"WikiLeaks' Assange complains he's victim of leaks": Yahoo!

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  1. fishskinfreak2008 profile image60
    fishskinfreak2008posted 14 years ago

    Web-site/URL: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101221/ap_ … ks_assange

    This is what everyone says, WHEN THEY ARE ACCUSED OF A CRIME

    1. N.E. Wright profile image71
      N.E. Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am not comfortable with Assange, and I am a liberal.  Something is wrong in just dumping information about ongoing wars without care. 

      I want to know things, but this does not feel right.

      I have too many family members in the Armed Services.  He is not a hero to me.

    2. Tatjana-Mihaela profile image53
      Tatjana-Mihaelaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      .....well, and innocent people say the same things as well,...

      About Assange: believe or not, so many women consider him as sexy - so he does not need to rape anyone - women just run into his bed, see him as modern hero, fall in love with him and react on him as groupies on rock star. He is charismatic man.

      Assange was in August set free in Sweden, because prosecutor came to conclusion that there is no crime in this case - actually those two women were chasing Assange, not the vice versa, and both of them witnessed that in the front of court in August, so prosecutor dropped down the charges and set Julian free. In August this year.  I read every word of their statements, it is available online, so please be so kind to inform yourself, before judging.

      In addition - none of the 2 women never charged him for crime - they went to police to "ask for advice" after they discovered that Assange had sexual relationship with both of them at the same time...and because they were angry, they a bit exaggerated the case and afterwords changed their statements, and prosecutor dropped the case.  Few months later they suddenly re-opened this case again, without new facts, but clearly after political pressure because of new leaks.

      If this what Julian did is crime, while having sexual relationship with 2 women at the same time,  more then one half of men would be behind the bars...and many women as well.

      One of the women, who allegedly charged him,  Anna Ardin, sent recently, in December, Wikileaks and Assange words of support through Twitter and FB (she is not in Sweden any more) and she does not want to co-operate with Swedish court any more-  hm, really strange raping....

      Even 2 days after alleged raping, in August, she sent on Twitter messages how she enjoys company of Assange and his friends - "the coolest and wisest people on Earth" - and these messages were used in a court as one of the many proves that  no crime was present and that something else was the problem.

      Assange was aware that the reacent leaks will be followed by attacks, so he does not complain.

      1. N.E. Wright profile image71
        N.E. Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I am not judging Assange for the rape charges.  I am uncomfortable as an American about his dumping our secret information without thought.

        We need to know some things, but really does he have to name people that are helping our soliders?  This could get our allies killed!

        The statement is about his complaining about leaks in his case while his business now seems to be leaking government secrets.   I will not apologize for not being uncomfortable with Assange for leaking USA secrets.  Truth be told I hate wars, but I Love My Soliers!!!

        Oh, and good looking men rape woman -- and children, and men -- all the time.  Also, sometimes you can consent and then change your mind.  Did this happen with the woman Assange had sex with?  I do not know.  I am concerned about All Of The Soldiers Fighting in the War.  That is soldiers of all countries fighting.  Telling American Secrets can be dangerous to them.

  2. Flightkeeper profile image68
    Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

    How ironic and that he should complain when it's done to him when he's done it to others is amusing.

    1. pisean282311 profile image60
      pisean282311posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      well what he has done can help the world if taken in positive way...but yes in short term it can harm...overall what he has done is what governments practice all across the globe..it is just that usa official's docs got leaked...if other country officials docs get leaked it would show similar things...in end 10k people manipulate , influence and direct lives of 6.8 billion people...which is sad part of story...

  3. profile image57
    logic,commonsenseposted 14 years ago

    What goes around comes around. 
    If he is so innocent of the rape charges, why is he fighting extradition so hard?

  4. Evan G Rogers profile image61
    Evan G Rogersposted 14 years ago

    The only part of him "complaining about leaks" against him was mentioned in the title.

    And that was written by the newspaper.

    All that Assange said was that it's clear that people wanted him in jail.

    He WAS a victim of leaks, but I don't really see him complaining about it (he probably is, but the news bit that you posted doesn't mention it anywhere).

    Either way, the man can't have his cake and eat it, too. But he doesn't actually complain about "being the victim of leaks", as the headline proclaims.

    And going further, the fact that leaks occur in every dimension of life is a good thing. It creates a fantastic incentive to live right and not lie. This is why Assange is still a hero in my book - he's doing to government what government does to us.

  5. Tatjana-Mihaela profile image53
    Tatjana-Mihaelaposted 14 years ago

    About Assange: believe or not, so many women consider him as sexy - so he does not need to rape anyone - women just run into his bed, see him as modern hero, fall in love with him and react on him as groupies on rock star. He is charismatic man.

    Assange was in August set free in Sweden, because prosecutor came to conclusion that there is no crime in this case - actually those two women were chasing Assange, not the vice versa, and both of them wittnessed that in the front of court in August, so prosecutor dropped down the charges and set Julian free. In August this year.
    It is clear that whole case is again on only because of leaks.

    In addition - none of the 2 women never charged him for crime - they went to police to "ask for advice" after they discovered that Assange had sexual relationship with both of them at the same time...and because they were angry, they a bit exaggerated the case and afterwords changed their statements, and prosecutor dropped the case.

    If this what Julian did is crime, more then one half of men would be behind the bars.

    One of the women, who allegedely charged him,  Anna Ardin, sent recently, in December, Wikileaks and Assange words of support through Twitter and FB (she is not in Sweden any more) and she does not want to co-operate with Swedish court any more- hm, really strange raping....

    About leaked documents: I think that it would be nice that more people  focus on reading and analysing at least part of leaked documents at first, before judging and having opinion about something they never had time to read and explore. Can these documents harm anyone? Yes, they can harm the big BUSSINESSes of those ones who profit from war, but not the soldiers, in documents there are no names neither accurate position of the troops - soldiers are already in big trouble while being sent there at the first place, and getting PTSD,  while some others misuse these wars and create big bussiness from it, despite many thousands of innocent victims. This is the truth about every war - those ones who benefit from it, just don`t want it to stop the war.
    My country was in war - one cannot imagine how big profit this chaos can make to some groups of people. This is real crime.

    Leaks are hot, and next ones will be even more hotter, because the newest ones, they will come will show the world about corruption in banks.

    I am very horrified when I see people so easily judging the others, so easyly telling them they are criminals or terrorists,  even publishing articles (Hubs) about this topic, without knowing anything about case.


    1. Neil Sperling profile image60
      Neil Sperlingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      awesome reply - well done!

      i love this and I quote you Yes, they can harm the big BUSSINESSes of those ones who profit from war, but not the soldiers, in documents there are no names neither accurate position of the troops - soldiers are already in big trouble while being sent there at the first place

    2. profile image0
      Sophia Angeliqueposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am a woman. So are most woman I know. Not one of us thinks that Assange is sexy. Actually, I think he is a twerp and not in the least charasmatic.

      On the other hand, as there is no more investigative press because it's all been bought by big business, I'm quite pleased he is in the picture....

      Bear in mind, he didn't pay anyone anything for information. He is sent all the information by people who are extremely concerned about what their governments are doing in the name of the poeple.

      I'm not sure if everything he has released is wise. In the most serious cases, he left that to the New York Times and to the Guardian Newspapers. In other words, he is far from being the only one who thinks that information should be made publish.

  6. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 14 years ago

    He lost me when he compared himself to Martin Luther King.

    1. N.E. Wright profile image71
      N.E. Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That was funny!  LOL.

  7. jokeapptv profile image60
    jokeapptvposted 14 years ago

    no classified stuff should ever be online.
    you have to have some laws and rules.
    he went way too far.

    1. N.E. Wright profile image71
      N.E. Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That is my issue.

  8. blackconception profile image60
    blackconceptionposted 14 years ago

    Why should the government be able to do things in secret at all? Consider this... What is the objective of government? To serve its people(although we all know how that works out).  If they are serving us, should they be able to do stuff behind closed doors? Assange is a hero to me.

    1. Neil Sperling profile image60
      Neil Sperlingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Me too -  the governments do their thing with our money and we have no say nor true honest knowledge. Three cheers to Assange.

  9. Jeff Berndt profile image72
    Jeff Berndtposted 14 years ago

    I haven't read all the leaks (haven't got time!) but to me, if someone's trying to get away with something they shouldn't ought to be doing (like taking kickbacks from corps in exchange for lax regulations, for example) then it really ought to be leaked, and prosecuted, if possible. Stuff like troop strengths &c isn't nefarious, and shouldn't be leaked.

    1. uncorrectedvision profile image60
      uncorrectedvisionposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The earlier batch of leaks was exactly that.  Manning had down loaded information about people helping US troops in Afghanistan thus placing at risk those people and the operations that they aided or to which they were attached.  The US government seem far less disturbed about that then the latest and more trivial leaks.

  10. BobbiRant profile image61
    BobbiRantposted 14 years ago

    People have a problem with Assange because they don't want truth.  If they did, they would turn off Fox News.  People these days truly, not in large numbers anyway, do not care if they change the world, but problem is this: It's only a matter of time before the world comes knocking on our doors in some form or another.  None of us are immune.

  11. profile image50
    paarsurreyposted 14 years ago

    So it is a case of leaking of the wikileaks

  12. profile image0
    L a d y f a c eposted 14 years ago

    I can get behind the unveiling of secret government doings, I love it. Let the truth be told! Get it out there! Scare the crap out of all those people hiding voluntarily under the thick veil of the mass media. Get everyone to open their eyes and force them to deal with reality instead of contributing to the illusion.

    But when being a hero crosses the line into completely disregarding the lives of actual people, putting them and their families at risk, and doing so under the guise of 'doing it for the people', I call bs. You don't do something for the people by putting the people directly in danger.

    The leaking is all well and good, and I think even needed in the present times, but there's a line, almost a line of human decency, that he seems to be egotistical enough to cross.

    I like his mission, I like his ideas, for the most part I like what he's doing, but I'm starting to not like who he's showing himself to be as a person.

    The whole rape thing is nothing new. Many powerful people have had people try to extort them.
    And looks have absolutely nothing to do with what it takes inside to sexually assault another person. Nothing. People don't sexually assault others because they can't 'get any'. Sexual assault is about power. Not sexual deprivation.


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