Should there be a really high tax on ammunition to prevent killings?

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  1. JustSimple info profile image74
    JustSimple infoposted 11 years ago

    Should there be a really high tax on ammunition to prevent killings?

    Instead of stricter gun control laws, maybe we need stricter ammunition laws.  What do you think about ammunition taxes being raised to make bullets super expensive?  Can you imagine a $1000 per bullet, people might think twice because of the cost?

  2. junkseller profile image79
    junksellerposted 11 years ago

    I think that would be the wrong way to do it. If we are to allow people to have guns for hunting and self-defense than it is in our interest that they become and remain proficient with those weapons. That requires putting ammunition through the weapon on a regular basis.

    1. JustSimple info profile image74
      JustSimple infoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Guess we can't penalize those that legally get it and are using ammunition for good reasons.  Guess this cycle will unfortunately continue

  3. peeples profile image92
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    People who really want to kill will always find a way to do so.

    1. JustSimple info profile image74
      JustSimple infoposted 11 years agoin reply to this


  4. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    So with that logic we would tax anything we don't like out of existence.  How about people who have more than 1.9 children, or people who drive larger cars (this is a pet peeve of mine because my husband is 6'4" and does fit in a small car, or people who eat Twinkies.  This is a slippery slope in the whole free country scenario.

    The Aurora tragedy may have been perpetrated by someone who legally purchased his ammunition - but that is rarely the case.    Someone like this mad man would not be stopped by $1000 a bullet, he would find a way even if he had to steal it.  Logical, sane people might be stopped by that price per bullet but remember we are dealing with someone who does not think like a "regular guy."

    1. JustSimple info profile image74
      JustSimple infoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Your right.  The right to bear arms, legally and illegally, means we can all be in danger at some point in our lives.  I have been shot at when I was in my younger days.  So I do understand what is feels like to be scared.

    2. Jack Burton profile image78
      Jack Burtonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      People have been "in danger" long before guns were invented.  I was threatened with a knife when I was younger but I don't fear kitchen knives, and I don't demand that others fear them also.

  5. Jack Burton profile image78
    Jack Burtonposted 11 years ago

    Approximately SEVEN BILLION bullets sold in America each YEAR. … 02712.html

    If only TEN PERCENT of the bullets were responsible for the death of a person then that would mean that there would be at least SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION dead people happening from guns each year.

    Is there? Of course not.

    If only ONE PERCENT of the bullets were responsible for the death of a person then that would mean that there would be at least SEVENTY MILLION dead people happening from guns each year.

    Is there? Of course not.

    If only ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT of the bullets were responsible for the death of a person then that would mean that there would be at least SEVEN MILLION dead people happening from guns each year.

    Is there? Of course not.

    And if only ONE ONE HUNDETH OF ONE PERCENT of the bullets were responsible for the death of a person then that would mean that there would be at least SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND dead people happening from guns each year.

    Is there? Of course not.

    And if only ONE ONE THOUSANDTH OF ONE PERCENT of the bullets were responsible for the death of a person then that would mean that there would be at least SEVENTY THOUSAND dead people happening from guns each year.

    And that's STILL far too large of a number - it's more than double the actual number who die from the use of a gun each year.

    So you think that because much less than ONE ONE THOUSANDTH OF ONE PERCENT of bullets sold each year are used to harm people each year then a hugh increase in the tax is reasonable on the 99.999% that are in very safe hands that harm no one? WHY IS THIS...?


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