Denzel Washington , "...Don't blame Jails for Black Crime...."

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  1. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    '........Blame the fatherless home  in the black community .........."   And of course it's no difference in any race , white , minority or not .

    Is Denzel creating a firestorm ?

    1. colorfulone profile image77
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Denzel, is speaking the truth...and that sure can start a fire-storm.  That is like a revolutionary act. 

      Talented actor!

    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Among the pro-Blacks, Blacks who believe in  & practice victimology & other so-disenfranchised Blacks, he is causing a firestorm.   Yesterday, I was listening to  radio host Tariq Nasheed, who is known to blame the every negative thing that occurs to Blacks on Caucasian supremacy.  That is Mr. Nasheed's shtick so to speak.  Mr. Nasheed referred to Mr. Washington as a coon, stating that the latter was soft-shoeing because he stated that the problem of Black crime starts in the home, not the jails.  So Mr. Nasheed indicated that Blacks are thrown routinely in jails-blah, blah, blah....blah.

      However, among intelligent, discerning, educated, & affluent Blacks who can be identified as either conservative or liberal, there is an agreement.   I, a Liberal Democrat, wholeheartedly agree that the problem w/Black crime starts in the home.  I will further elucidate here.  Before one has children, one should be educated, have a flourishing/stable career/job.  In addition to these components, one should be prepared financially, emotionally, & psychologically before having children to provide them w/the best possible environment.   One should also wait until one is  at least 35 years of age & to reiterate being established educationally & socioeconomically & being stable(i.e. getting one's explorations out of the way in terms of lifestyle & relationship) before one is married & a parent.   Yes, one should preferably be married or a LONG TERM relationship before having children.  Lastly, have the amount of children one can provide a comfortable life to w/myriad opportunities. 

      If people regardless of race heeded the aforementioned principles that I have eloquently elucidated, there would be LESS crime.   Many people commit crimes because they are impoverished. Poverty does create negative outcomes.   Also having more children than one can afford create negative outcomes.

  2. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    Why does no one in the news media ever delve into such  REVERSE  racism as it applies to race relations in America today ?      The fact that Nasheed's speech ,like so many others in  the same line of conversation  from these outlets  is  loaded with "coon "  like terms , points to these usual applied biases from blacks to themselves and to other races ? 

    Always so  interesting .

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Well, Mr. Nasheed is constantly on FOX news & they SHUT him down, indicating that his theories are ad hominin, baseless attacks on American social structure.   However, the more gullible Blacks follow him.  Mr. Nasheed is using the racial hustle as his ca$hcard & the gullible Blacks are following him like the Germans followed Hitler & we all know the result of the latter.  I even stated in a comment that what Mr. Tasheed is stating about Mr. Washington is pure malarkey & that Mr. Washington is right.  One of the commenters called me a coon b******h.  Yes, any Black person who is in disagreement w/ the Black victimology philosophy is called a coon.  I was called a coon, elitist, & racist by other Blacks because I WILL NOT accept Black victimology.  I feel that Blacks can uplift themselves if they discard their victim mentality.   Many Blacks can succeed & become prosperous if they concentrated on education, careers, marriage, & responsible behavior which conclude family planning.   There is simply no excuse for many Blacks to be mired in socioeconomic negativity where poverty & struggle are glorified.  C'mon now.

      Dr. Claud Anderson, who is Black & specializes in economics, indicated that Blacks are falling increasingly behind.  He warned that if many Blacks don't wake up, they will become a permanent underclass.  He asserted that Blacks should become pro-active & cease being victims.  Well, that isn't going to resonate with many pro-Blacks & Blacks who practice victimology.  To me as a Black woman, while a few Blacks are progressing, many Blacks are regressing which is sad.  I feel that the problem isn't racism per se but the anti-intellectualism & poverty/struggle mentality which is inbred in the Black subconscious.  Blacks should stop using slavery & racism as excuses & look into themselves to improve.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        GM , wow you make some great points here ,  here's the thing , the entire world acknowledges that the black man and woman  have endured excruciating  problems dealing with slavery and it's modern cultural  trials , all over the world and here in the US as well .  No one today in their right mind , denies that.   

        I absolutely hate the words coon , the N...... word , etc......I even cringe when I hear them used in the "arts " ,movies etc. , perhaps  that's my white guilt I suppose but when I hear them used by one person to another of that same race ?   It angers me .   
        because THAT highlights  the insecurity of an entire culture of people ,  the hypocrite that  refuses to evolve out of what  , pride , ego , victim-hood  ?

        I fear you are right , keeping  it up and watch other minorities leave the black race behind  in America , you ,  they and yes even we have all come too far to regress now . Too much blood spilled , too much  violence in the streets .

  3. Live to Learn profile image61
    Live to Learnposted 7 years ago

    I think it is important to look at the culture we have allowed to grow in this country. There is more involved than 'fatherless' environments. I've known several ex small time drug dealers. It is difficult to 'go straight'. If you have the choice of minimum wage and walking around with thousands of dollars in your pocket at any given time it is difficult not to pine for the days of not worrying about where your next meal will come from.

    If a child grows up in an area where gangs are the norm, drugs are readily available, schools are substandard, etc., etc., you will experience high rates of crime and difficulty at rehabilitating.

    Yes, a mature person actively parenting is important. But, hopelessness for positive change can drastically taint decisions.

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      There is also the question of just what "positive change" is.  Take a welfare family, subsisting on handouts and entitlements, where the parent goes to work, gets a raise or in some manner increases their income.  Certainly a positive change - they are coming closer to supporting themselves without our charity.

      But as their income rises we take away those entitlements, and often we take more than what the increase in income was.  The return on their work and effort is negative as far as they can see - hunger has a far more powerful effect than pride.  If pride even enters the picture - it almost seems that the use of government charity has become something to be proud of rather than somewhat shameful.

    2. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Isn't your point called ," Making the right choices in life "?    I've  made the choice for near minimum wage over quick profits from illegal acts . In fact several times  . That choice of negative influence today is simply rather lame excuses .   That culture you speak of , has been around  forever , minus perhaps social media influences.  I actually worked with that "hopelessness for change " daily for years . Isn't that part of life itself.

      Maybe people are just taking the weak choice.


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