is being politicaly correct counter-productive?

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  1. nightwork4 profile image62
    nightwork4posted 14 years ago

    is being politicaly correct counter-productive?

    is there a need for honesty versus being politicaly correct . not rude but saying what you really think.

  2. profile image54
    tlmntim9posted 14 years ago

    I'd say so. Politically correct is merely pandering. A stupid way to pacify stupid, shallow minded people.

  3. twobmad profile image60
    twobmadposted 14 years ago

    For me I think politically correct.. but religiously speaking.. particularly on Catholicism.. there is a problem there..

  4. Old Punk Mark profile image61
    Old Punk Markposted 14 years ago

    Absolutely it is counter productive.  Being overtly sensitive to non political correctness is too.  We feel we need (for some insane reason) to tiptoe around anyone with a different view or mindset and thus it delays the truth from getting out there.  We need to say what we mean and quit farting around.  Plus it kinda doesn't make sense.  For example we say "African-American" when we refer to people that are black...Seriously?  The person in question is American, with no citizenship in Africa, who just happens to be black.  Why don't we just say American?  That'd throw the racist people off wouldn't it?  big_smile Not a fan of racism at all but political correctness does more to point out race, sex, creed, religion and sexual preference than "non-political correctness."  I remember a friend of mine who was blind...somebody told him he was "visually challenged," his response was, "There's really no challenge buddy, I can't see a damn thing."  Okay, I'm done now.

  5. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 14 years ago

    Yes; it causes us to focus more on irrelevant items like how a person says something as opposed to what the person is actually saying. It is divisive and plays on our collective narcissism. It makes everyone overly sensitive and selfish. It causes our language to become decadent with superfluous and apologetic adjectives. There is a difference between being politically incorrect and having bad manners.

  6. profile image0
    Butch Newsposted 14 years ago

    Yes.  Political correctness is weakness of character.  Many conclude I'm an egotistical jerk because I refuse to be politically correct and mean what I say and say what I mean.  But I've no time for idiots.  Life is short and I've got things to accomplish.

  7. Wayne Brown profile image82
    Wayne Brownposted 14 years ago the degree that it defies common sense it certainly is counter-productive.  America is literally sanitizing its textbooks, its history, philsophy, etc. all in the name of trying to show those who have come to America that we care so much about them and their culture that we are willing to just toss ours aside. I am sorry if someone who from Mexico who wants to be a citizen here is not overly thrilled with the fact that we don't fly a Mexican fly out in front of his child's school here in America. If that is your priority, then go back to Mexico where they do fly the flag for you. Those who wish to immigrate here need to realize that when you elect to become a citizen, you elect to assimilate into an existing culture.  You are asking..."can I be part of your organization".  If the answer is "yes", that "yes" does not mean that we plan to change the organization to fit your needs....that is where political correctness has taken us. WB

  8. shynsly profile image60
    shynslyposted 14 years ago

    Yes, on more levels than one could describe without writing an entire hub about it. To attempt to sum it up though, political correctness prevents people from actually discussing the real issues in our society and asking the questions that need to be asked out of fear for "offending" someone... in particular the people causing the problems. If we're not even allowed to publically acknowledge those problems and discuss them openly, how are we ever going to fix any of them?

    What's crazy though is, there's a distinct differance between being "political correct" and being "polite". Yet, while everyone gets their panties in such a knot over being (or not being) P.C., very few of those same knuckleheads could care less about actually being polite.

  9. jessyferari1 profile image60
    jessyferari1posted 14 years ago

    Really from what i understand by being politically correct, i daresay its tiresome and hard to keep up with.. why can't people just speak their mind hm? Its been hard to make new friends for this very reason because one can't tell what affects their nerves.!!!

  10. iQwest profile image43
    iQwestposted 14 years ago

    Yes, in my opinion there definitely is a need for honesty versus being politically correct.  It's nearly impossible to get to the heart of any issue if we're not discussing the actual facts of the issue at hand.

    We face countless problems in this country because too many people are deliberately misinformed by those who have a platform and use their platform to push their ideologies / selfish agendas. 

    How often do we hear our representatives saying one thing today and the exact opposite tomorrow?  Does anyone question them on this?  Rarely.  Does anyone hold them accountable for the hypocrisy of their statements? Rarely.  Would you and I get away with this in our businesses? No.

    Unfortunately, most of the time these lies are simply chalked up to that's the way it works in politics.  And, from there, too many of us simply shrug our shoulders, claim we can't do anything about it, and then carry on with business as usual.

  11. darrenhooper profile image59
    darrenhooperposted 14 years ago

    Yes it is. Being politically correct only serves to boast the untruths of this world. People need to call it like they see it and have the balls to stand behind what they say. The United States has gotten to such a point that if you say anything that is not "sensitive" to whomever you are speaking about, you are pounced on as some horrible person. My suggestion, next time you want to say something (and you thought it before saying it) just say it. Do not worry that you are offending someone. Speak what you know and what is in your heart. And for god's sake be true to yourself and your beliefs.

  12. trueaustralian profile image58
    trueaustralianposted 14 years ago

    yes because it forces people to become less natural.

  13. dtchosen profile image60
    dtchosenposted 14 years ago

    To the extent that it makes us hide the truth because we don't want to hurt people's feelings, yes it is.

  14. profile image51
    Andy the Greatposted 14 years ago

    Not usually. Political correctness is a late 20th Century synonym for politeness. People are constantly politically correct throughout their lives, but everyone just calls this politeness. If someone has a big nose, you don't usually talk about their big nose. If you did, that person wouldn't vote for you (politically incorrect). Everyone knows that person has a big nose, and children have little concept of political correctness, so they often bring it up. To truly speak with the innocence of a child would be someone without any political correctness. The problem is, we as a culture expect people to mature and accept a socially agreed upon version of decorum in order to successfully be productive in our community.

    It's only controversial discussions of politeness that we call "politically correct". Is it wrong to call African Americans negros? What about jigaboos (sp?)? It's considered inpolite to call an African American by those words because the African American culture deems them taboo. If you respect that culture, you will be polite to their social taboos.

    I'd say that in 95% of circumstances, political correctness is not counter productive. In fact I'd call it counter counter productive, or just productive. A world without PC is a world where nobody can interact with anyone else without feeling negative emotions.

    I try to keep to politically correct language when possible so as not to offend anyone who I might be looking to influence now or in the future. It's good business. Most people either don't care if you're overly polite, or they'd prefer over politeness to rudeness.

    The problem some people have with it is the need to understand other cultural segments of our population. It can be difficult to keep track of all of them. If I crashed on an island, and there were a local tribe that had been untouched by civilization, I'd sure want to be politically correct with them as quickly as I could.


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