Elephant in the room NOT SPOKEN Human Waste

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  1. buck3647 profile image39
    buck3647posted 8 years ago

    Take a look at your city budget and how much is spent collecting, processing and disposing of human waste then multiply that times by all the cities and municipalities throughout America and still the danger of polluting the water exist.

    Not only should Earth begin off the grid mind set Humans should begin using compost toilets also.  The modern compost toilet will create organic matter the same material you buy at Home Depot for your garden its organic.  Clean the earth one toilet at a time should be a slogan and all future construction should install grey water and compost toilet systems.
    America off the grid by 2025

    All we need is a mission to focus on

    1. Live to Learn profile image61
      Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like a plan. Although, it sounds a little smelly.

    2. buck3647 profile image39
      buck3647posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Composting toilets look the same as normal household toilets for high rise a central strorage unit for each apt.  Future should be composting toilets save the earth

    3. profile image0
      Onusonusposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      If I were a lobbyist for the compost toilet manufacturers, I would totally be on your side. And the same goes for all the politicians I would buy off.

  2. buck3647 profile image39
    buck3647posted 8 years ago

    AND there lays the problem Misconception of what a compost toilet is yet people will sit a house next to a tank with over 900 gallons of sewage just feet below ready to bubble up into the house at any moment.  Compost toilets do not smell pleas take a peek at Sun Mar composting toilets

  3. colorfulone profile image81
    colorfuloneposted 8 years ago

    I would totally agree with living off the grid but...some people who have are starting to be forced to hook up to power as states are making in illegal to be self sufficient.   It seems states, government, power companies want your money more than they want people to be debt free. 

    I do know that electric composting toilets work well and do not smell. Outhouse solar composting would work well too, I have looked at some DIY plans...maybe ventilation would be needed.

    1. wilderness profile image96
      wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Why is ventilation needed if there is no smell?  To pass it on to the neighbors?

      1. colorfulone profile image81
        colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I have only seen DIY plans and not actually seen a solar compost outhouse, so I do not know if ventilation would be needed. It would depend on the solar panels and amount of sunlight where I live in the country (no close neighbors).  I would want vents that open and close because of real climate changes, an auto-start heater, solar lighting, surround sound, and a nice view.  What options would you prefer?

        1. wilderness profile image96
          wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          A septic tank with a drain field under the garden.  Much simpler, longer lived and no work involved if used properly.

          On the down side it takes a lot of room, but then I can't see suburbia full of composters, either.

          1. colorfulone profile image81
            colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            That is how the septic and garden is set up.  Suburbia laws wouldn't allow that. They have to have a law for everything and fines.

            1. wilderness profile image96
              wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Laws and fines have nothing to do with it; a septic system for a family of 4 or 5 requires a much larger drain field than the normal suburbia lot is.  Gross contamination and disease would be the inevitable result.

              1. colorfulone profile image81
                colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, there needs to be enough room for a septic.  I'm not sure that there would have to be contamination with the use of active bacteria and enzymes to eliminate the waste and proper care if needed.  If we were building a community I would seek someone I know who is licensed to take care of the details.   

                ADDED:  I see a Toilet Rental Ad at the bottom of this forum page.  Well, that is working well!

                1. wilderness profile image96
                  wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Proper use of active bacteria and enzymes will eliminate any need to pump a septic tank.  That they are not in common use is indicated by the number of septic pumping companies in the yellow pages - do you really want to trust your neighbors to properly take care of their septic, or just require them to install a large enough one to take care of the waste without much care?  A 1 acre lot, in other words.

                  1. colorfulone profile image81
                    colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Most of my neighbors are relatives but I trust all of them to take proper care of their septics.  Some have the larger systems that are up to codes for property sales (examples: 1 acre property sold recently, and one that is 45 acres). 

                    Did I answer your question?

            2. Live to Learn profile image61
              Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              It isn't so much that suburbia doesn't want you to have a septic tank as it is that if the municipality pays for sewer systems to be installed those along those lines have to hook up to help off set the costs involved. If one doesn't want to avail themselves of city services the should live outside of a city.

              1. buck3647 profile image39
                buck3647posted 8 years agoin reply to this

                So your city budget of perhaps several million dollars reduced down to say 500,000 dollars along with no longer pumping treated sewage down into the Earth is not worth the effort to install a compost toilet that every six months you pull a tray out dump it into a plastic bag and put on your garden or collection for those who want free fertilizer same as you would buy at your garden supply.   Change of mind set sometimes takes generations.

                1. Live to Learn profile image61
                  Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  I don't live in the city. However, I can see why municipalities might be leery of the idea. Especially for apartments and such.

    2. buck3647 profile image39
      buck3647posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      FEEL the BERN and lets fight these stupid laws that mostly protect BIG BUSINESS like septic tank mfg. drainfield and other business affiliated with sewage treatment will fight any progress towards composting toilets.   Mobile homes on composting toilets alone would alleviate a huge amount of stress on the Earths water table

  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years ago
  5. lovetherain profile image76
    lovetherainposted 8 years ago

    A good idea. I bet Japan will do it first. Or are they already?


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