Even though I grew up in a Southern Baptist household, reincarnation had always felt right to me, even as a young child. I could feel that there was something far beyond my earliest memories.
The true meaning of love has been the subject of poets and philosophers for centuries. Here we explore this powerful topic with fresh eyes.
Truth. Many have asked if it is possible to know it. A few have even asked if it's possible to prove truth or prove absolute truth when you've found it. This article could answer these questions.
Edgar Cayce was known as the "Sleeping Prophet." Two biblical dates he gave have now been corroborated in Genesis and science. This describes the startling breakthrough and the book it inspired.
For anyone who likes chili and loves a good hamburger, the Original Tommy's hamburger is the world's best. The original location doesn't have seating, but the food is so heavenly, things like that simply don't matter.
In 2006, an Australian film crew produced and released "The Secret," which immediately became a blockbuster amongst self-help documentaries. The book version became a best-seller. I saw the film for the first time six years after its release and realized that I had known this secret for nearly 40...
Many people have had out-of-body experiences (OBE), but most of them have involved trauma, drugs or both, as in surgery. My most startling such OBE had nothing to do with trauma or drugs. In fact, I had been in a spiritual conversation moments before. After 40 years, I finally figured out what...
Critical thinking is an important skill in any endeavor requiring logic or investigation. We need to be aware of assumptions and their weaknesses. But even scientists can be caught not thinking critically.
Are all conspiracy theorists "nut jobs?" Are some people wrongly included under this umbrella term? What is the intent of using such a pejorative term?
In today's hustle and bustle world, have we forgotten how to think? It seems that there is much more affecting our dream-like state than the mere pace of life. Something much more sinister.
Who would you vote for if you had a choice between Hitler or Stalin? Regrettably, we have a similarly daunting choice today, in America. The Corporate media is protecting its own and won't tell you what's really going on. The facts will singe your eyebrows!
In the struggle between science and religion, the question arises: Which offers the best code of ethics? Is there some absolute frame of reference? How do we fathom the depths of this profoundly deep subject?
What does Greek Santorini have to do with Atlantis? And if Atlantis is not here, where is Atlantis? There have been many flawed arguments in support of the Minoan hypothesis of Atlantis at Santorini (Thera).
Saying, "Give me strength, God," can open the door to abundance -- courage, resolve, prosperity, health, clarity and more. Depending upon the strength of God with all your heart and soul can make all the difference in the world.
The end of the world may come, but hope remains. Mayan prediction for 2012? Life will continue long past 2012, but there is a caveat in this pudding.
Cinco de Mayo means a lot to me. Not only is it my birthday, but a lot of really cool things happened on this day. It's a day of celebration, fiestas, folk dance, Mexican music and, most of all, Mexican food.
Genesis Bible Commentary: Research led to a possible Genesis timeline compatible with those of science. Comparing that timeline to those of science revealed an answer to another Genesis puzzle. Who were the "daughters of men" -- the ones who led to the destruction of Noah's Flood? The answer is...
Genesis Bible Commentary: There are many scientific problems with Noah's Flood. I wondered, though, if there might be some clues in this story to corroborate my new Genesis timeline.
Genesis Bible Commentary: I had found what looked like half a solution to the Genesis timeline problem. Two more numbers give me the rest of the solution: a biblical timeline compatible with those of science.
Genesis Bible Commentary: In my quest to solve the Genesis timeline problem, I found some important clues. This was only half of the solution, but it was an impressive start.
Genesis Bible Commentary: Science and a literal interpretation of Genesis do not agree. It's obvious that either science is wrong or the interpretation is wrong. One look at our technological world should tell anyone that science is doing pretty good. So, what can we do with Genesis?
Genesis Bible Commentary: In my search for answers in Genesis, I discovered what might have been a major breakthrough: the Kabbalah's (Jewish mysticism's) "Tree of Life" embedded in two chapters of Genesis.
Genesis Bible Commentary: Genesis contains clues which have puzzled scholars for thousands of years. In 1650, Archbishop Ussher published his take on a biblical timeline. Some modern Christians have used this as reason to disrespect science. But is the problem only one of interpretation? If so,...
Is it possible that voting in America has been rigged? Are we looking at a rigged election in the making? There are already proven signs of voting irregularities, but what do they mean? When billions of dollars are at stake with the private bank known as the Fed, someone might want to do something...
Frank Armitage didn't like what he saw becoming of America. Little did he know that his own greed was helping to accelerate that tyranny. Political fiction at its most sinister.
These 5 simple tips can help you sleep better and beat insomnia. You can get right to sleep and have a complete night's rest.
This is another "how to: painting." This time, prime a canvas with gesso. Priming a canvas is pretty simple, but you have to follow the steps. Gesso creates the best effect, but you have to apply a number of times to get the right texture. Once done, you've converted raw canvas into a wonderful...
What was I in a past life? For that matter, who were you in a past life? Is reincarnation a reality or merely an old superstition? There are a few who have had no problems remembering their past lives, sometimes with interesting results.
Philosophers and sages have debated meanings throughout history, but how do you tell the difference between good and evil? Is there some common denominator behind it all? The answer is startling in its simplicity.
Confession is the kind of responsibility of a loving parent for their child. It combines fearless faith and loving humility to achieve a blessed freedom. Your soul is set free.
King David was the Son of God, chosen to rule over Israel. Jesus is the Son of God, chosen to rule from Jerusalem forevermore. Was Jesus King David reincarnated?
A poet's inspiration sometimes comes from the details of a full life. But sometimes whispers come on the wind from a distant past.
For thousands of years man has pondered the meaning of the "self." Religion has introduced the idea of "soul," but what is it, and does it really exist?
This uncovers the shocking truth about cancer statistics. Conspiracy? Perhaps. The evidence seems to be mounting in favor of it. Those who ignore the warning signs only need look to the Jews in Nazi Germany for inspiration. Those who thought nothing was wrong paid the ultimate price.
Some believers refuse to admit that they interpret the Bible. What are the implications of this and what effect will it have on their salvation? What is "interpretation?" As you read this, you are interpreting its meaning, and therein lies the potential pitfall.
There have been many conflicting interpretations of the seemingly outrageous longevity of the early biblical patriarchs. Could the answer really be something simple... and compatible with science?
Surprising reasons to visit Cebu, Philippines and Bohol in the Central Visayas. These islands provide some of the best of this tropical paradise--modern, native and everything in between. Food, lodging and transportation can be great values if you know how to look for them.
Everyone interprets scripture? So many Christians argue that their version of scripture is true. They even insist that it is not "their" version. But such deception can hurt not only themselves but everyone they touch. Love of God and humility are the key.
Sometimes the face of tyranny is sweet and the deception complete. Even those who saw Nazi Germany for what it was got out because they could do nothing about it. Now it's happening again. The United States has all but fallen and too few know that anything sinister has occurred.
Life means a lot to us. We want it to count for something. But when we get to the end, will we find we've been going in the wrong direction? Humility could help us avoid this unfortunate result.
There are many mysteries of Christianity. One involves "salvation by works." Many Christians talk down about doing good works. They say that good works do not give one salvation. While this true, they miss the value of good works for their own sake and the sake of righteousness.
Part 3 of 3 (science fiction). Humanity has been exploring other star systems for years and finally finds a planet like Earth. The interstellar ship Anatolia takes a group of scientists to the surface. What they find there changes everything.
Part 2 of 3 (science fiction). Humanity has been exploring other star systems for years and finally finds a planet like Earth. The interstellar ship Anatolia takes a group of scientists to the surface. What they find there changes everything.
Part 1 of 3 (science fiction). Humanity has been exploring other star systems for years and finally finds a planet like Earth. The interstellar ship Anatolia takes a group of scientists to the surface. What they find there changes everything.
Good poetry is inspired. It comes from someplace other than logic. Such is the case with this poem, Sweet Bliss.
Biblical skeptics have long held a confusion regarding the wrath of God. But such wrath is easy to understand in the context of a parent and child surrounded by deadly poisons.
What we create in this world has a great deal to do with our motivation. We can do all manner of good, but if the intent is evil, the good is lost in darkness.
The most important event in the existence of humanity might be upon us -- the establishment of God's kingdom on Earth. Are you prepared for it? I wasn't, but I hope I will be in time.
Nearly every person on Earth has an ego -- the heart of selfishness. And ego has many faces. In Christianity, we are taught to give up the ego for the Holy Spirit. But how is that possible and what is it like?
This is a Tale of Two Selves. In fact, Christianity is all about the battle between two selves -- the selfish ego and the immortal child of God, within. Both of these selves are intangible. Ego is awake and more seductive. How can the sleeping immortal, true self win this battle?
We are so obviously physical beings, but these Homo sapiens bodies are only a temporary tool. And they are not the physical self we need to leave behind. The real problem is ego. What's on the other side? All of human history comes down to this one question.
Was Jesus a victim? This is one of the mysteries of Christianity. What is the difference between a victim and a hero? With all of the abuse given to Jesus, wasn't he really more of a hero for his unselfish sacrifice?
People who whine and complain and those who play the victim are never admired. What does it mean to be a victim, and what makes a hero so admirable?
To many a skeptic, the Bible is full of contradiction. But interpretation without rigorous study is nothing more than subjective opinion. There is a great deal more wisdom going on underneath the Bible's literal surface.
Truth can become perverted, especially when selfishness (ego) is involved. When an emperor meddles in church affairs, all manner of fair play goes out the window. Did Byzantine Emperor Justinian outlaw reincarnation from Christianity?
There are many reasons why science makes a poor source to comment on spirituality and religion. Biblical literalists get in trouble by ignoring the fruits of science in its study of reality. Scientists fall into a similar delusion when they exclude God as a possible source of it all.
In the search for planets beyond the Solar System (extra-solar planets), there is one ultimate grail -- finding Earth-like planets that possess life. But where do we look? It seems the only stars where we can expect to find other worlds like our own are both ancient and chemically rich.
Most of us have heard Aesop's fable about the Boy Who Cried Wolf. It seems a lot of people have cried "Atlantis," too, and made disbelievers out of a lot of us. But we have proof of a sort that Atlantis may have been a reality.
Can a logical mathematician and scientist also be an artist? Why not! This is the tale of such an individual who, from early childhood, learned the powers of observation. He truly does have an artist's heart and a scientist's mind.
Was this the discovery of a spur of the Milky Way? Sometimes a discovery can prove to be nothing at all. Sometimes it can be an artifact of poor data, possibly flawed by some bias. Such is the case with stellar distances and some very interesting 3D astronomy software.
Atheists do not believe God exists. For them, God is a big "nothing." But to the faithful, God is no "thing." Could there be some inadvertent agreement between skeptics and believers?
Christianity has a challenge before it. Would it surprise you to know that many Christians are lazy and arrogant? They think they have it all figured out, so they've stopped looking for answers. But even the great teacher told his disciples that there were many things he had not revealed to them...
Numbers are beautiful and essential in life, but some avoid them like the plague. Numbers don't have to be scary. They have a very interesting story to tell.
Human motivation and heroes have long fascinated us. Movies, novels and other entertainment would seem empty and shallow if they did not contain at least a little conflict -- some challenge to spark our interest and our involvement. In other words, we need a catastrophe.
Why are so many prayers unanswered? What is the meaning of unanswered prayers? Would it surprise you to learn that the problem is not in the answering, but the asking?
There have been many interpretations of God's 7 days of creation mentioned in Genesis. Some biblical literalists hold onto ideas which conflict with those of science. But science is the master of the study of reality, and to ignore their findings is to court delusion.
We have evidence which strongly suggests that Plato's Atlantis was real. Visiting the locations involved in that story can prove enlightening as well as entertaining.
East European Georgia is a beautiful country with a rich heritage. To Jason and his argonauts, it was Colchis, land of the Golden Fleece, guarded by a golden dragon. Wine originated here 8,000 years ago. And perhaps their roots go all the way back to Plato's lost island of Atlantis.
What was Noah's Flood supposed to solve? Until now, every scholarly discussion for the reason behind Noah's Flood fails under even the most casual inspection. By God's rainbow, the Flood was declared a success. And yet, man has continued to do wicked things and great violence. What was the real...
Is there treasure "buried" in Atlantis? According to Plato, the lost island of Atlantis stretched from near Gibraltar out into the Atlantic Ocean, likely including the Azores. If Atlantis really existed, then the Azores is all we have of a once Texas-sized island. And what a beautiful place to...
Most of us are familiar with "ordinary" miracles, but only a rare few have experienced the "extraordinary" variety -- the cause-and-effect coincidence. One afternoon in L.A. traffic, 1977, changed everything for me.
This Atlantis quest reveals many secrets that may prove Plato was right. For nearly 2500 years, the lost island of Atlantis has been the subject of great debate. But now we have proof of the event which destroyed it.
What purpose under God would reincarnation serve? Are reincarnation and karma really in the Bible? Surprisingly, they are -- both in the Old and New Testaments. But it should not surprise anyone who truly remains humble and hungry to learn.