NY Times Reports: STUNNING: Another demonstrably unprecedented and EARTH-Shaking Development *******: We don't know for sure but how many more blatant, abominable and exceedingly destructive public displays of favoring and appeasing dictator Vladimir Putin do his last few remaining followers need to witness in broad daylight before it finally sinks in, or will they simply blindly follow him off the inevitable cliff in the name of an elusive, archaic, useless pile of border concrete ?? According to former FBI agents and asst directors, the Federal Bureau of Investigation cannot open a counter intelligence inquiry into the possibility that a sitting president could be under the influence of our enemy Vladimir Putin / Russia unless they have reasonable suspicion: And we ALL have that concrete public evidence in spades via film footage captured in Helsinki etc which supports the logical allegation that he could indeed be a Russian Asset and we continue to witness Donald Trump’s anti-American public behavior in the form of many astounding public acts of trashing of OUR country and institutions: So Now What? Do we let him continue to undermine this country from the inside out or do we FINALLY IMPEACH and Indict him, Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell NOW before it’s really too late?
Mitch and Graham will be gone because of their not doing their duty to the govt as they swore to. Good riddance!!
Absolutely Randy, a dereliction of their sworn duty at the very least and not only that, complicity with an illegitimate president who was / is under FBI Surveillance as reported by the NY Times for suspicion of being Vladimir Putin's pawn and given all the public evidence we've witnessed since his swearing in, how could any rational thinking person honestly believe otherwise ??:
Do I really need to repeat the fact that according to reports, Trump was / is under surveillance for suspicion of being an agent of Russia ??!!!! Didn't think so:
What should the FBI's response be when a presidential candidate appears on global television and shows the eager willingness to receive and accept stolen private property belonging to the USA which was acquired by Chinese and or Russian Spies through espionage efforts ??
Should the FBI have sent Donald a box of chocolates, a thank you card and a bouquet of red roses to match the Red Russian Flag, or should they be loyal to the United States and perform the required action they are paid to do in an effort to protect the United States by investigating potential covert agents which may be hostile to we the people and this once great country ??
UNREAL and Unacceptable: Disregard the nonsense in the beginning about Hillary's E*Mails and just watch the rest of this film in amazement:
"If Russia or China or any other country has stolen property of the United States, to be honest with you, Donald Trump would love to see it":
Believe it or not, that's essentially what he said on global television in front of MILLIONS of witnesses, not to mention what he had the nerve to say following that sentence: UNREAL:
We have reached the point of BEYOND insanity long ago: Ridiculously suspicious and unprecedented: According to reports, Donald Trump is trying to CONCEAL the transcript from his secret meeting with our enemy Vladimir Putin when they met behind closed doors in Helsinki: The very same meeting when he appeased Vladimir Putin over our very own law enforcement agencies on global television with millions of witnesses:
WHY does he refuse to release the content of this secret meeting to we the people, what did he discuss with our enemy and what if any deals which may be extremely detrimental to our country were struck ?? If his public behavior toward Vladimir Putin is any indication of what happened in secret we are in deep trouble, and maybe that's WHY he according to reports, refuses to disclose his covert conversations:
"WaPo: Trump sought to hide details of conversations with Putin from admin officials"
"President Trump has repeatedly sought to conceal the details of his face-to-face conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin from senior officials in his own administration, the Washington Post's Greg Miller reports"
https://www.axios.com/trump-sought-conc … 181bd.html
Breaking BIG *******: If this fact based condensed bullet point list of WHY we Americans need to be extremely concerned about Donald's allegiances doesn't SHOCK and Rock you, I think you'd better double check your birth certificate to determine exactly where you were born, because it probably wasn't the United States of America:
In black and white, easy to understand English: SHOCKING:
"Here are 18 reasons Trump could be a Russian asset"
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions … dcc6c9f180
Breaking BIG *******: While Americans continue to wallow unnecessarily in deep financial strain and crisis caused by a strange 72 year old weird orange man who is unilaterally responsible for this INSANE government shut down, righteous democrats are considering a subpoena of the interpreter who was present at the private meeting between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Helsinki so we the people can finally get answers pertaining to WHAT Exactly was said and agreed upon behind closed doors:
WHY on Earth is Mr. Trump trying desperately to conceal his private meetings with Vladimir Putin as press reports indicate, especially when there are almost innumerable pending questions pertaining to his true allegiances ?? WHAT is he hiding and WHY do democrats need to threaten him with subpoena power to get information we the people have a right to see ?? Oval Office INSANITY Continues:
"Trump-Putin meeting: Top Democrat says he's considering subpoena for interpreter's notes"
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/pol … 571203002/
Breaking BIG ******* Developing NOW *****: Comrade Trump has done everything short of carving a big bright tattoo on his orange forehead that says " I'm a Russian SPY" to publicly corroborate his apparent allegiance to Communist Vladimir Putin and yet there is STILL a very tiny minority of Americans who follow his every lying corrupt, anti-American word: UNREAL:
Ask yourself this: What would be the most efficient way for Comrade Trump to discuss his secret aspirations of perhaps seeking asylum in Russia as a back up plan if he needs to flee the USA on a moments notice? He can't make a phone call from the white house or air force one, nope, the best way to keep this secret would be a private meeting with Vladimir Putin absent secret service, note-takers or translators and that appears to be exactly what Bozo did once again according to SHOCKING press reports: UNREAL:
"Trump met Putin without staff or note takers present — again
"Trump reportedly keeps finding a way to meet the Russian leader privately."
https://www.vox.com/2019/1/29/18202515/ … 20-ft-note
Question for Trump supporters:
What legitimate reason would a U.S. President have for wanting his words with a foreign adversary to not be known by anyone but himself? What legitimate reason would a U.S President have for confiscating his own interpreter 's notes?
Question for those that hate Trump:
Do you find it reasonable that every word spoken between dignitaries have 7 billion people second guessing talks and each comment made, proclaiming dark secrets behind every word whether there or not? Or do those dignitaries require some quiet time alone to flesh out agreements and thoughts without the children involved?
Not a Trump hater, but since you didn't answer the questions, should I assume you don't have answers?
I'll be polite and answer yours, absurd as they are.
"Do you find it reasonable that every word spoken between dignitaries have 7 billion people second guessing talks and each comment made, proclaiming dark secrets behind every word whether there or not?" No , I don't think that is reasonable, but since it does not occur that way anyway, I'm not sure why you asked the question, other than to attempt to reframe the discussion on a most absurd way.
"Or do those dignitaries require some quiet time alone to flesh out agreements and thoughts without the children involved?" Sure, but there should be a U. S. note taker present and POTUS should not be allowed to confiscate the notes. Unless, of course, you prefer an authoritarian dictator over a servant of the people.
Would love to hear how a person can think POTUS' actions are not suspicious, especially in the context of the investigation.
To the conspiracy theorist every conversation or event is suspicious. Particularly in view of the witch hunt going on now.
Yet, we are talking about a few very specific conversations that Trump wanted to keep so secret he confiscated notes from one of them. You have yet to offer a plausible explanation for such behavior.
But you agreed that there ARE valid reasons not to make some conversations public. Why do you doubt this is one of those cases?
Given the number of "leaks" government is producing today, I would have confiscated the transcript too. Was that transcript destroyed or kept for future generations?
It's treachery like this astonishing display of non-allegiance to the USA caught on film that caused our intelligence community along with the majority of human beings to become highly suspicious of this orange blob and it's why the FBI opened a probe right after Donald fired James Comey to answer the question "Is Comrade Trump actually working for our communist enemy Vladimir Putin?" and it's also one reason WHY despite what ypu think of leakers, they are providing critically important inside info into the NIGHTMARE in Perpetuity that surrounds our white house:
Presidents who are LOYAL to the USA would never even think of appearing on global television to side with our arch enemy while trashing our OWN LAW Enforcement: Watch this idiot do just that as Vladimir Putin grins with pleasure:
What other evidence do the last remaining Trump followers need? A tattoo on Trump's forehead that says "I'm doing everything I possibly can to destroy the USA right in front of your face and you STILL Don't Believe I'm Vladimir Putin's Lap DOG !!!! "
"No , I don't think that is reasonable, but since it does not occur that way anyway, I'm not sure why you asked the question"
My apologies: I though the question I asked was indicative of my answer to yours. It obviously did not come through that way.
But to make sure it does, the answer to yours is that there are very often very valid reasons not to make discussion open to the world's public. I won't go into possibilities because your answer here indicates that you see them too.
How does having a single U.S.note taker present "make discussion open to the world's public"?
LOL Given the information that is "leaked" from our government and ends up being made public to the world, that should be obvious.
So, you are okay with the president confiscating the notes?
That's the "Captain Queeg" defense wilderness but you're on the right track for the "Trump Tribunals" which must take place if we're still a land of laws: The only way he gets out of this gigantic nightmare of a mess of his own making is to plead PPD "Paranoid Personality Disorder" or a more severe mental condition which can very easily be proven by the best, most competent psychiatric experts in the world:
Major EMERGENCY Development *******: Beyond TERMINAL Condition for our INSANE oval office: INSANITY INSANITY INSANITY INSANITY: I've asked this critically important question too many times to the point of losing my voice: At what point do you Finally Legally REMOVE a Psychopathic Illegitimate Oval Office Occupant? WHEN it's too LATE ??!!!!!!!
What the HELL is congress and prosecutors waiting for ????? Russian Troops to Invade and OCCUPY our Home-land ????? !!!! The USA is already in irreparable shambles:
So now this complete idiot is going to commit another criminal act of instigating ANOTHER Nuclear Arms Race with our arch enemies while congress, law enforcement, and prosecutors just sit back and watch !!!!: The very definition of INSANITY:
Global EMERGENCY !! ******* !! Code RED ****: Just when you thought the Bozo Trump era of madness couldn't possibly get any worse, ANOTHER Bottom is reached and be rest assured, ANOTHER Bottom after this will undoubtedly be achieved again as his tiny, dwindling group of followers stick their heads in the sand as usual:
"Senior intelligence briefers are breaking two years of silence to warn that the President is endangering American security:
https://www.rawstory.com/2019/02/senior … 8.facebook
Well, Jake, this should come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention from the beginning. I fear having the ignorant narcissist in charge during a sudden crisis. One can only hope that the adults would take charge and ignore the petulant toddler.
PP, the primary problem is there are NO adults left in the room and given this crumbled collapsed white house of darkness which is mired miles deep in several criminal investigations that are yielding indictments by the dozens as it wallows in a degrading state of mad perpetual destructive chaos, unprecedented criminality, mega-corruption and Non-Allegiance to the USA, Bozo Trump even as short in duration his crazy era should be, will never find QUALIFIED experts to hire and take the reigns until the time comes when he's finally REMOVED by Impeachment and or Indictment:
And That's Just PURE INSANITY *******:
We've already experienced SEVERAL "Amendment 25 EMERGENCIES" where this nut case drove the entire globe into mad reckless "Nuclear Conflict Brinkmanship" with N Korea and he should have been REMOVED at that insane point in time, we can't afford another game of chicken like that, especially when the orange elderly man in the oval office is unfortunately endowed with smaller than average, insufficient assets both mentally and as stated by a woman who should know, physically:
E*M*E*R*G*E*N*C*Y *******: BEYOND Shocking & Lightning BOLT Spine Shivers: I hope you're sitting down because this is nothing less than Pure INSANITY: Andrew McCabe, former Deputy Director of the FBI says Donald Trump, the 72 year old now perched in our oval office vehemently rejected our own intelligence in favor of Vladimir Putin's in relation to N Korea's Long Range Missile Capability: In a meeting McCabe reports Donald told them, and I paraphrase " I Believe Putin" **: UNREAL: Beyond SHOCKING:
" 'I believe Putin': Trump dismissed US advice on North Korea threat, says McCabe"
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 … ays-mccabe
Putin's puppet, or just really stupid?
I hope Mueller's final report will lay this question to rest.
PP, It's perfectly obvious in plain site, on global television in public view for the entire world to see including our once firm and strong NATO Allies, Comrade Donald appeases and cowers to our greatest enemy and threat Vladimir Putin every chance he gets which is nothing less than treachery and a SHOCK and Destabilizing dark force for Europe which we might need some day :
Even his last remaining followers are snapping out of their weird trance like state to finally realize this, beginning to believe their own eyes as they should instead of the blatant non-stop Pile of LIES he tries to fed them and many VOTED Against him in the 2018 midterms to OBSTRUCT his dangerously absurd actions and agenda:
The only question remaining is will he actually get away with perverting our presidency into a "Puppet Seat for Putin" and if he does, what kind of dangerous precedent it will set and what if anything will be left of this once great nation once he's REMOVED from our oval office ??:
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