If Wiki- Leaks Doesn't Bother Liberals , then the USA is lost ?

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  1. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    If the polls are correct , Then apparently Wiki-leaks  Is not affecting liberal brainwashing at all !   
    The amount of corruption  is incredible in the DNC , The Clinton Foundation , the American Congress and  the Media ! 

    Are liberals really this BLIND ?

  2. colorfulone profile image77
    colorfuloneposted 8 years ago

    Wikileakes has a 10 year history of 100% accuracy. 

    Iraq War: 400,000 classified documents of the most extraordinary history of a war that's ever been released in our civilization.  Those documents cover 109,000 deaths.  No investigation.

    Instead the messenger's character was attacked with completely false allegations, affairs and even rape.  sad

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Liberals always  swim expertly in their own pools of hypocrisy  ,  To be honest , this is the first time I've ever believed anything WIKI ,   and therein  lies the  problem , Is Wiki concerned with getting the truth out  exclusively OR  are they concerned with getting the  truth out to liberals .only !       

      In either case , Their dumping on Hilary's  Conspiracies spells out  a major  truth that EVERYBODY should be worried about ---The Clintons ,  even if Assange only cares about liberals and the liberal agenda  !

      1. Live to Learn profile image61
        Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Here in lies the problem. If you haven't believed anything from WIKI until they started dishing dirt on someone you dislike, maybe liberals are just like you. They don't believe it.

      2. colorfulone profile image77
        colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        When Wikileaks was dumping docs exposing Republicans the DEMs liked it as long as it didn't step on their toes. 

        Trump isn't a Republican, he is an Independent.  He certainly does not fit the mold of what the Republican party has come to represent since Bush1.  Paul Ryan admitted some time ago that he is a liberal...he used the "classical liberal" term, which he is not, he is a progressive pretending to be something he is not.   I would be proud to call myself a "classical liberal"...and that is what Julian Assange is.   He is a true journalist that wants to expose the truth no matter which side the dirt falls on.  I guess that makes him an Independent too (an individual).

        With the duopoly of the establishment, the dirt falls on both sides.

    2. Alternative Prime profile image58
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      A Ridiculous CLAIM that "Wacki Wiki-Weak LEAK"s DUMPs are 100% Accurate ~ That's Simply an ABSURD Notion ~

      "FALSE & Unrecognizable" Documents have already been FOUND Within the recent DUMPs which any reasonable person would conclude BELONG in a DUMP ~

      But HONESTLY, what else could U Possibly EXPECT from "Communist HACKERs" who are either "HACKING or Simply Fabricating" or a combination thereof to DESPERATELY get their COMRADE Donald Elected, and how could anyone possibly take a CREEPY Little CRIMINAL Hermit living in an Ecuadorian CAVE SERIOUSLY ??  sadsad

      SOON, as VP Joe Biden recently stated, a RESPONSE in the name of "WE the PEOPLE" of the United States of AMERICA will hopefully put an "ABRUPT End" to this Communist "ESPIONAGE & HACKING Charade" ~

  3. Jodah profile image87
    Jodahposted 8 years ago

    Ignore Wikileaks at your peril. I do take what they report seriously, though Julian Assange did start a political party and run for election in Australia while still estranged and under the protection of the Ecuadorian embassy. (that was a little hard to take seriously)

  4. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Yeaa , Uncle Joe the molester  is going to take us all out behind the gym.   I would fear being around that old pervert . Fighting or not .

  5. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago


    PSSSSSSSSSSt..........Don't worry Puttie  , I still love you !   Want some more of that Uranium ?

  6. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 8 years ago



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