Do you think drones attacks in asian countries is terrorism?

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  1. cheetah786 profile image53
    cheetah786posted 11 years ago

    Do you think drones attacks in asian countries is terrorism?

  2. Attikos profile image79
    Attikosposted 11 years ago

    Terrorism is a term difficult to define and easily stretched to the point of misuse, but let's try.

    terrorism: the use of violence against the general public with the purpose of achieving political objectives through destabilization of society and generation of pressure on the authorities to make decisions and take actions favored by those practicing that violence.

    I think the use of drones in Asia by the US is a tactic of war and are directed against enemy targets, not against the civilian population in general, even though what are euphemistically called "collateral damages" do occur. One may not support that war or its goals, or one may object to the use of drones on other grounds. The methods of modern war, however, while brutal and prone to horrible effects like those of all warmaking, do not appear to me to meet the criteria of terrorism.

    1. cheetah786 profile image53
      cheetah786posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      i browsed alot videos on youtube and saw american soldiers saying attacks in iraq and afghanistan are open violence and murder of innocent people.  America is spending alot of money from taxes on war, defence should be strong which cost only 1/10th.

    2. Attikos profile image79
      Attikosposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well, then, if you saw it on the Internet, it must be true, so I stand corrected.

  3. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 11 years ago


    In fact, American "empire building" has been built on numerous kinds of terrorism.

    In fact, the "War on Terror" was cover for state sponsored terrorism on the part of Bush and Co., and now Obama and Co.

    Jesus once said that you can tell a tree by the fruit it bears. America has become the new Evil Empire.

    * Lies about WMDs in order to attack a country which did not attack or in any way harm America. In fact, Iraq used to be an ally. Saddam Hussein asked our state department if they would mind that he would attack Kuwait in retaliation of their angle drilling into Iraqi oil fields. He took their ambiguous answer as tacit go-ahead.

    * A mountain of strong, circumstantial evidence that the US government may have been behind 9/11 as a False Flag event (similar to the 1960s False Flag plan by the top military brass, "Operation Northwoods"). Murdering their own citizens to provoke outrage that could be used to direct legislation and foreign policy. (See:, for scientific and engineering evidence by scientists, engineers and architects.) The fact that Mayor Giuliani committed a felony by destroying crime scene evidence (WTC), and the fact that top military officers responsible for the massive security failures on 9/11 all received promotions instead of courts martial, strongly suggest that a massive cover-up was under way; this is far more than mere incompetence.

    * More than a hundred thousand (millions?) of men, women and children have been murdered in Iraq by American and "allied" forces.

    * Thousands of innocent Afghani's have died by American aggression.

    * America attacked Libya which had done nothing to America. This was a clear case of unprovoked aggression.

    * American and British forces have been caught repeatedly pretending to be enemy forces just to stir up trouble -- like 2 British SIS agents who were caught as agents provocateur and were illegally "rescued" by "allied" forces.

    * Obama's kill list included Americans. So, instead of an attempt to arrest the individual for crimes, they take him out with innocents who happen to be close.

    "Collateral damage" is a euphemism for "murder," just as "peace keeping action" is a euphemism for "war."

    Just because America has the biggest guns and the most advanced technology, doesn't mean that their brand of murder is right. Several countries have taken legal steps to declare Bush and Obama "war criminals" for their illegal actions.

  4. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    No. It is going after those who have been or are a threat to our national security. If nothing was being done about these people; like in the Clinton years, then we may see another 9/11. But, they are being taken care of for their actions against our national security. Those who disagree would be the first in line to bash the President if another horrific event like 9/11 would happen again. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

  5. myefforts profile image59
    myeffortsposted 11 years ago

    Yes it is. There are so many children and innocent people being killed in these attacks. Those who survive in those families turn against America. Thus she is not doing any good, instead promoting terrorism.

  6. Borsia profile image39
    Borsiaposted 11 years ago

    I think drone attacks in any country are largely terrorism.
    All to often they kill more innocents than combatants and we are seldom 100% sure of the targets. We tend to forget that carrying arms is just a part of life in lawless countries and just because there is a pickup truck full of guys with guns that doesn't mean they are the bad guys.
    We also tend to forget that the worlds biggest terrorist is the US.
    That might sound harsh or un-American but you have to look at history beyond the recent past at what the US has done around the world and especially in the Middle East.
    Since WWII and before we have been screwing the Arab countries. We put the Shah into power in Iran and kept him in power for over 40 years. He was just as bad as Saddam. We took their resources and gave back nothing, just as the British did with the king before him. We supported Saddam against Iran and we trained Osama Bin Laden, to thwart the USSR.
    Our history is one of supporting some of the worst and nastiest people in the world if it gained anything for us or hurt our enemies.
    We support fascist Israel no matter what they do, even if the entire body of the UN condemns them the US vetoes and sanctions or actions against them.
    In short we turn a blind eye to why we are so often hated and pretend that we are always the "good guy" when all too often we are wearing the black hat.
    Now with drones dealing death is nothing more than a video game to us and one with little morality.
    Before we condemn Snowden or Assange we would be wise to look at what they exposed. Like US taxpayer money being used to buy children for pedophiles. Or giving billions to those who support our enemies.
    Now Obama is giving arms and support to Syrians who are aligned with Al Qaeda.
    We just gave 20 F-16s and Abrahams Main battle tanks to Egypt, both are likely to be used against the people.
    We gave support to Libyans without any idea as to who they are or who they support.
    Our history of doing these things goes way, way back through both parties and virtually every administration.


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