were killed in the line of duty. We are four months into 2020 and we have 32 officers killed in the line of duty. The majority were killed by gunshot.

                  Why in the world would anyone believe we need to protect citizens from the police, it's clear we should be more clear about our policy, and the fact that many are hoping to see their hands tied. Who would want the job?

                  What amazes me is this new black-on-black incident. We have a teen attempting to stab another teen.  And a police officer needing to make the decision whether to shoot the girl with the knife and yet he is blamed for doing his job.

                  How about  ---   LOL  ---   Perhaps he should have taken a vote from those that were mulling around or asked someone to get both moms on-site and they could make the call what to do or ask the moms to jump in and stop the fight.. Was it not last summer that the liberals wanted to send in social workers to deescalate the crime scene?   Laughable bunch

                  1. wilderness profile image95
                    wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Yeah.  Cops need a gizmo to selectively stop time so they can poll bystanders on what should be done and let them select the person who would step in and snatch the knife away when the stop time is released.

                    That social worker is another liberal fantasy that can only result in dead workers and more dead cops.  Amazing how they live in their fantasy worlds, pretending it is reality.

          3. Miebakagh57 profile image74
            Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            If it's true that gun is point at the black man head for no just or flimsy reasons, then it can be safe to say that it's racist.                                    America as a country, should in this 21st century outgrown the dislike of the African-American blackman. Or any other black or colored person. What's the gain by pointing a load pistol to the head?                                                  Does not the white guy(s) that call in the coy had a revolver or two? These should be properly investigate first  before steps were taken to either to query or arrest a black guy.

  6. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    Does this tell you all you need to know about BLM? Could this be considered reverse racism?

    "BLM protesters rally for ‘victim,’ leave after learning he was white
    The man who was killed is believed to be a white man in his 20s who had stolen a car from a woman at gunpoint — then repeatedly shot at cops as they chased him.

    Black Lives Matter protesters in Minnesota dropped to a knee and set off to march over a fatal police shooting — only to return when they learned it was a white carjacker who had fired at police, according to reports."

    https://www.foxnews.com/us/blm-proteste … -was-white

  7. Miebakagh57 profile image74
    Miebakagh57posted 3 years ago

    Policeing like any other 'son of the gun' is a dangerous job.                                 It remind me of a French? Pharase that I had forgotten, but I remember the translation:'who will protect the protector?'.                                        These days, if every kids, teenagers, youths, and adults are fully arm, and to assume that it can do without the Police, is like saying that a company can do without security guards. What a futile and thoughttless thought.


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