Should the US government help provide economic empowerment for the bottom 25% of

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  1. Eugene Hardy profile image60
    Eugene Hardyposted 12 years ago

    Should the US government help provide economic empowerment for the bottom 25% of US population?

    No, I'm not talking about welfare or a new version of social security, or creating more dependence on mega corporations for employment.

    I'm talking about helping to provide economic security: from training in a vocation to helping to fund home based or micro businesses. 

    To me, it makes go fiscal sense to economically empowerment the poor instead of our current strategy, which do not work during economic down cycles.

    What do you think?

  2. Josak profile image60
    Josakposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely, I think for example things like the small loans bank are perfect for that the poorer class if mobilized economically is a huge plus to the economy, it has been more than a decade since job growth has been equal to the number of people entering the workforce, the only solution to me seems to be to help the poor self employ.

  3. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    I think if someone wants to get back on their feet, they will figure out a way even against the odds. You just have to find the right program or method. And there are cheap methods of funding that anyone can figure out. Trust me.
    Though I do agree that it makes more sense to provide economic empowerment rather than our method right now. Might help more.

  4. Marisaupa profile image72
    Marisaupaposted 12 years ago

    This is a very interesting question.  As you state, you are not referring to a new series of entitlement programs, but rather to a form of structured and sanctioned paths which those in the lower economic echelons could use to rise above their current positions.

    I agree with you in the essence that economic betterment must be sought by all.  However, empowering people to do this cannot come from the government, rather it must come from the people themselves.  If government wishes to see that idea foster and grow the best action for them to take is to not be a hindrance.

    Creative new lending programs, sanctioned vocational training, in addition to all of the programs that currently exist for the same intended purpose, make for good headlines and photo-ops for local politicians, but yield little to no positive effect on helping those with ambition, skill and desire to rise to the top.

    The best thing that government can do is get out of the way.  Reduce the level of regulations, restrictions, paperwork, etc that a microbusiness needs to navigate through just to get started.  Many a wonderful idea has been stifled by such bureaucracy. 

    In the past so called "rags to riches" stories were far more  prevalent simply because there were not so many hurdles to clear in order to achieve success.  Skill, talent, tenacity and courage were the primary ingredients to gain success in America.  Now, you need to be able to disseminate volumes of governmental gobbeldy-goop simply to get to the starting line.

    Elimination of such governmental barriers coupled with an adherence to "natural" fairness (no bailouts for large corporations and small business alike; you fail, you lose) would restore the natural pathways toward success.  It would reward real achievement and prove once again that a population left to act on its own best interest does so quite well.

  5. Eugene Hardy profile image60
    Eugene Hardyposted 12 years ago

    Marisaupa - I have to disagree.

    These are not normal economic times, and standard conservative thinking will not work for those lower 25%.

    What of the "true" unemployment rate in this country - meaning those who are no longer receiving unemployment, or those underemployed?

    Are you willing to trust the same industry that produced our latest economic crisis with the market for micro loans and other small business loans, minus those same regulations you want to remove?

    Also, I simply do not trust any corporation in this country to deal fairly with micro businesses when it comes to their bottom line.

    Don't get me wrong, we do have to cut the national debt, but not at the expense of killing any new innovation or product that can help empower the people of this country, especially that lower 25% of the population.

    Besides, empowering the lower 25% would free up resources like welfare and medicaid and boost local economies - think of it as a real economic stimulus package, (the last one only benefited large corporations that did no hiring and left the poor still poor.) 

    This is about economic growth in local areas.

    This is about true economic empowerment.


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