Since Rick Santorum Just dropped out, do you think Mitt Romney will win for sur

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  1. Michele Travis profile image67
    Michele Travisposted 12 years ago

    Since Rick Santorum Just dropped out,  do you think Mitt Romney will win for sure?

    Well  at least the republican nomination.

  2. Mmargie1966 profile image74
    Mmargie1966posted 12 years ago

    It depends on which of the remaining candidates Santorum's supporters go for.   I have a  pretty good idea that Romney will take the nomination, though.

  3. profile image0
    idratherbeposted 12 years ago

    If Romney becomes POTUS, big business will have total control! Alec will look like a drop in the bucket compared to what Romney will search and destroy. He can't relate to the average Joe much less understand how to help the average American.

  4. Ms Dee profile image79
    Ms Deeposted 12 years ago

    I've not been listening to the news today, so your question is news to me! Okay, well, since the other candidates have not been doing as well as Rick, then that does seem to leave Mitt. I did see earlier today on my Facebook that Newt is still saying he's staying in until the convention in Tampa.

  5. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    Romney will take the Republican nomination. The question now who will be his running mate. Sometimes the party picks someone that gives a momentary boost, like Sarah Palin, but only proves to be a determent to the party. Frequently, the next candidate with the next highest delegate count will get the job, but if that person is too much of a contrast with Romney, it could harm the party

    Also, the Vice President as a rule is not just content with being VIce President. They want some real responsibilities and presidential candidates are not always willing to make that commitment.

    Then the question is how well with the ticket play with the liberal and black voters, who do not want to see Obama be a one-term president.

    Now with most of the primaries and meaningless debates are out of the way, the debate may get really interesting.

  6. profile image0
    Gusserposted 12 years ago

    Obama has just been elected to a 2nd term. Some Conservatives will not support another progressive RepubliCRAT. 2008 history repeats, RepubliCRATS never learn.

  7. Faceless39 profile image93
    Faceless39posted 12 years ago

    Yes.  The powers-that-be made that clear months ago, as has the government-controlled media.

  8. Angela Kane profile image60
    Angela Kaneposted 12 years ago

    Of course Mitt will when the nomination, I don't think Gingrich has the money or the resources to stop Romney. Rick had the best chance at defeating Mitt and now he is gone,

  9. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I believe he will win the nomination but I don't think he will win the election.  The Republicans just have not presented us with someone we can get behind.  Republicans need to learn public speaking and speech making.

    If a Republican candidate could give a speech the way Obama can, then they might be able to win the election.

    I am not an Obama fan but that man can give a speech like no one else I have heard in a long time.

  10. FlowOfThought profile image60
    FlowOfThoughtposted 12 years ago

    The nomination is his, but Obama will win the election most likely, the republican party is so damaged right now, I really don't think a win is possible.

  11. JamaGenee profile image79
    JamaGeneeposted 12 years ago

    Romney's nomination is not a done deal, and won't be until (and IF) he's officially nominated at the Republication convention.  The powers-that-be at the RNC were never thrilled with his candidacy, but figured he'd get creamed early on and no longer be a "problem".  Since he became the front runner, though, there's been talk of a "brokered" convention, which is how presidential nominees used to be chosen before the state primaries system became the preferred method.

    Basically, brokering is when the movers and shakers of a party go back and forth in closed door meetings away from the convention floor and "broker" deals among themselves until a consensus is reached on a nominee they can all agree on.  Jeb Bush's name keeps coming up in conjunction with a brokered convention, but despite him having a lot more on the ball than his infamous brother, the American people aren't ready for another Bush in the White House so soon after the messes Dubya left, which Obama is still cleaning up.

    IF Romney does get the nomination, he won't win in November.

  12. ackman1465 profile image61
    ackman1465posted 12 years ago

    Of course, Romney will be the Republican nominee.    The greatest question, now, is who will he select to be his running mate?...   

    In my opinion, THAT CHOICE is the WHOLE ISSUE as to whether or not Romney can succeed in becoming POTUS.  After all, look back to 2008, and many of us would say that we could never have considered John McCain as a serious contender for POTUS after he made such a dunderheaded choice for his VP.  IF Romney were to repeat that boo-boo, then he will certainly be watching the inauguration from the sidelines in Jan, 2013.  IF he makes a serious, astute and well-thought-out choice for VP, then he can give Obama a run for his money.

    My vote will be predicated on Romney's VP selection.......


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