Dr. Ford is just a little better but if were going to play this "poor poor women's rights war ", can we just get a little more real ?
You had to go here.
Who holds out the stupid apple in probably most cases. Young female human adolescents love attention from the opposite sex. At fifteen, the hormones are stronger than logic and override appropriate functioning of the brain. This fifteen year old, as a diver, knew she was in good physical shape. Swimmers and divers at that age have truly breathtaking bodies. She probably had been flirting around.
Furthermore, Ford had her full-piece swim suit on. She was protected by that suit, even if he had wanted to go further, which he probably didn't. He was showing off for his friend ... acting. As boys do at that age. They love to impress their peers.
What kind a kid was Bret? typical?
Its hard for me to believe the boys were hiding in the bedroom near the bathroom waiting for a poor unsuspecting female; like a couple of spiders waiting for a fly. Hard to believe that what they reportedly did was premeditated.
Reality and believability does not appear to be important to the left. They are the 'if you don't have anything good to say about someone, come sit by me' party.
"poor poor women's right war ..."
Whats even worse is what Catholic priests have done to children/boys.
The more I contemplate what those priests have gotten away with over all these years WITH NO CONSEQUENCES, the more outraged I become.
The #Metoo movement pales in comparison, if you ask me, which no one ...
A child trusts an adult. The adult who takes advantage of that trust and takes advantage of his HOLY position is truly EVIL. But the child is in awe of this person and wants to please him.
A woman is the same as a child? She is in awe of the man she is dealing with? ... she cannot walk away with her big long adult legs? or refuse to take one step toward a casting couch? Or step away from that big black car, or JUST SAY
N O ? ? ? ? ? ?
So, Ford a sleek athletic girl, couldn't have run down the stairs before being whisked into the bedroom?
Apparently we women need protection from evil men. I am all for women who cannot deal with a coeducational society to go and create their own well protected/guarded domed community.
I would rather work out my strong legs and carry a gun than live in there.
And look in the mirror to practice saying this one word:
N O !
Maybe in the future, when sexbots are legalized, men don't have to worry with real women and all their phobias, flip flops and mixed messages.
Well, that was a bit trollish ...
Its a sad issue.
Kathryn , I agree with everything you said and I am a gentleman who's always been in awe of women , but somewhat disappointed since the seventies about women who don't seem worthy of the kindness'. Today not many appreciate a door holder , a tire changer or a friendly innocent smile in for one in return . I'm actually a dinosaur Kathryn , a gentleman in a world of men and women I truly don't understand . Neither seem interested in anything but selfish agendas and modern meism's.
Besides that , Dr. Ford seems righteous enough but can't remember details she should remember . The rest seem to be just whackos . So far I don't see a thing wrong with Kavanaugh except he was too nice to the senate .
Can you imagine one of the Knights of the Round Table waking up with a tremendously long white beard and witnessing this era?
That would make an interesting story.
All I know about a knight is that he would immediately go get a prescription for sleeping pills .
! ! !
To refresh you memory regarding Knights:
Code of Chivalry
To fear God and maintain His Church
To serve the liege lord in valour and faith
To protect the weak and defenceless
To give succour to widows and orphans
To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
To live by honour and for glory
To despise pecuniary reward
To fight for the welfare of all
To obey those placed in authority
To guard the honour of fellow knights
To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
To keep faith
At all times to speak the truth
To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
To respect the honour of women
Never to refuse a challenge from an equal
Never to turn the back upon a foe.
http://www.medieval-life-and-times.info … ivalry.htm
A true knight would get out his sword and get to work!
- or maybe not, on second thought ...
Of, course, jail time must be issued to all evil men and women who sexually force their will over men, women or children.
That would make a good thread: (or a good title for that story.)
"Modern Meisms"
The Me-too movement for men is called,
The Blues.
... been around a long long time.
women joined it too.
LOL, why, so you can continue your "poor Brett/what's wrong with women these days?" circle jerk in peace? No way.
You may have experience in the 'circle jerk' (as you call it department). It's a little low, for the average person. Well, the average conservative, anyway.
Context and comprehension. "Average" is too flattering for what's happening in this thread.
"Circle jerk is a synonym of echo chamber, where people (such as your Facebook friends) reinforce each other’s opinions."
Of course, if you thought I meant the other definition, that's a bit weird and solely on you.
I'll hold you to the same standard the left is holding Kavanaugh and deem your statement perverted and disgusting. Reflecting on you, not me. Fair enough?
Lol, if it makes you happy. I didn't invent the alternate definition, though, unlike Brett did for two different terms. I know that's good enough for you, though. Trump defenders have a lot of experience rationalizing lying liars.
Of course, I'm not a Supreme Court nominee, just a person on a forum, but I've come to expect this odd expectation Trump defenders have of higher standards for a forum dweller than for POTUS, and now for a SC justice.
I'm rationalizing you. If you call yourself a lying liar I'm not joining in on that. The definition I am holding you to has been around a lot longer than the one you are attempting to divert attention to. You will have to accept if you held one to the more heinous of the two you will have to be held to it.
That fair. Whether you like it or not.
Um, read again. I did not invent the alternate definition (a copy and paste). Brett did invent his. Tell me again how I lied and he didn't?
I don't know that he invented anything. That's your claim. You haven't given any cause to see most of your responses to me as much more than partisan parroting.
You chose to have two definitions and insist the less savory be the one he was held to. Why should you be held to a different standard? Honestly, I've never heard the one he said or the one the left is claiming to be the correct definition.
I didn't "choose" to have two different definitions. They already exist in common usage. Google it.
A little research on your part will reveal that Devil's Triangle and booting each had one meaning, and not the meanings ascribed by Brett. Of course, you are defending him apparently without having done any research or you would know these are not simply my claims or the claims of "the left."
Kids are kids and enjoy being wickedly funny. Boys are like that.
Right, so girls have to take responsibility for themselves being assaulted but boys get a pass because “it’s part of growing up”? You’re a twisted individual.
girls egg them on, of course. what guy goes to a party where there are only guys?
They are all learning. They're all growing up.
They need each other.
But when alcohol is involved, the girls are better off avoiding the situation.
Twisted, twisted, twisted.
Maybe the girls should go have fun and the boys should stay home and circle-jerk.
As you know, thats the most boring thing in the world for both groups.
or maybe you don't know!
... and I'm the twisted one?
I don’t think you’re doing it right if you think it’s boring.
if you know how to hang out with girls and do it "right", well ...
No Thanks.
Girls do need to be honest. Girls shouldn't lie. And, women shouldn't either.
More importantly, women should insist on equality and fairness. Believing her, with no evidence to back it up, and plenty to make her testimony unbelievable, is not being fair.
Women who are bashing Kavanaugh are little different from the behavior they are accusing him of. They are raping and pillaging a person's good name for nothing but personal gratification.
When I was in prep school we used the word 'poot' for passing gas. It wasn't a common word used for the act. It's what we said. I have no reason to think 'boofing' didn't mean to them what he says it did.
Devil's triangle, I have no idea what it means. Either way. When was the term coined? I never heard it growing up. I'm in his age range.
Have you forgotten how to use a search engine?
Have you lost the interest in thinking? This was preinternet. No one had the ability to Google anything. If it wasn't used in that part of the country,at that time, is it reasonable to assume a reference had to mean that particular thing?
I grew up in the area. At the time he did. Never heard of it. My husband grew up in the same area. Same time. Different circles. Never heard of it.
I don't understand what the problem is. Even if the term used meant what you hope it did it doesn't prove a criminal act happened. She simply gave no credible proof of anything other than that she thinks something happened somewhere with someone at some time and he is unreasonably put on the defensive. You,and others like you, determine guilt on the basis of nothing more than an unsubstantiated claim.
What part of giving people the benefit of the doubt has been lost in the left? What part of the preponderance of evidence escaped the education of those participating in this witch hunt? She can't say when or where, but you want to convict him on a difference in what an obscure term means? Next, you'll be pondering what 'is' means.
A few words of advice to any on the left. Stop throwing mud. Get your emotions in check. Use your brain. And, get your mind out of the gutter.
This discussion was about whether or not he lied under oath. A little research will reveal that the terms he defined have culturally accepted definitions contrary to his definitions. You tried to claim that my use of one of two culturally accepted definitions of "circle jerk" was the same as him lying about a fabricated definition.
Your attempt to muddy the waters will not work with me
If you want to use a term which has more than one meaning you can't claim innocence, because you meant the more innocent of the two. I'm not muddying waters. That is holding you to the same standard you want to use to destroy a career.
Stop pretending. He made up definitions under oath. I used a term with two accepted definitions. Not the same no matter how hard you try to make it so.
Did he make up a term? Pre internet, colloquial expressions...not even colloquial. Used in a particular circle of people. If the usage did not continue outsideof that group does that mean it was made up?
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Let's say, he lied about the definition. Does that mean he also did anything which could remotely be described as sexual assault? Because a teenage boy laughed about something off color?
If we question his innocence over a term, will you also question his guilt over the body of lies Ford offered up?
A person who lied under oath should not sit on the SC. It has now been revealed that he was texting his friends about the Ramirez allegations in the summer, before they became public. He stated under oath that he was not aware of the allegations until they appeared in the media in September. Another lie under oath.
I'm sure you'll have an excuse for that one too, but maybe you'll shock me.
http://fortune.com/2018/10/01/kavanaugh … classmate/
I heard that also. My only observation would be that, considering the assault on his name, he made a mistake. I'm not certain, under these extreme circumstances, I would agree that deems him unfit to serve.
If you also support serious jail time for Ford, if found she purposely created a false story, then I could see you are reasonably fair on this one point.
Jail time could only result from being found guilty in a criminal trial. If that heppened, then of course I would support the appropriate penalty.
With regard to BK, I am stating he should not be confirmed to the SC because he lied under oath. The sexual assault allegations, while quite believable to me, are unlikely to result in criminal charges much less a conviction. I have already stated that somewhere else on these forums.
With all of the troubling facts to the contrary, you being willing to unilaterally believe an unfounded allegation puts your motives to question.
Considering the coordinated, unwarranted and partisan attack on the man's good name... I'm willing to cut him a little slack.
You aren't getting it. Use the Urban Dctionary. Look up the modern meaning in that dictionary; the one with millions of man hours spent in researching slang. Extrapolate the meaning back to the time and place of your choice, claiming it did not change because it ruins your claim if it did.
Boffed: (from Urban Dictionary dot com)
2. To expel intestinal gas through the anus; break wind. Especially relevant when said expulsion is silent and particularly potent.
We know this definition to be true because at the bottom of it we see "by Kieranishere November 02, 2005", a respected researcher in the English Language.
Boffed: (from Urban Dictionary dot com)
The act of vomiting, especially whilst drunk.
We know this definition is true because at the bottom of it we see "by banana87 October 14, 2012", a respected researcher of the English language.
Boffed: (from Urban Dictionary dot com)
To hit or get hit extremely hard. To lay out or be layed out Pertains to Lacrosse and American Football as well as Hockey. Can also mean to have sexual intercourse with someone.
We know this definition is true because at the bottom of it we see "by Eanestrom September 15, 2008", a respected researcher of the English language.
See how that's done? With just a little google work you can prove anything!
Of course, one must use good judgment when one is researching on the internet and recognize when a definition is newly invented by a SC nominee and added to the urban dictionary to reflect the irony.
But, of course, you already knew that.
by Kieranishere November 02, 2005
by banana87 October 14, 2012
by Eanestrom September 15, 2008
Don't think BK added any of these...
Yes, one must use good judgement...and pay careful attention to what is said.
But, PP, the point was two fold. 1. Sites like Urban Dictionary are NOT equivalent to Mirriam Webster and cannot be relied on.
2. Meanings of words, particularly of slang, change through time and vary by location. When a modern, cherry picked, definition garnered through nothing more than reader contributions of what is used in their time and location is used for what was in use at a different time removed by generations and a place a thousand miles away that is very different socially it is almost certain to be incorrect.
But, of course, you already knew that.
A check of your first two references yields this, a definition for "boffed" not "boofed." I didn't bother to check the third.
You: "Yes, one must use good judgement...and pay careful attention to what is said."
Maybe you should practice what you preach.
Oops! I stand corrected and humbly beg your forgiveness. I did not "Pay careful attention".
had anal sex.
by Andrea M. October 11, 2004
related to consuming drugs or alcohol through one's anus.
Okay, I don't hold inadvertent mistakes against you. Now, do you still believe Brett K was honest about the meaning of both of those terms?
Probably. The ONLY sign he wasn't is modern day definitions provided by various people that define it in various ways. And there is something else as well - I find it terribly hard to believe that school officials (wasn't it a Catholic school?) would allow the yearbook to be printed with language carrying the definitions being promoted. ANY of them, not just the sexually oriented ones. My admittedly limited experience with student produced items such as newspaper or yearbook is that the school assigns a teacher to watch pretty carefully at the high school level. Either of those things bring enough doubt to my mind to go back to that "innocent until proven guilty" - his word is good enough without something more than the Urban Dictionary to contradict him.
Or is there something I'm missing? Is there a dictionary from 1982 giving definitions for the central Eastern Seaboard somewhere? One specializing in high school slang rather than general usage? Have the editors of that yearbook made a statement (under oath, given the hoorah going on)? Teachers? Other school administrators?
It's all about reasonable doubt, PP, and hating anything that emanates from Trump is not a part of that.
Not about "women these days" but woman these days . You have to be biased against the ideology of Kavanaugh to believe at least two of them , Ford was far too vague about far too many questions , and number three is just plain lost in her own land of weirdness .
This isn't about women . It's entirely about obstruction of due process .
I mean, all the signs were there... you don’t even have to read the posts, you probably could have come to the same conclusion just by reading the usernames.
Yep. I always attempt to stand against those who prefer lynch mobs to reason.
Pretty much. It's still highly disturbing. I thought this was 2018, not 1918.
Sorry its too much for you. I bet it was more fun in 1918 than 1972!
(But I doubt it. I had a blast! No regrets!)
I had a blast, too. Drank, partied, didn't assault anyone is try to take off their clothes...oh, that's right I'm not a boy.
Except, wait, boys of good character didn't do that, even when drunk.
The only thing we know for sure is that he drank. We all drink.
We are all of bad character, then.
He should be nominated because he shows great character now.
What has he done as Judge that would disqualify him?
We also know for sure that he lied under oath.
Sure but there’s “bad character” like you had too much to drink and threw up on your friend’s dog or you were so drunk you thought no one would notice you cheating at charades, and then there’s “bad character” like holding another human being down against their will and trying to undress them. That kind of “bad character” isn’t alcohol’s fault.
I think you're right. Do we know of anyone that did that, or are we assuming that because a woman made the claim that it is true? There is a whole world of difference between assuming truth and KNOWING truth.
No one, but Ford, claims any memory of the party or the incident. Why can people not get through their heads that a person making an allegation has to have some semblance of evidence?
You people are happily ruining a person's good name with nothing but your desire to do it.
"Why can people not get through their heads that a person making an allegation has to have some semblance of evidence?"
Not if it will aid in keeping a conservative or Republican off the Supreme Court.
Exactly. And they lack honesty by not owning up to it, but they want to hold others to a different standard than can be expected of them.
So sorry, I retract my vague comment which surely played such a large role in ruining someone’s “good name.” Are you okay now?
I'd be better if you took responsibility instead of claiming to have made vague comments.
"Circle Jerk" is a pejorative slang term referring to a positive feedback loop which occurs when an idea, belief or meme that is already customary within an online community becomes re-iterated and rewarded in a perpetual cycle, giving rise to redundancy, clichés and karma whoring. This phenomenon is typically observed in communities consisting of self-contained forums devoted to specific interests, beliefs or subcultures.
The term "circle jerk" was initially used to describe a sexual practice in which a group of men masturbate themselves or each other while sitting in a circle. The earliest known use of the term dates back to 1979, when the Los Angeles punk band the Bedwetters renamed their band to the Circle Jerks after one of the band members found it in a dictionary of English slang words. While there are digital footprints of its usage on Usenet newsgroups[15] in the 1980s and 1990s, "circle jerk' largely remained an offline slang term.[16]
copy/paste from someplace on the internet
Justice equals allowing Judge Kavanaugh to be nominated. No one is nominating Bart O'Kavanaugh!
- as a tadpole becomes a frog
or a caterpillar a butterfly ...
'Bart' is no more!
What's in YOUR journal before and just after graduating from high school?
Beer chugging contests?
Coed skinny dipping in someone's backyard pool or mountain stream?
Inviting someone to listen to tunes in the backseat of a car?
"Picking up" the opposite sex at movie theaters, bowing alleys and parties?
Beer/ wine/ pot parties on the dunes?
Moon-lit nights of grunion hunting on the beach?
Unchaperoned weekend camping trips in the mountains?
Easter week in someone's beach house with all your best friends?
Romping around with new friends on a quiet mountain road with a view of all the city lights down below?
Traveling to places far away for music festivals where everyone was doing mushrooms, peyote buttons, pot ...?
Hooking up in tents on Hash ... ?
Leaving with someone who says they love you for a weekend getaway and not telling your parents where you were for 48 hours ... and getting away with it?
Playing strip poker in tents high on THC?
Playing frisbee anywhere and everywhere after multiple tokes?
Going to a strangers house and getting tied to the bed with ropes, crying, being let loose and never mentioning it again ... realizing is WAS YOUR FAULT that you went to the person's house, alone, in the first place?
Accepting a ride, while walking, and being driven up to the mountains against your will, when a little voice inside your head had warned you not to take that ride ...
again, crying, being let loose and never mentioning it, knowing quite well that YOU were the stupid one?
Mhmmm so what has to happen for a woman to be absolved of her fault in being sexually assaulted?
a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.
"the club's financial predicament"
synonyms: difficult situation, mess, difficulty, plight, quandary, muddle, mare's nest; informalhole, fix, jam, pickle, scrape, bind, tight spot/corner, dilemma, can of worms
"how did you ever get yourself into such a predicament"
So... nothing. Because she shouldn’t have been existing in that time and place at all!
I hope my daughter never finds herself existing in the same time and place as someone like you, either.
If she does, she better have the tools she needs to deal.
- one of them being HONESTY.
What has he done as Judge that would disqualify him?
That's the problem , Dems have sacrificed elections because of constant LIES , sacrificed elections for phony outrage , ARE sacrificing mid terms for their disconnect with honesty .
Figure it out Dems !
Women have every right to not remember anything about a party which likely never happened, and for the sake of monetary gain and political fame. They've also got every right to all manner of derision and political fallout for their devious behaviors.
I support all women, and all humans having the right to make very bad decisions, and to get what comes to them for them.
I've noticed liberals go on for days nit -picking the finer details of Kavanaugh testimony yet ignore just as the media does , the vast amount of Kavanaugh support going on . Letters from high school attendees , college , law school , his judgeship days , law clerks , hundreds perhaps thousands of letters and supporters . NPR the other day gave numbers , yet go ahead and google up Kav. supporters and all you'll see are those who support Ford .
What a biased media and an extraordinarily naive opposition party the left is , clearly it is divided down party lines but wow , just stop the lies Democrats , you've lost ONE MORE OBSTRUCTION BATTLE and clearly Kavanaugh will be confirmed .............
At Issue ? Hey better go get those abortions soon ?
Really , what a joke !
Off I thought Kavanaugh was waiting to get on the Supreme Court just to deny a woman choice, I'd be against him
Seriously .........., DO WOMEN really think the SCOTUS is going to reverse the Roe vs Wade, After 50 years , and 60,000,000 frivolous abortions on demand , is that all there is to the depth of democratic obstruction ?
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