Every liberal pretend politician actually called for the firing or dismissal of Comey since 2015, Now it becomes Trumps timing and idea and they are having massive politifits , Schummer , Pelosi , Reid , ................name them and watch as the same self serving charlatans have their collective hissy fits !
Hillary would have done on day one . How many of you think HE was actually anything but a talking head ?--investigating nothing on his own to do with Russia , FBI underlings do all the investigative work .
Its not just the Democrats my friend. The elite Republicans are scared too, and make their remarks about President Trump being gaudy, then disparage him because he prefers hanging out with the likes of wrestlers, boxers and construction workers...anyone but corrupt elites.
It wouldn't surprise me if some of them Rs just love the big lie about the “boogeyman of Russian collusion”, that the Dems made up as soon as Hillary lost the election, not before.
I'm thankful they are all being exposed along with the enamedia.
Bravo Mr. Trump!
As for Hillary....
Jeff Sessions is the head of the DOJ, ask why not Jeff Sessions is not prosecuting Clinton?
If Comey wouldn't implement an investigation ,while grandstanding , an investigation wouldn't happen !
Comey is out, Holder is out, So just have to wait and see about the temp head of the FBI is going to do.
"Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe on Thursday directly contradicted a claim by the White House that the “rank and file” at the FBI had lost faith in Comey"
Looks like McCabe is about to be fired also since he is not loyal enough to the President.
What is odd is that days before Comey got fired in the worst way possible was this:
FBI Investigating Possible Leaks To Rudy Giuliani About Hillary Clinton Email Investigation
FBI Director James Comey said he’s “very very interested” in the matter.
I think, Comey will be turning State's Evidence in investigations in the future. I'm not even concerned about another email investigation because all Hillary would end up with is a slap on the hand. There are far greater concerns, I believe.
Comey thinking it was a prank that he got fired when he heard it on TV and joked about it shows he didn't see it coming. It also shows total disconnect on his part as the FBI Director. Anyway, after Comey was fired he was not allowed into his office to remove any evidence that he might have been underhanded with. The way he was fired was smart, he was out of state, and he didn't even see it coming. There's no good way to get fired. Comey was given a letter in accordance to protocol.
I like Comey as a person and I hope he will be alive to give testimony in upcoming investigations. He actually likes being the center of attention for the most part. It certainly is unprecedented for an FBI Director to appear in the press as much as Comey has in the past couple of years. They normally stay out of the lime light.
I have been into body language analyses for years and Comey can't hide it when he is being deceptive or right out lying, or when he is being honest, etc. He is fun to watch, so I look forward to seeing more of him.
Nobody saw it coming - that's the point. Why would Trump do that? Because Trump is a vindictive man who retaliated aginst Comey because he wouldn't kiss Donnie's ass and remained independent - like a law man should.
Tell me about this protocol that you seem to know so much about. The only previous time was when in 1993, President Clinton ousted William Sessions as FBI director after Sessions refused to voluntarily step down amid ethical concerns.
So .. according to precedent protocol, Comey was never given the benefit of resigning and was completely blindsided - especially since Trump had as recently as 2 months a ago tweeted that Comey was "doing a great job"
So what happened in the 2 months to change that? Certainly not anything he did previous to Jan 20 2017.
What happened was Comey was asked to compromise his integrity by not giving an personal loyalty oath to Trump the man, because that would break the oath he already gave when he was sworn in as the director of the FBI.
Its incredible to me just how naive that liberals who're listening to this destructive ,one sided , divisive , delusional , dopey media really are ! Want a new reason to hate Trump ? Wait a day or just invent one Sad part is they believe all of it . I cannot wait till he kicks the white house press core out of our white house for one .
The questions though for liberals -Do you want your children believing in the first amendment OR wondering where the heck it went in history ?
Do you want your children accepting of all opposing opinions or all believing the same useless drivel of one ideology like little brown shirted Nazi's ?
Does an open minded education system and social media include your children or not ?
There is going to come a day when Trump will go down in history as a great leader , of course by that time liberals will once again change their ideology to reverse thiers with conservatives -just to take credit for Trumps accomplishments .
Hillary's emails . . .how insignificant now compared to the actions of this administration. If those who voted for him are now surprised, they are more foolish than even when they stood in that voting booth putting him in office.
Its a felony to do what Hillary did with the emails. There is plenty of evidence and testimony of her criminality. Trump is innocent, there is no evidence otherwise, just speculations based on nothing concert. You are right that there is no comparison.
None of you seem to get it ! ............Comey was fired because he put on his FBI jacket when he started the job , His Supreme Court robes when he decided not to align the obvious evidence against Hilary for prosecution , and his head of the DOJ suit when he grandstanded saying he wouldn't recommend charges -----in so doing even assuming Loretta Lynch's job .
A bumbling incompetent was fired for that alone , incompetence ,
Even most of you on the left have to admit the loss of the entire trust factor of the American public was compromised by such incompetence as was Comey's , Lynch's The FBI and the DOJ , and if you hadn't lost faith , you should have and don't know the difference !
The left is always about the lost faith in government - What's changed when it really happens ?
This is Trump - the political outsider cleaning house .
Look in the mirror, because I have no idea want your rambling rant means in regard to USSC robes and DOJ suit. How about a nice warm cup of herbal tea and relax and think up something coherent before posting?
Why do I say that? Dumbass Donnie PRAISED Comey in Jan. So, how has his firing have anything to do with Hillary?
If you need a crowbow to unstuck your head from your lower orifice, I be glad to loan you mine.
Fact Check
"Trump “acted based on the clear recommendations”
then said was to fire Comey
“regardless of recommendation.”
then ridiculed Comey publicly that
“the rank and file of the FBI had lost confidence”
which McCabe refuted when he said
“enjoyed broad support within the FBI, and still does to this day.”
And that is what I mean when I said that I didn't understand your rambling rant about USSC robes, and DOJ jacket, yada yada yada.
It was completely unhinged incoherence.
I'm double spacing this as if I'm speaking to you very s l o w l y .
Why don't you admit it , YOU don't get it , the left doesn't get it , the media doesn't get it NO one gets to micro-manage the white house administration and staff but him , Trump can do anything that he wants . Trump haters are in emotional melt down phaze about anything he does , says or even thinks .
If Trump tears America apart at the seams trying to save it , At least he changed the path of literal Obama destruction .
Sounds like you get your latest news and views from face -book ?
Washington Post knows how to poke the snowflake nest to melt-downs. Once people realize what is going on and emotionally detach we can enjoy the discovery of knowledge no matter how ugly and messy it gets.
The big story is not widely being reported on about the DNC staffer, Seth Rich who was murdered in DC last summer. After the DNC had been hacked and information was leaked to and by Wikileaks. An investigator has now linked (and verified) Rich to Wikileaks. Maybe they weren't hacked at all, since Seth had accuse to the information he leaked.
One needs to wonder why the DNC would not allow the FBI accuses to the computers for an investigation of a reported hack.
There is a ton of incriminating evidence that President Trump has. That is why they are pushing hard and heavy to impeach Trump. Let's pray that the President has the finest security.
Its all going to come out in the open, the firing of Comey was the beginning. IMO
Bill Clinton fired a FBI Director because of lack of confidence to lead, same reason Trump fired Comey.
Only an idiot would keep someone on as FBI Director if they didn't have confidence they could lead...or, any other leadership role.
It is pure hypocrisy we are hearing from the Democrats now. Especially since they were calling for Comey to be fired before he got the boot.
Nearly 80 per cent of the US population want to see an independent special prosecutor look into Trump/Russia, partly as a result of the firing. We will see if public opinion matters.
There is a reality outside of the slogans, silly cartoons, soundbites, selective reporting and spin.
There are also people who care to find out what is true and what is not.
But for you, it is all about being useful to your tribe.
"There is a reality outside of the slogans, silly cartoons, soundbites, selective reporting and spin."
True enough. There is a parallel reality outside of things. Proof is in quantum entanglement, if you will... to measure the "spin".
"There are also people who care to find out what is true and what is not."
Yes there are, and I do consider myself as a truther. BTW, have you seen the newest Climate Data that's been released for 2016?
"But for you, it is all about being useful to your tribe."
Sounds like a judgement (that you might need to deal with some day.).
I don't belong to a tribe, but if I do, having useful skills to contribute will be beneficial.
At the moment, without access to all of the facts......aren't all taking sides simply attempting to be useful to their tribe?
I suppose if you call being interested in the facts, before any political affiliation, a tribe, then that would be me in woad.
According to Sean Hannity
Julian Assange- WIKI - Leaks , says Seth Rich was a DNC staffer , insinuating that he was carrying and possibly the originator of leaked DNC , democratic info although saying officially " no comment ", Assange says over and over wiki leaks wasn't coming from anywhere near the Russians .
Rich was shot in the back , DC police say that it was a robbery gone bad , Funny though , no one took his wallet or watch . FBI has told DC police , ............I'm para-phrasing here ................" Leave this to the FBI " . That was all during the Obama terms .
One more DNC , Hilary Clinton , Debbie Wassermann Shultz , cover- up ?
It takes away the fake Russia hacking narrative, and it should put the focus on who ordered the murder of Seth Rich. Who had the motive to murder the head of IT who was leaking documents to Wikileaks, related to Hillary Clinton, John Pedesta and the DNC? Those very damning emails leaks were the most searched content on the web before the election. No one denies they are true, no one.
The family of Seth Rich is fuming that nothing is being done about his murder. That has to be unbearable for them. The FBI absolutely needs to pick this up and get to the truth now that the obstructing Comey is gone.
Some people have not wanted an investigation that gets to the bottom of Seth's murder.
Now the fake Russian narrative has morphed again through a leak to WaPo. What next?
What Hillary Clinton did, or OJ Simpson did, or Al Capone did, has nothing to do with what Flynn did, or what the Trump campaign might have done. Keep down the smokescreen of counter accusations and focus on what matters relating to Trump and you will either clear him or scuttle him.
If you can find hard evidence of criminality in unrelated cases elsewhere, well done.
One more false accusation - Got evidence ?
This is what the left said and asked ALL through the Obama presidency , All through the Clinton national and international crime spree , All through the attempted destruction of our constitution by Obama ,..........Two big mistakes the left is making ; Making charges of misconduct at EVERY move that Trump and his people make is going to show the world only one thing - That they are desperate for ONE charge to actually stick even if they are created out of total dishonesty ! And , that after a certain amount of these accusations , No one will listen anymore !
Presidential Obstruction - The newest death throws of a dying news media .
It is sad to see democratic institutions under such sustained attack.
The future looks more and more likely to belong to authoritarian regimes.
The US has lost faith in itself to act honorably and with due respect for the truth. The UK has withdrawn into a little-Englander bubble. The EU has lost its allure.
Meanwhile, China is promising that it will never pursue 'beggar thy neighbor' trade policies and is shaping the Old World into a market for its goods and influence.
You might find yourself on the wrong side of a very big ocean.
According to legal expert Gregg Jarrett, "Under the law, Comey is required to immediately inform the Department of Justice of any attempt to obstruct justice by any person, even the President of the United States. Failure to do so would result in criminal charges against Comey. (18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361) He would also, upon sufficient proof, lose his license to practice law.
So, if Comey believed Trump attempted to obstruct justice, did he comply with the law by reporting it to the DOJ? If not, it calls into question whether the events occurred as the Times reported it."
I don't think Comey is so stupid to perjure himself when he gave testimony under oath that President Trump did not try to interfere with the investigation, but I could be wrong. I think the memo in question that was illegally leaked is more dishonest news by NYT or was it WaPo, I get those two far left liberal rags mixed up.
Why would the NYT and WaPo be so dishonest? They are afraid for some reason. May be involvement in illegal drugs or sex trafficking? There is a reason for everything. Trump's DOJ has been cracking down on illegal drugs or sex trafficking.
Comey is a known liar and he is steeped in cover ups.
I would love to hear about his lies. And the cover ups.
More important than that , I'd like to know why democrats have flip -flopped so many times on Comey ? Fist , the wanted him gone , then they wanted him gone again and again , and again but now somehow , They are having a re-newed love affair with him after Trump fires him for "grand--standing "while actually on a stand ?
Make up your minds liberals , see why I became a conservative years ago ?, consistency !
Its like the butthurt Socialist Maxine Waters from California said just days ago, " I don't support Trump firing Comey, I would support Hillary Clinton firing Comey." We get to witness schizophrenic narratives by the Democratic Party that is in meltdown. (then there's the Republican neocons...lol)
I see someone drove their car into people in Times Square earlier today. Been wondering when that was going to happen as the media drivers the insane people crazy with their hateful rhetoric (leftist politicians included).
Question for liberals , Seth Rich , more than probable DNC leaker to Wki-leaks shot in the back , murdered in Washington DC being called a "robbery " , yet his cell phone , his wallet , his watch left untouched , ..........some robbery ! Jullian Assange of Wiki- leak fame has brought Rich up in multiple interviews .John Podesta e- mail to colleages , "We gotta make someone pay for DNC leaks ",
-Comeys ---FBI investigation last year "probable robbery "
-DC police investigation "probable robbery "
-DNC " probable robbery "
John podesta worked for Bill and Hilary , one more unexplained murder by the Clintons ?
Do liberals still believe in the sanctimonious Comey ?
Do liberals even begin to fathom the dirty tricks of the DNC ?
The DNC is your russian connection not Trump , defend that ?
Who is the liberally run Comey FBI investigation declaring "robbery "protecting
Who is the liberally run DC. police investigation declaring the same , protecting ?
No wonder liberals are smoke-screening the media bias .
Thirty plus years as a privet investigator, Doug Hagmann, told Alex Jones that the "FBI HAS FORENSIC EVIDENCE THAT TIES WIKILEAKS TO SETH RICH"
* https://www.infowars.com/fbi-has-forens … seth-rich/
Mr. Hagmann said, they are putting a lot of people on notice that they are coming for them. -- I listen to the the Hagmann and Hagmann Report often, very good investigators and they have some very interesting guests.
We may be adding Seth Rich to the Clinton Body Count. There are about 80 people on the list now that committed suicide, died of natural causes or were shot in the back of the head, etc...and all had ties to the Clintons.
Doesn't look so good for Republican, Mr. Comey. And, of course this falls at the feet Imama Obama.
lol...Einstein's general theory of relativity applies but its still hypothetical.
Very curious acts that are at the forefront of a cover-up. Unfortunately for Seth Rich, his death will serve as an exoneration for President Donald Trump and any charges they bring against him regarding the Russians.
I have read many of the 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments that were leaked to Wikileaks. I had a forum thread regarding them for awhile, but people didn't seem interested. Wikileaks has never been proven false ever. Why the FBI and DC Police dropped the ball is pretty obvious to anyone that has been paying attention. Maybe this is too big!
You are fond of quoting Infowars, so here is a little taste of Alex Jones's Infowars:
In January 2015, Jones said actors were used to stage the child killings at Sandy Hook. "Sandy Hook," Jones told a caller to his program, "is a synthetic completely fake with actors, in my view, manufactured. I couldn’t believe it at first. I knew they had actors there, clearly, but I thought they killed some real kids. And it just shows how bold they are, that they clearly used actors."
That is a wormhole and not an attractive one.
Another one, concerning the gas attack in Syria that prompted US missile response:
InfoWars, blamed a group called the ''White Helmets'' for arranging the gas attack attack for nefarious reasons.
The White Helmets, officially known as Syria Civil Defence, is a group of ostensibly nonpartisan volunteers who aid civilian victims of the civil war. The group has been accused of being pro-rebel, and InfoWars contends they are an al-Qaida affiliate funded by George Soros and the British government.
And another:
3 million undocumented immigrants vote in US election
What ties these disparate strands together? Not a shred of evidence is used to support any of these outlandish claims.
They are the kind of thing that get you readers and money in a world where people are simply not interested in facts, only having their paranoia massaged.
This thread isn't about all that so I'm not going to go into all of that out of respect for the OP and the forum rules... But, here is Alex Jones' Final Statement on Sandy Hook
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwudDfz1yAk
I just took 20 minutes to listen to it, I hope you do the same. Maybe you will be left with questions, maybe not. Perhaps post something Jones said about Comey on this thread ( please link to the original source).
I reckon if you reference a place like infowars as evidence, the site deserves a poke.
In polite parlance, it is a disgrace.
Before, wasnt Comey the evil boogeyman to democrats? Now, he is democrats poster boy of victimhood?
I saw that compilation of scripted staged media coverage by MSM before. That is one of the better ones, its better than most comedy shows these days if you view it that way, its entertainment.
Hoax media is funny, but the sad part is people believe its true because it was on the news channels they have been programmed by all their lives.
Its become trench media, or "trench warriors" as David Horwitz called it! They just want to impeach Trump, because he represent traditional America and he judges individuals on their merits instead of their heritage and so much more...
I'm definitely
> for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real
> basis for it.
Quote from The Podesta Files. Uhm emails.
In many ways the US is getting what it deserves. By the eighties pretty much everyone knew that US governments and corporations would lie and lie about anything that brought them an advantage.
Vietnam, the Contras, Watergate, the CIA's war on democracies around the world, the scandal of tobacco corporation lies, all provide good reasons to distrust men in preppy ties.
But people should remember that it was the mainstream press and professional journalists that brought the lies to light.
In the sixties, the corrupt end of the US right exploited people's willingness to believe anything, nowadays they exploit people's unwillingness to believe anything at all.
From truth suppression to truth reversal. Neat trick.
Why don’t you write a play —
Why don’t you cut your hair?
Do you trim your toe-nails round
Or do you trim them square?
Tell it to the papers,
Tell it every day.
But, en passant, may I ask
Why don’t you write a play?
What’s your last religion?
Have you got a creed?
Do you dress in Jaeger-wool
Sackcloth, silk or tweed?
Name the books that helped you
On the path you’ve trod.
Do you use a little g
When you write of God?
Do you hope to enter
Fame’s immortal dome?
Do you put the washing out
Or have it done at home?
Have you any morals?
Does your genius burn?
Was you wife a what’s its name?
How much did she earn?
Had your friend a secret
Sorrow, shame or vice –
Have you promised not to tell
What’s your lowest price?
All the housemaid fancied
All the butler guessed
Tell it to the public press
And we will do the rest.
Why don’t you write a play?
Yeah,...harsh truth for us who are not ready to receive it.
The mainstream use to be owned by like a 130 different corporations. They got bought out, folded or 'merged' ... Now we have six corporations that control 90% of the media. That is a lot of power!
At Walter Cronkite's speech to the World Federalist Association, mocking the Messiah he said "I'm glad to sit at the right hand of Satan." (applause and laughter) Walter Cronkite was called “the most trusted man in America.” Every night people tuned in at 6:00. He has a profound influence on journalism and universities today.
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBKKTJwfugw
Hillary Clinton congratulated Cronkite on the award he received. She said, "It wasn't the news until Walter Cronkite told us it was the news." ... Hard to fathom that she is still around trying to subvert the truth, but I believe that will end soon enough.
Any chance Cronkite was being ironic?
Anyway, the concentration of media in fewer and fewer hands is an outcome of the concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands. Both are a threat to democracy but that hardly excuses just believing stuff because you want to believe it.
The difference between then and now ? In the sixties the news media ultimately gave in to the reality of the world and stopped lying for the governing powers , Today , the media has decided that it is the governing power and we all must believe whatever they ultimately decide that the propaganda news stories are .
"Pravda" lives and it's residing in the US.
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