Are you afraid of your lives due to the nuclear bombs test Iran has been carryin

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  1. Michael Saoke profile image61
    Michael Saokeposted 8 years ago

    Are you afraid of your lives due to the nuclear bombs test Iran has been carrying out lately?

    I mean like for instance do you think their leader might become rogue and test it on your country?

  2. tamarawilhite profile image83
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    They alternatively threaten to wipe out Israel, Iraq/ISIS and the United States. But due to logistics, Israel is more likely.
    Another matter is the Sunni-Shia fighting that started almost immediately after Mohamed's death. Iran sees itself as the Shia power, as it is the only Shia majority nation, while Saudi Arabia is the Sunni hub only because of Mecca and Medina.
    Saudi Arabia has nuclear weapons on order with Pakistan to be delivered the moment Iran is officially nuclear. So we do run the risk of a World War 3 with Saudi Arabia and Iran nuking each other as the latest version of their 1400 year religious feud.

  3. Ken Burgess profile image70
    Ken Burgessposted 8 years ago

    I think it plausible that they would allow some faction or 'terrorist group' get ahold of a dirty bomb to deploy against the 'infidels'.

    You have to keep in mind how Iran operates, they do not send out an army, they will not fire a rocket into Israel or American... why would they do that, when they can provide the means for some group unattached to them to do their work for them?

    The Iranians want to rid the world of Israel, yet they do not start a war against them to accomplish this, they fund the Hamas, the PLO, and anyone else that pursues that end.

    This is how Iran fights the war,  with religious fanatics and power hungry psychopaths that want to destroy the Western civilization- Israel, America, Britain, and Europe.

    Weaken them from within, destroy their cultures, their society, their beliefs... until you can destroy them from without, or take them over from within.

    Its a war they will win, because it is a war we are unable or unwilling to recognize and address with the needed determination and force.

    1. Michael Saoke profile image61
      Michael Saokeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I feel you bro

    2. arksys profile image78
      arksysposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting how you say they want to destroy  Israel, America, Britain, and Europe but none of them have been touched by the psychopaths yet. Instead they are killing their own. lol, nice plan ey. Could it be coz america funds isis? lets wait and see

  4. arksys profile image78
    arksysposted 8 years ago

    That's not going to happen. everyone is arming themselves just to prove they are up to a certain level in technological advancement. Its more of a silent political statement, saying i have one too. quite similar to the average person saying i have the iPhone 7 now.

    They join the "imaginary" club of power and that's it.

  5. Old-Empresario profile image72
    Old-Empresarioposted 8 years ago

    I'm not afraid. Nuclear bombs are very large, very complicated, very expensive and they require a delivery system (they don't fit into trunks or suitcases). Maybe one day Iran will have a nuclear weapon and maybe they won't. We have about 10,000 nuclear weapons ready to strike anywhere anytime. We're safe.


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