Children in small families possess such a high sense of self whereas children in large families have little or no sense of self. This hub details how family size influences a child's sense of self.
Gemini is the 3rd sign of the zodiac. Geminis are known to be very multifaceted. They are always exploring. They love to keep moving. They become bored very easily, especially in a routine.
Many factors determine one's attitude towards money such as religion, socioeconomic status, & education. However, another factor which determine one's attitude towards money is family size.
Parents of large families maintain that they LOVE children rationalizing that if they didn't, they wouldn't have so many. But their actions towards their children prove otherwise.
Favoritism is a normative fact of life in multichild families of 2 children or more. Parents deny it but it happens. Favoritism affects children in the family different ways-positively & negatively.
Children in large family environments are oftentimes viewed as part of a collective. Not to mention, they are subject to degrees of neglect. They furthermore live in scarcity, even doing without.
Affluent parents CARE about their children's welfare & will sacrifice to ensure that their children have a fortuitous future. Poor parents see their children as socioeconomic assets for THEIR benefit.
There are adults who are QUITE capable of supporting themselves but they SIMPLY REFUSE to do so. In fact, they want- EXPECT others to support them. They will even rationalize this!
There are people who frequently, if not always, put the needs & concerns of others first while forgetting their own. They believe that they are noble but there are ramifications for their actions.
Who's the most attention seeking birth order? NO, it's not what you believe. IT'S the MIDDLE CHILD, not the only child, who seeks THE MOST attention! This hub will detail the many factors in this.
People from large/very large families exist in their own microcosm. Their main source of friendships are w/n their family. As a result, they are clannish & oftentimes distrust those deemed OUTSIDERS.
Only children are oftentimes misjudged, even demonized & marginalized by those with siblings. However, prejudice against only children are very, even extremely prevalent in those from large families.
Mothers of small families think before they have children. They've a warmer, involved attitude. Mothers of large families just have children. They've a harsher, more indifferent attitude.
In some families, it is commonplace for oldest children to assume parenting responsibilities regarding their younger siblings which forfeits their childhood & adolescence. It also interferes w/their schoolwork & other activities which they would like to pursue.
For oldest/older children in large/very large families, it ISN'T the proverbial day at the beach nor walk in the park. They're expected to be adults early, be perfect or near it, & place others FIRST.
The large/very large family contains many negatives, even pathologies that isn't commonly found in smaller families. Such include no individualized attention, parentified children, &unequal treatment.
The large/very large family contains many negatives, even pathologies that isn't commonly found in smaller families. Such include no individualized attention, parentified children & unequal treatment.
Extroversion is valued, if not exalted in our society. Extroverts are seen as warm, personable, even intelligent while introversion is demonized. Introverts are misunderstood, even underestimated.
Extroversion is valued, if not exalted in our society. Extroverts are seen as warm, personable, even intelligent while introversion is demonized. Introverts are misunderstood,even underestimated.
Many extroverted parents see their introverted children as somehow inferior. They feel that the latter aren't like "other children". They're even ashamed of such children because they don't fit in.
You're home, relaxing from your endeavors in the work world or at home. You don't have a care at the moment. hear a KNOCK, a RING..You wonder who can THIS be! Oh no, it's THAT salesperson..
The issue of being different is quite paradoxical. It's both revered & reviled. While there are messages extolling the virtues of being different, being different is often viewed as odd, even weird.
America values individualism, freedom & equality. It also values reinvention & positivity. However, America prizes more things that may not be so positive. This hub will discuss them in great detail.
There are so many admirable qualities about Cancer. They're nurturing, loving, & encouraging. However, there are less admirable qualities about the sign. They can be quite negative, even devouring.
A difficult, onerous childhood affects each person differently. Some view it quite positively, even enabling them to be better people while others can be demoralized, even immobilized by such a childhood.
People have children for many reasons. Such reasons may be religious; pressure from parents, friends & socieiy; to make their particular imprint; old age insurance; & simply because they want to.
There are people who MAKE life happen. They are proactive, believing they're the MASTERS of their lives. There are those who life HAPPEN to them. They are passive, being OWNED in their lives......
Negative people are toxic, not only to others but to themselves. There many reasons why some people are negative. They include having a fearful mindset, being envious, feeling hopeless & low self-esteem.
Aries is a sign that is known for STANDING OUT from the rest. It isn't a sign who desires to be like everyone else.It lives and thrives upon being different from others. It lives to make a STATEMENT.
Aries is the sign of fearlessness & fierceness. It is a sign to whom taking risks is second nature. It is a sign who is unafraid to go into untried and unchartered territory. Aries is a BOLD sign.
There are people who are just merely alive if one can call it that.Their lives are quite dreary & monotonous.Then there are OTHERS who are LIVING! They see life as an unending, exciting adventure!
There are parents who prepare their children for success. Then THERE are parents who prepare their children for FAILURE. They do this through being critical, soul destroying, even overprotective.
It seems to be a divide in America. There are some who contend that there is a CIVIL WAR in America. Americans are divided along political & ideological lines over many key issues.
It seems to be a divide in America. There are some who contend that there is a CIVIL WAR in America. Americans are divided along political & ideological lines over many key issues.
Most people miss their career calling. They simply AREN'T doing what they were meant to do careerwise. They oftentimes settle for jobs/careers that does not utilize their unique talents/gifts.
Scorpio is a much maligned sign. It has a reputation for addressing & delving into supposedly dark themes. Although Scorpio is associated with the dark, one wouldn't dare PROVOKE its DARKER side!
Most people want to go to Heaven after death.We're taught that Heaven is THE ULTIMATE GOOD &LIGHT. Heaven is the MOST POSITIVE of positives. There ARE those neutral,even hostile re: going to Heaven.
Wealth is important in our society. Wealth creates jobs/opportunities.Having wealth means having power and clout.Yet many people believe that people shouldn't have wealth, even decrying it as evil.
It's the wish of parents to raise successful children.However,they inadvertently raise their children in ways that forfeit success. Children are often raised to be LESS than what they're MEANT to be.
Old age and death oftentimes cause dread in the human psyche, psychology, and consciousness. Many people view old age as the beginning of decline. Death is another fear- as it signals THE VERY END...
It was thought that in multichild families, children got along well. However, this is a myth.There's often much drama/contention associated w/siblinghood. There are siblings who create DRAMA ......
What is evil? It's absence of good. Some see it as a separation from God. Others believe that it's an inevitable part of life. There are still those who believe that evil is merely a choice.
WHO is THE DEVIL? He/she can be human or supernatural. He/she is PURE EVIL and without a conscious. He/she is THE FORBIDDEN, taboo. He/she is the essence of DARKNESS. He/she is the ULTIMATE REBEL.
The concept of supernatural good & evil have existed in the human mind & consciousness since time immemorial. As there is God, there is the DEVIL. Each has a different concept of God & the DEVIL.
What is darkness? Darkness is solely dependent upon WHO defines it. Darkness is DIFFERENT things to different people. It can be unnerving & claustrophobic. It can be evil. It can be the rebel!
The DARK is a subject of enigma and fear to many people. In Part 1, the physical, psychological, psychic, spiritual, and historical bases of fear in the human consciousness will be discussed.
Red is associated with passion. IT''S the MOST INTENSE color. IT'S the color of EXTREMES & DEFINITENESS. It ISN'T a timid color. It's a WOW, notice me or else color. It's the color of BOLD SENSUALITY.
From time immemorial,people have believed in the afterlife.They further believe that there are REWARDS & PUNISHMENTS in the afterlife based upon their earthly lives. It's in the human consciousness.
There are many horror movies out there. However, good horror movies are few & far between. A GOOD horror movie contains the ingredients of dark, errie atmosphere; terror, & evilNESS.
Dark and light exist in synchronicity. There is no dark without light and there is no light without dark. These components MUST EXIST within and of each other.
There are things that people are highly scared of. It may be death, being fired from a job, snakes or other things. Each person, w/few exceptions, is INTENSELY scared of one thing or another.
Think the pecking order is for children &teens only? Oh no, it permeates throughout society. In fact, society is one BIG pecking order of one kind or another.There are the sombodies.....and
Although fashion rules have lessened somewhat, there is STILL an unwritten/unspoken rule as to what age, one can no loner wear something that is considered to be sexy. Well that ALL depends.....
You hear it here folks. There is a brand new word, boys and girls. It's called fecundophobia.What is that you ask? Well, it's a coined word which means fear of large famililes. Do YOU believe this!
Favoritism not only exists between parent &child,it also exists among siblings. If a child has 2 or more siblings, chances are that he/she has a sibling that he/she likes better than another sibling.
Fear is a part of most,if not all, of us. Many of our fears are reflections of our real concerns & often serve as warnings. However, many of our fears are just projections of our imaginations.
There are mothers who are loving, encouraging,& positive towards their children. They will NEVER think of saying & doing anything damaging to their children. Then there are MOTHERS who do THE OPPOSITE.
Many people have their own beliefs &constructs regarding life. They have their own respective take regarding what is considered to be evil. There are many concepts to what is evil as there are people.
It is quite fashionable today to say that evil does not exist at all. Everything is situational & morally relative. However, EVIL does exist in all of ITS myriad forms.
Racism still permeates American society. No matter how far and high the achievements are, some people are going to reduce affluent Blacks to the most common denominator of ...........just being BLACK.
What is black? Black emcompasses many things. It's the OTHER anti-color. It is night, It is darkness. It is the unknown. It is sensuality. It is understated chic. It is so many things and.....MORE
One's attitude oftentimes determine and is influential as to how one achieve success, bounce back from failure, and even view life. Attitude is EVERYTHING!
There are some people who see life as a game plan. To them, life is a game that is to be played either by other's or their rules. There is no escaping it. All people play the game of life.
It's a necessary but dreaded thing. It's quite essential for eventual growth & development.Although it can be quite beneficial, it's ONE aspect that many people DON'T wish to face.What IS it? Change.
So many people are afraid of the NEW. They want what IS known and familiar. In essence,many people are FEARFUL of the new. It represents what is unfamiliar, unknown, unsafe, and ....D-I-F-F-E-R-E-N-T!
One's first impression has an influence on others for good or ill. One's looks are part of that impression. People are oftentimes judged based upon physical attributes-and ARE treated accordingly!
Remember the adage ugly as sin.In the movies, evil characters are oftentimes portrayed by less attractive or shall we say ugly people. The purpose is to make the character as repulsive as possible.
Everyone LOVES a good looking person. Good looking people are easy on the eyes and they are a DRAW in myriad ways. Everyone wants them and wants to be around them!
There is often a pecking order in elementary, junior, and senior high school. Many popular children because they are so well liked, consider themselves as THE ULTIMATE while others are their inferiors.
Parents who provide birth control for their teens often are demonized. However, thousands of teens are sexually active. Many parents are loathe to acknowledge this, often with very dire consequences!
How one treats one children oftentimes is reciprocated in kind.Many parents treat their children disrespectfully,yet THEY wonder why they're afforded the same treatment.One DOES reap what is sown.
Of ALL birth orders, youngest children are treated the most preferentially. They are also the most favored by parents. After all, they are BABIES of the family. Need we say more.
Envy is quite usual in the sibling relationship. It is expected that it stops once siblings reach adulthood.Such is NOT the case.Sibling envy continues into adulthood.Reasons are varied......
Middle children in large families are often lost in the shuffle.They are in familial Graylands.They MUST learn to successfully navigate their environment or they will go proverbially under.
In large families,some children ARE treated well while others AREN'T.Oldest children are discarded in favor of younger children.They MUST grow up quickly, assuming adult duties.They have NO childhood.
Many people are passionate about their religious beliefs/faith. That's fine. However, why one inquires as to either the reason or fallacy of such beliefs/faith, many become defensive.....or worse.
We've been taught that no one's perfect yet when we make mistakes,it's treated as ineptitude at best& a mortal transgression at worst.What people don't realize is mistakes are growth opportunities.
Some people see life as an adventure. They are not afraid to take risks. Others elect to adapt a more cautious attitude. They remain within their particular comfort zone, being safe and secure.
Life is what you make of it. Your attitude oftentimes determine how you feel about life. It also determines how you approach it.
There are some families who are loving and supportive of each other.Then there are families who are.........NOT
Scorpio is known as an extreme zodiac sign, capable of diametrical dichotomies in their lives. There is nothing lukewarm about Scorpio.
Sheltered children do not possess the necessary life and survival skills. As adults, they are quite vulnerable. They are risk averse, poor decision makers, and have poor judgement skills.
This MAN is quite unfathomable. HE cannot be defined. People have tried to ..........and failed. HE is HIS OWN MAN.......NO ONE DEFINES him. HE DEFINES HIMSELF.
Despite being told that beauty is skin deep, society has outer measurements of what is considered to be beautiful. Despite what you been told , outer beauty has extrinsic advantages & rewards.
There are mature parents who believe and practice treating and loving ALL their children equally. To them, no one child has preeminence over another. However, many parents DON'T do this whatsoever!
There is a BELIEF that siblings=happiness in children's lives.Such is NOT necessarily the case. Siblingship has both its positives & negatives& is NOT always a factor regarding a child's happiness.
There are a myriad of parenting styles as there are parents. Traditionally, psychologists maintain that there are 4 parenting styles. However, are more parenting styles than those mentioned.
There are a myriad of parenting styles as there are parents. Traditionally, psychologists maintain that there are 4 parenting styles. However, there are more parenting styles than those mentioned.
There are a myriad of parenting styles as there are parents. Traditionally, psychologists maintain that there are 4 parenting styles. However, there are more parenting styles than those mentioned.
There are a myriad of parenting styles as there are parents. Traditionally, psychologists maintain that there are 4 parenting styles. However, there are more parenting styles than those mentioned.
The concept of being old is such a negative societal one where the emphasis is on youth. These celebrities defy the antiquated paradigm of what old is. They are more vital and beautiful than ever.
These dark skinned Black beauties refuse to let the fair skinned societal beauty standards detract from their innate beauty, talent, and self-worth as Black women. They exemplify Blackness as beauty.
The blonde is an unusual rarity. As a rarity, she is the idealized image, adored and worshipped by many men and to be emulated by many women.
Only child-lonely child. That is what many people STILL believe. However, only children ARE NOT lonely in the least.They find companionsihp through their parents, friends, cousins, and other children.
The idea that only children are selfish because they had no siblings is a stereotype assumed and believed by the sibling society. Siblingship or no siblingship is inconsequential regarding sharing.
Capricorns are the cool operators and strategists of the zodiac. They do not let their emotions rule them. They practice the art of detachment.
There has been an increase in the childfree and 1-child couple population. Even though such couples have made some inroads in this society, they are still marginalized in this pronatalist society.
The small family is vastly different from the large family in a myriad of ways. There is more individualized attention per child. Parents are more involved and proactive in their children's lives.
More and more couples are electing not to have children. Although childfree couples are more accepted in society, many people have issues with this and they are not reluctant to state their views.
The first teachers are parents. Parents are a child's main source of education regarding knowledge & socialization.It is through parents that children receive their initial knowledge of the world.
These celebrities are MEN among men.They KNOW who THEY are. They have a combination of magnetism, power,& THAT aura. More important than THAT, WOMEN know who they are.THEY are MASCULINITY personified.
Villains add INTRIGUE to movies & television series.They represent the forbidden unconscious in ourselves.THEY can do what WE cannot. Then there are THOSE who take villainy to the level of -E-V-I-L...........
I AM WOMAN, hear ME roar. Well, these alpha female movie & television characters roar with magnificence. They are STRONG -and YOU'D better take notice!
Oldest children are seen as the leaders among their siblings.They are quite comfortable in authoritative positions.These NOTED oldest children have a TAKE CHARGE screen & professional presence!
These blonde actresses possess qualities of beauty, intelligence, & the IT factor. These blonde actresses defintively have IT. They are indeed glamorous......They are one in a million..........
These women are beyond actresses. They have that STAR quality. More than that , they possess a beauty which is classic and timeless.
The life of middle children in large & very large families is often a complex & perplexing one. They have to navigate their way in the familial environment. What ROLES do they play? It ALL DEPENDS........
The position of the middle child in a family is tenuous enough.Middle children in large & very large families are often in a familial NO MAN'S LAND. They MUST learn to adapt THEMSELVES-AND QUICKLY!
There are days when things are not just right........However, there are DAYS when ALL HELL simply break loose.......Things that REALLY make you go ummmmm......
To say that oldest children in large & very large families have it tough would be AN UNDERSTATEMENT.They MUST be THERE for their family, putting those needs before their own.Their OWN needs come LAST..........
Oldest children are placed in leadership & responsible positions in the family. In large & very large families, this is done to AN EXTREME degree. Oldest children in such families MUST be ALWAYS ON......
More tales from THE DARK SIDE OF EMPLOYEEDOM. There are some employees which makes ONE entertain quite ILLEGALLY MACABRE thoughts. Yes, there are employees who really are QUITE U-N-N-E-R-V-I-N-G......
There are employees are quite exemplary. They are assets to the workplace. Then there are employees who are-EXTREME LIABILITES, HELLISH in fact!
Comparing one child to another child is commonplace in many families. However, comparing one child to another child often diminishes the former child's self-esteem and self-confidence.
The subject of hair is a hot issue among Black women. There is the issue of so-called good hair(naturally straight and long hair) and so-called bad hair(naturally woolly and short hair). While Black women with so-called good hair are considered to be more attractive, Black women with so-called...
Young women approach their lives & circumstances in many ways. Some make their own way, depending upon their OWN resources to succeed. Others elect to have SOMEONE pay their way.............
There are people who believe that they are ABOVE ALL. They contend that they are THE ULTIMATE. They feel that they are SO MUCH BETTER than us. There is a word for such people-CONCEITED!
Beauty counts for more than what is supposed. Beautfiul/handsome people have myriad advantages that those who are less attractive DON'T have. Being beautiful/handsone or attractive has its PERKS!
The concluding part of this hub is in response to the request WHAT ARE SOME OF THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF HAVING A LARGE FAMILY by esteemed hubber cardisa. Children in large families often are afraid to express themselves and voice their...
Part 1 of 3 of this hub is in response to the request WHAT ARE SOME OF THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF HAVING A LARGE FAMILY by esteemed sister hubber cardisa. There are varied definitions as to what is a large family. According to the...
When there is more than one child in the family, there is a strong likelihood that there will be sibling rivalry.Sibling rivalry is a commonplace occurrence in multichild families.It CAN'T be avoided!
Oldest children are expected to grow up-FAST! They are expected to be the responsible ones & example setters for their younger siblings.They are held to higher standards.They are often-OVERBURDENED!
Warm parent-child relationships are crucial to a child's emotional, mental, and psychological development. Warm parent-child relationships are imperative if a child is going to THRIVE!
There are POSITIVES in being an only child. He/she has total individualized time& attention from his/her parents.He/she never have to face competion nor intrusions from siblings.He/she is FREE to BE!
Middle children are thought to be UNLUCKY or.........worse. People, including parents & siblings, really DON'T KNOW the middle child. Middle children have many.......many UNBEKNOWST gifts & talents.
Want your child to become an independent/successful adult?The road to becoming an independent/successful adult is teaching children to do things for themselves. This will help them in the long run!
These parents excessively inculcate their children with the premise that it is not good to venture out in the world alone, especially at their age. It is not unusual in many such households to see such children constantly under their parents' thumb....
Many assertive women are attracted to more passive men because they do not subscribe to the premise that a man must always be "more" than the woman. Highly assertive women, especially the alpha female, are quite capable of taking care of themselves...
The old double standard- it seems to be very much alive and well. Hell, I thought the double standard, at least in the Western, postmodern, and postindustrialized world was going through its death tremors! It is widely assumed that the postmodern...
This hub is in response to the request Why do women use men to validate themselves? Women in postmodern society are independent and intelligent persons in their own right. The socioeconomic, educational, and social status of women in postindustrial...
Birth order affects us all. Our respective family constellation determines the type of people we are whether we are the oldest, middle, or youngest child.
Each person is influenced by his/her birth order. Are you a conscientious oldest, everyperson middle, or a fun loving, irrepressible youngest?
DAYS are getting SHORTER &NIGHTS are getting LONGER. Time to get your HORROR FREAK on! There are WICKEDLY FUN activities to occupy your time in the DARK DAYS ahead. All you need is YOUR imagination!
Winning equals success in our culture. In fact, WINNERS are the EPITOME of the successful person. Winning means to be NUMBER 1- and SOME people will do ALMOST anything TO WIN!
We are constantly told by our parents& society to be broadminded & that there is more than one opinion. However,we often assert the opposite.We contend that we have A RIGHT to our opinion-REALLY NOW? Extremely thought provoking question by a fellow Hubber I might add. There are some people who could not be more happier when their friends become highly successful. According to these people, their friends' successes are indirectly...
There are people who assert that their opinions are the ONLY logical and reasonable ones. However, they fail to realize that other people's viewpoints and opinions are JUST as VALID as theirs.
In many cultures & throughout history, there is an afterlife. To many people, Heaven is the apex of spiritual evolvement & Hell is the nadir of utter debasement. The afterlife is THE report card ......
Lew was becoming unhinged. This humanimal was becoming a madman more or less. He resumed his cursing. He pulled me up, warning me NEVER to insult him again. He plopped me down on the couch, continuing with the "interview". Lew explained that while...
Adele was telling me to about quite aware of Lew. I told her that I was totally unafraid of him. She asked me if I knew who Lew REALLY was. I queried as to what did she mean. She indicated again that Lew was not of this world. I told her that I...
Adele pleaded with me to be careful. I kissed her on her cheek and left the library. I proceeded to the front room. Lew was calmy waiting for me. He was playing mindgames with me. He was the taipan and I merely a mongoose, his prey to be toyed with....
Lew continued with the conversation. Michael was one sneaky, devious, cunning man. I was becoming somewhat fascinated with this interview. Lew elaborated on how Michael has been presented through history as the fair-haired, golden boy of this...
It was an eerily dark early morning on Friday the 13th, July 2012. It was exactly 3:33 a.m. Of course, it was dark; however, it was much darker than usual. In fact, the sky was pitch black. I had awakened from my sleep. I wondered around the...
There are people that one would classify as quite problematic. They just are NOT HAPPY. Well, not happy would be an understatement.These people ALWAYS have something to COMPLAIN about.......
The best thing a parent can give a child is a sense of self. Children who possess this knowing are unstoppable. (5) Give your children the individualized attention they need. Children must feel that they are important. Paying...
Many parents think that the greatest legacy to give to a child is money, a great education, and/or other tangible things. However, the greatest legacy a parent can give a child is a healthy self-esteem. It is the ultimate...
There is no escaping it. All of us go through moments which can be quite hellish in one way or another.
The predatory person sees people as fair game. HE/SHE is the hunter and/or surveyor while YOU are the hunted and/or surveyee. YOU are HIS/HER .....object and/or prey to do with as HE/SHE will.... (5) People from small families tend to be self-centered. Yes, many people from large families have hurled this prevaricative accusation to those from small families endlessly. People from large families believe that it is only... Small families, medium sized families, and large families. Yes, families come in different sizes. Each size family has its own unique culture, psychology, and milieu. One size does not necessary fit all although all of us have...
The life of a middle child is NOT easy. He/she is often ignored and overlooked. He/she is subjected to negative categorization & stereotypes. Middle children are often OUTSIDERS in their own families.
In families where there is more than one child, there is bound to be sibling rivalry. In fact, sibling rivalry is quite normal in multichild families as each child is vying for parental attention.
Prejudice is quite a commonplace occurrence among us humans. We are prejudiced to one degree or another whether we wish to admit it or not.......
There is often an EXPECTATION that oldest/older daughters assume caretaking roles regarding their younger siblings. SOME are GIVEN the primary caretaking duties, thus FORFEITING their childhoods.
The main goal of parenthood is to raise children as to make them need you less and less. In other words, the goal of a parent is to eventually make the role of parenthood a totally unnecessary component in their child's life. The intelligent parent...
Yes, I am Grace Kautt. I used to be Grace Wysocki. I did not know what I was thinking when I married that S.O.B. bastard. Okay, I was immensely attracted to John's physicality. You know the bad boy syndrome. He was spicy cinnamon to my vanilla, it...
I am John Wysocki. I am in the process of getting a divorce from Grace, my wife of 18 years. I realized that this marriage was a total sham from the git go. Grace in all actuality never loved me but merely tolerated me. Hell, I never realized this!...
The Scorpio man MUST always be on top of his game.He always wants to call the shots. To him, being on top means being strong and owning his life! It also means NEVER having to show his vulnerability! In response to this question, there is no one answer. Factors and circumstances relating to this issue often vary from parent to parent. Some parents have the emotional, psychological, physical, and financial wherewithal to...
Many teenage pregnancies occur because of unprotected sex. In many households, there is no thorough and complete discussion regarding sex. Many parents stress the prohibitive aspects of sex. They are extremely loathe to mention any type of safe sex...
Some people have MORE children than they can afford to care for emotionally, mentally,& socioeconomically. Are they THINKING about the ramifications of their actions on their children? DON'T think so!
Even though parents strongly purport to loving ALL their children EQUALLY, that is SIMPLY NOT TRUE. MOST parents love ONE or SOME children in the family BETTER than they do others.
Leo people have IT ! They have an UNDENIABLE PRESENCE. They KNOW who THEY are. They are indeed THE STARS of the zodiac.
An integral part of a child's growth and development is exploration. With such exploration, there are bound to be mistakes, trials, & failures. Without such, children don't grow & become self-assured.
In the large family environment, parents are often distant, not available, and uninvolved in their children's lives.Children in large families oftentimes have to raise and fend for themselves.
Some of us are either nearing or have just reached the big 6-0! You are now wondering if you liked your life thus far. Well, you are happy with your life choices so far? Well, are you? Did you set out to accomplish what you have visualized doing? Or...
A parent's style of parenting a child/children has a prominent underlying affect on the latter. However, a parent's parenting style is not the only component that influences a child's behavior. There are other subsets of factors which influence a...
Ideas of what it is like to be old has changed drastically within a few decades. In the past, old age was seen as the beginning of the end. Nowadays, old age is seen as a continuing evolution in life. Many unfavorite children are survivors. They are usually quite undaunted when a negative situation arises. From their childhoods, they realize that there are going to be situations could be described as less than positive;... The topic of the unfavorite child in the family is a topic which is seldom discussed if ever. It is difficult enough for parents to even acknowledge that there is favoritism within the family. Even when the subject of...
Oldest children are known to be responsible& conscientious. That's the POSITIVE side. Oldest children also are known be control freaks & can exercise upmanship. Yes, there's a ........NEGATIVE side.
Although we endure difficult life situations,there are THOSE whose life situations were 50 TIMES worse than ours.They endured horrendous situations-some became better people while others succumbed............
It seems that the socioeconomic situation is not getting better. Thousands of recent college graduates are not finding jobs, let alone jobs which are comparable to their majors and/or education. Many college graduates elected to pursue further... The Black family is often the main source of strength and a stalwart bulwark against the outer/outside society. It is within the Black family where many Blacks receive the utmost of nurturance, support, reassurance, respect,...
Oldest children can assume myriad roles in the family. He/she can be the idolized, cool,& hip older sibling whom younger siblings emulate at turn.He/she can also be the second parent-OR BOTH!
There are teachers who love and respect their students. They view teaching as a vocation.Then there are teachers who view teaching as an exercise in unmitigated power& upmanship-WOE to the students! There are parents who are quite critical and exacting of their children no matter how hard the latter tries to please them. No matter how seemingly good and perfect the child is, it is never enough for these parents. They... While there are parents who raise their children to believe in themselves and to possess positive beliefs about themselves, there are parents who are well...... you know. Yes, they are diametrically quite the opposite. However,... When you were growing up what messages were relayed to you by your parents? Were these messages enabling, ennobling, and in general positive? Or were they denigrating, negative, and generally soul destroying? People often...
Some people from a particular ethnic, cultural, and/or racial group follow their script even to their mental, psychological, and/or intellectual detriment. These people believe that in order to belong to their said ethnic, cultural, and/or racial...
A world renowned celebrity in her autobiography related how she became unexpectedly pregnant while she was a senior in high school. This celebrity further related that she was quite apprehensive about the situation. She divulged that her first...
Many people let their parents and/or other family members script their lives instead of fearlessly write their own life script. This does not only apply to people's educational, job, and/or career script but in their personal lives as well. Many...
This is a thought to ponder. How many of you are actually living your own individual lives? Now, think about it thoroughly! Smile if you are living your life on your own terms. You are instinctively aware when you live that kind of life. You are...
Some people are positive. Others are negative. However, there are people who take negativity to the NEXT level- such people are negaholics.....They are truly TOXIC people of THE HIGHEST order.....
Old age is viewed quite negatively in this society. Many people expect old people to withdraw from society. Old people are oftentimes seen as senile & in the way. Old people are STILL vital people!
Women are CONSTANTLY BRAINWASHED from childhood that she must have a man in order to be complete.She is considered abnormal if she does not have a man.That premise is passe-women are COMPLETE persons.
The job of parents are raising children with the ultimate purpose of making them independent adults, emotionally, intellectually, and financially. It is the job of children to become increasing autonomous as to achieve that goal. In fact, both...
The American Constitution states and rightfully so that all humankind are created equal with certain unalienable rights. We were inculcated with this premise. Many people, based upon these principles, furthermore assert that there should be a...
We are taught to be believe that America is a purported classless society. We are further told that socioeconomic class does not matter at all as long as the quality of life is good. We are also inculcated with that love wins over all no matter what... The number of college and/or postgraduate educated Black women are ever increasing. Because of the high level of education achieved, these Black women are in professional and high powered careers where the sky is the limit....
There are men who believe that women should have equal rights comparative to them. They also assert that traditional gender roles are an affront to women. To some men, women are ....well, INFERIOR! The purpose of a college and/or postgraduate education is multifold. It gives one a better socioeconomic life. It makes one more culturally and intellectually cognizant of his/her sociocultural environment. It makes one think...
Extroversion is deified in this society while introversion is denigrated. Many extroverted parents do not understand their introverted children.They often view their children as incomplete or worse.......
The purpose of parenting is to teach our children to be VERY BEST adults they can be.Parenting is about guidance & respect of our children.Mature parents KNOW and practice THESE principles.
Many parents profess to raising their children DEMOCRATICALLY when in fact, they do the EXACT OPPOSITE. Democratic parents nurture& respect/encourage their children's individuality & independence.
Yes, there are parents who are so much into their parental role that they forget that they were once husbands and wives. They are actually quite fearful of letting their adult children live their own lives as their marital relationship is often in...
"Mom, dad, I'm moving out," a grown child says. This is heard in many a household! However, YOUR child is living at home and IT'S APPARENT that he/she is NOT moving out.......
There are some parents to whom their children's goals are not too fantastical& unrealistic to be implemented& accomplished. There are OTHER parents who DEMEAN& CRUSH whatever goals their children have.
The postmodern woman is self-assured and on an equal parity with men. However,there are STILL men who believe that women are unequal to men.They BELIEVE that women be in the SUBORDINATE role.