Should Obama be appointed President for life?

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  1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
    Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years ago

    This seems to be what he thinks he should be.

    1. profile image0
      Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      No. As long as the Democrats continue to do a better job than the Republicans (which should not be that hard to do); after Obama's 8 years, Hillary Clinton should get the nod for the next 8 years.

      1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
        Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        So you support Socialism?

        1. profile image0
          Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Could you explain in detail why socialism is linked to Democrats?

          1. creepy profile image57
            creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            democrats and socialists think they no better how to deal with my situation than i do

            democrats and socialists love to take money and spread it around to make everything better

            democrats and socialists have been wrong since lbj and continue to be wrong with bho

            democrats and socialists usually dont stay in power long

            1. profile image0
              Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Creepy.... thanks for the great wisdom again.

              1. creepy profile image57
                creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                youre welcome

                1. profile image0
                  Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


            2. Harvey Stelman profile image60
              Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


              Both Party's are guilty since the early 1900's. Obama is trying to take it there fast. It is Progressive Politics.

        2. JON EWALL profile image61
          JON EWALLposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          We should send him to Cuba, Russia or Venezuela, in those countries he could help their economies go into the dumps too.

          Yes , Obama is trying to sell socialism, he called it '' social justice''.

          Ask Joe the plumber what Obama told him on the campaign trail.

          At the rate Obama is going,the American people will be asking for his impeachment if the jobs jobs don't come soon.

    2. Sab Oh profile image58
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Don't give him any ideas.

      1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
        Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        This isn't anything he hasn't thought of.

    3. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes he does.
      And no he shouldn't.
      No one should be President for life.  Especially the awful manipulative one.

      1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
        Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        Don't worry; not even a second term.

    4. getitrite profile image71
      getitriteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Where is your evidence that he thinks he should be president for life?  Are you one of those people who believes in that Anti-Christ, and Armegeddon nonsense?

      1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
        Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        Being Jewish, I don't believe in either. I do know from history, that all great Empires eventually implode.

    5. commisioner profile image61
      commisionerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      are you out of your mind?? such a question should never be brought up anywhere that egotistical socialist demagog could see it. this man and his cronies have all but demolished our constitution and have more that outspent all presidents combined in one short year. the only people who think he's doing a better job than the conservatives are the ones waiting for their next entitlement check or program remember, it was the "evil george w. bush" who gave us tax cuts and a low (even at it's worst was 4.5 %) unemployment. he made mistakes and went to far left when he was screwing up. he was too much like a democrat when he lost his popularity, again except to those who hated work and loved handouts

      1. profile image0
        Madame Xposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      2. Harvey Stelman profile image60
        Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        Relax! He has believed this would be asked for by the people. His ego can't handle less. Enough people have figured him out, finally. He has no feelings for individuals, unless he knows them.

      3. profile image0
        Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        when Bush W took office unemployment was below 5%. When he left office unemployment rate was around 7.6%.

        1. creepy profile image57
          creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          and now its almost 10 percent

          woo hoo

          hows that hope and change now

          1. profile image0
            Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Let's see where it will be once Obama leaves office... It will take some time to clean up after Herbert Hoover Jr.

            1. creepy profile image57
              creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              you mean the democrat acting rino that held office for 8 years

              the last two bringing disaster led by a democrat controlled congress

              democrats caused this mess and they will not be able to fix it

              1. profile image0
                Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                What Democrat-crafted bills did George W signed into law during his last two years?

                The Iraq War and two unfunded tax cuts (that the GOP used reconciliation to pass) were all of the GOP work.

                Revenue - Expenses = Profit/Loss

                GOP: cut revenue - increase expenses = deficit

      4. profile image0
        Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Commisioner, why was the stimulus bill pass? Bush W is not like Democrats. Democrats do not like war and will try to avoid it at all costs.

        1. creepy profile image57
          creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          to steal money from one segment of america to give to another because its only fair

          to buy votes for the democrat party

          got anymore questions

    6. rebekahELLE profile image85
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      harvey, I doubt very much if any president would want to be president for life! he would laugh to even consider it, I'm sure.

      1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
        Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        The man only wants power!

    7. Phoenix 69 profile image59
      Phoenix 69posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      to answer the original question--and it is a yeas or no question--my response is NO

  2. Sab Oh profile image58
    Sab Ohposted 14 years ago

    LOL @ 8 years!

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image78
      Uninvited Writerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      We shall see who is laughing in 2012...

      1. Sab Oh profile image58
        Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yes we will. That's how it works.

    2. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      He'll only get 4.

      1. Sab Oh profile image58
        Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        That's 4 too many.

  3. JeniferD profile image61
    JeniferDposted 14 years ago

    I don't know about you guys, just speaking for myself; being POTUS is nothing, but, a big fat headache anymore. Obama has been in office for 14 months now and the gray in his hair is really starting to show and I bet his blood pressure is through the roof right now.  I know mine would be if I had to deal with that power-hungry political freakshow known as the 111th Congress.

    1. west40 profile image60
      west40posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I agree! The freakshow is out of control - I say vote them all out and start over - maybe then important things can get done in Washington.

      1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
        Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        Unfortunately B.O. has years too go, but Congress will change in Nov.

    2. JeniferD profile image61
      JeniferDposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well, sems that Mr. President can't seem to rein in the children-in-office, so, I'd recommend he invest in a few pairs of boxing gloves and put a boxing ring somewhere in the capitol building.  Why? So the next time these idiots want to filibuster something like a jobs bill, they can work out their differences in the old boxing ring in full view of the media!  LMAO!! :-D

    3. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      His mind has years to remain the same.

  4. readytoescape profile image59
    readytoescapeposted 14 years ago

    Well according the “2012 theorists” he already is

    1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      Stupid intellect view, they know nothing of history.

  5. Doug Hughes profile image61
    Doug Hughesposted 14 years ago

    It's funny how conservatives obsess about President Obama. Generally, I'm liberal about issues. I'm concerned about health care for Americans, jobbs and wages, glbal warming, the environmemt and the evolution of big business into gargantual entities far more threatening than a bearded man in a hidden cave.

    But for conservatives, liberalism is embodied in one man who, truth be told, isn't that liberal. True he stopped the torture and opposed the grab for oil in Iraq, but on many issues he's been a disappointment. He has continued unlawful detention - his escalation in Afghanistan worries me. His continued efforts to reach out to Republicans in congress is a waste of time. But he ran as a moderate, and he's performing as a moderate.

    After his 8 years are up, I hope the country will be ready to move a few notches left on domestic social issues, including fair taxes for the rich and reducing the deficit, and more regulation of big business, and fostering a higher quality of life for the middle class.

    Seven years to go.

    1. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "...a bearded man in a hidden cave", huh?

      How naive you are!  Or else just uncaring about the safety of American innocents.

      1. blue dog profile image59
        blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        it would be interesting to know your thoughts on iraqi and afghan innocents, however racist and bigoted they might be.

    2. Neil Sperling profile image60
      Neil Sperlingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Doug - When we point our fingers at government to fix all the issues you brought up, three of our fingers will point back at us which will give continued access for the one you point your finger at to take from your wages and dig into your bank account.

      Until we make all the changes necessary our own responsibility we are doomed.Why do I say that?  When one looks to another to be responsible for anything we give up our individual rights and freedoms.

      Our freedoms are now challenged more than ever, and our taxes are going up. It is approaching the point that the only economy that has any honesty is the underground. And why will the underground work better? Because it places the accountability on oneself!

      To me it is increasingly obvious that left thinkers are totally in the dark as to where their freedoms and their money is really going.

      It amazes me people do not see what is happening. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Social programs administered through a bureaucracy have so much waste through useless activities. You see, that is the way governments create jobs, they create more useless positions in an already  tax burdened system. The knew jobs created cost money, and where do they get that money. Remember what I said at the beginning of this post.... point your fingers at the government to fix things.... 3 fingers point back at yourself and that gives the government access into your bank.

      I for one think the solution is less government - not more. Doug, if you personally find problems that need fixing, roll up your sleeves and stop giving government the power to dig into your bank account. because when you give them permission to steal from you they will still from me. That's democracy!

      1. Doug Hughes profile image61
        Doug Hughesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        From Mother Jones -

        "Nickel summary: the richest of the rich have gotten even richer over the past two decades — 400% richer for the top 400, according to CBPP, in a nice bit of symmetry — and at the same time their federal income tax rates have gone down from 30% to 16%. Needless to say, this is further evidence that America's heirs and Wall Street tycoons, the targets of endless class warfare from liberals and Democrats, deserves to have the estate tax eliminated. They've suffered enough already."

        The issue is not bigger governemnt or smaller government - the issue is designing programs that work for the average guy - not the average billionare. The money to pay for social programs is THERE in capital gains tax, and inheritance - rair taxes that hits the rich - not the poor working stiff. The idea that the money is not there is a fraud perpetrated by the fat cats who depend on the average Joe not discovring the swindle.

        The billionare does not 'work' in the form of a paycheck you pay payroll taxes on. Their income is (mostly) from income called capital gains, which the GOP would eliminate taxes on if they could - making this the land of the tax-free for the billionares.

        Here's a proposal for you deficit hawks. Make the cap gains tax DOUBLE whatever the average tax rate is on payroll. The defict will go down, I bet.

        1. Neil Sperling profile image60
          Neil Sperlingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Although your issues are valid - it is not government who will close the tax exemptions of the wealthy - it is you and me making enough noise about it and shake the top into listening. Government is funded by the wealthy but if enough middle class took it on as their responsibility to see that changes are made it might happen. Strength will happen in numbers - but begins with you and me not government.

          There really is no such thing as a government that works for the average guy. The average guy must work for himself and fight for the changes he needs in his life, and those that are too week to fight have to take boxing lessons.

          Social programs do not work.  The lame and lazy will find a way to milk the system and provide no value in return. NONE! Work for welfare is the only true way to eliminate the need for a social program in the first place. Medically handicapped or mentally challenged exempt.... for them we do need assistance but we do not need a top heavy administrative burdened solution.... because doing it that way only creates an additional problem... a bunch of paper shuffling bureaucrats that do not do a darn thing of value... they just fill out forms.

          Don't forget - when the wealthy buy a Porsche from money they kept through a loop hole in their favor, every factory worker gets a piece of that coin. Every steel worker, every mineral miner and even the tire manufacturer get a piece of that money.. To believe the money the rich spend does not create a value to the economy is asinine. If the government closed the loop holes the rich have and took in that tax money - guess where the government would spend it... on more bureaucratic paper shuffling positions.

          Less than 30% of what the government takes in through taxes gets used in any program. Even when the money is allocated to that department in the first place it is wasted in useless paper and tracking that reduces the "effective" use of our tax dollar to 30% tops. When you look at what happens to the $250,000 a rich person puts into the economy when they buy a Porsche..... fully 100% of that money is put into goods and services that improve the economy. - Government programs don't come close. Get real!

          And I bet you are dead wrong, double the tax cap on capital gains and you would just have more people feeding on the system doing nothing of value besides filling forms.

          Personal responsibility - not government responsibility is the only way for positive change.

          Government should stick to governing. Period!

          The only thing government should have a right to be involved in when it comes to business is corporate take overs and monopolies. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Government should intervene. That would be Governing!

          Your idea of mandating government to be responsible to fix and handle those social programs you mentioned will only create a government of absolute power. Don't go there.... it will be worse than the money tippers you seem so fearful of now!

          In going back to the topic question - No-one should ever be given that much authority for any time frame beyond 7 years. Absolute power corrupts absolutely!

        2. Sab Oh profile image58
          Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          "Make the cap gains tax DOUBLE whatever the average tax rate is on payroll"

          History shows that raising the capital gains tax actually tends to result in lower tax receipts. You'd just scare more money off shore and potentially raise unemployment and lower high-end consumer spending and investment.

    3. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      Moving left is communism, what I believe he wants.

      You also seem to think I'm a Conservative; WRONG!

    4. Sab Oh profile image58
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      " His continued efforts to reach out to Republicans in congress"

      So, how's the weather in Bizzaro Superman world today?

    5. profile image0
      Poppa Bluesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      What a joke! You're concerned about corporations getting too big but not the least bit worried about how big government is getting? How do you sleep at night???

      Those EVIL corporations, you know, the ones that actually CREATE wealth as opposed to the government which CONSUMES wealth. Yes those bad BAD corporations the ones that actually employ MOST of America and pay them well enough to buy homes, cars, and go to college., that provide them health insurance and retirement... Yes I'm AFRAID of those evil corporations, but the government, the one that IGNORES the constitution, wants to take away our means to protect ourselves and staffs the biggest military in the world with OUR money and spies on us with the Patriot act but tells us it's for our own good, and FORCES US under threat of jail to BUY health insurance!! No, I don't fear them at all!!!

      Get real!

  6. Mamelody profile image60
    Mamelodyposted 14 years ago

    I don't think he'd last that long.. have you seen how many wrinkles and grey hairs he's accumulated in the first year on the job?? big_smile

    1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      He will be very ugly in a short time. The stress of taking over the government, and wanting to be King, will do him in.

  7. Ohma profile image61
    Ohmaposted 14 years ago

    At the rate he is going I am not sure he will make it through the first 4 years. you can only step on so many toes before people start showing their true aggressive side, and when it starts the domino effect is going to B*tch Slap him quite nicely.

    1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      I'll buy many tickets.

  8. mikelong profile image60
    mikelongposted 14 years ago

    "This seems to be what he thinks he should be."

    "Seems to be" Harvey?  Based off what?

    It is nice to make ridiculousness up, and then project it as someone elses thoughts.....

    Anything you can do to try to turn Obama into a threatening image, eh Harvey?

    You have failed again.

    1. profile image51
      kejoboposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      being in the uk i see your politicions are similar to ours . they dont really care what your ideas are. they can not listen to what you have to say haveing made up thier minds and they areset in thier own way.

    2. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      You don't understand him up to now; why should you see the big picture?

  9. profile image0
    Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years ago

    Buffett tells Dems rich need to pay more

    Buffett, the second richest man in the world stated that he pays 16.5% tax on his income while employees at his firm who earns $33K-$83K a year pays 25% on their income... Yet returning the tax rates back to the rates during the Clinton years is a bad idea to Republicans and Fox News.

    "Warren Buffett, the renowned investor and the world’s second richest man, told Senate Democrats that wealthy Americans need to pay higher taxes...He said rich people are not paying enough taxes...

    Buffett told lawmakers that because of the cuts to the capital gains tax passed under former President George W. Bush, he pays taxes at a lower rate than some of his company’s employees.

    Buffett said he paid a 16.5 percent tax rate on all his income because the tax rate on investment dividends and long-term capital gains is only 15 percent.

    By contrast, a single employee at Buffet’s firm, Berkshire Hathaway, who earns between $33,000 and $83,000 must pay a 25 percent federal income tax rate..."

    1. creepy profile image57
      creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      does fox news get a vote or was that just thrown in to make conservatives look stupid   it didnt work

      1. profile image0
        Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Sharing information you would not hear on Fox News... likewise leading to a lot of uninformed supporters.

        1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
          Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


          Either you say these things for fun, or you need help with understanding.

      2. Harvey Stelman profile image60
        Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        FOX is now the most respected New Outlet in the U.S.

    2. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      So giving billions to charity means nothing to to? Whose money do you think pays for our infrastructure, the poor. Oh I forgot, they don't pay income tax.

      1. profile image0
        Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        So we only have rich and poor people in this country? What about the middle class?

        So individuals earning around $10K a year and a family of 4 earning around $22K do not pay income taxes?

        1. creepy profile image57
          creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          are you serious

          no they do not pay income tax

          matter of fact they will get back more than they paid

          have you ever heard of the earned income credit

          1. profile image0
            Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            And all poor people qualify for the earned income credit?

  10. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 14 years ago

    Hell no!big_smile

    1. profile image0
      Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You cannot deny that the second richest man in the world pays 16.5% taxes on his income while his employees earning $33K-$83K a year are paying 25% due to the Bush W tax cuts... What is wrong with this scenario?

      1. creepy profile image57
        creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        nothing is wrong with it

        maybe those bums should work harder and make more money


        1. profile image0
          Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          So people who are not wealthy are bums and do not work hard?

          1. creepy profile image57
            creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      2. profile image0
        sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Alot! He is just to tied to special interests to promote social change and he has very, very, very little experience this is not a job you can BS your way through. To fix America we'll have to go a completely different direction. Not

        1. profile image0
          Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          You have to use tax cuts in moderation.

          Bill Clinton cut taxes for 15M low income-families and made tax cuts available for 90% of small businesses while raising taxes on the top 1.2%...

          He generated 20M+ jobs over 8 years including ~6M jobs during his first two years in office. He also left a budget surplus.

          George W used excessive tax cuts coupled with increased spending that resulted in large budget deficits. Over his 8 years in office only ~3M jobs were created and the US entered the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

          This is one of the reasons why historians rank him as one of the worst presidents in US history placing him in the same class as Herbert Hoover.

          The Democrats want to go a different direction than the Republicans and for good cause. This is why they were given the majority and Obama was elected into office.

          1. profile image0
            sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            We need a complete overhaul not just bandaids or scocialism. We need to redefine and overhaul our complete sociaty. We may have to hit rock bottom

          2. Harvey Stelman profile image60
            Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


            Clinton benefited from the computer age and moving to the center. Obama is all or nothing.

      3. profile image0
        Madame Xposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        He pays so little in taxes because he pays hi-priced accountants and lawyers to work the system. Not to mention the politicians he owns. Us peons just have to pay up and shut up.

        1. creepy profile image57
          creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          not to mention that his 16.5 percent is the same as 40 people paying 35 percent

          1. profile image0
            Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            He does not care about the total amount of tax he pays because he makes more money than almost all rich people. He just wants to make sure he is paying his fair share proportionally in taxes...

            1. creepy profile image57
              creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              he should pay a lesser percentage of his income

              it does more

              suck it up   

              you dont even pay taxes do you

            2. Taz_bb2 profile image57
              Taz_bb2posted 14 years agoin reply to this


              Then institute a flat tax of 17% or move to the Fair tax.

              We should NOT have a system that spans over 18,000 pages and contains so many loopholes that even a Cray supercomputer can't make heads or tails of it.

              The Republicans balk at tax increases because they are NEVER fair for EVERYONE.

              Our Constitution is based off fairness for everyone...why should our tax system be so misaligned and aimed at taking away from those that earn the millions and giving it to those that didn't?

          2. Harvey Stelman profile image60
            Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


            I was going to write that.

        2. profile image0
          Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Do you think he is the only rich person to do this? However, he is probably one of the few who wants to pay more in taxes and is recommending that Congress raise taxes on the rich. Bill Gates father also states that his son and fellow rich Americans should pay more in taxes.

          However, the other rich people who are against paying more in taxes are crying foul by either stating "socialism" or if you raise our taxes it will result in higher unemployment and so on....

          Well the US now is facing unsustainable budget deficits that can only be tamed by increasing revenue and/or reducing cost. So tough decisions need to be made.

          It is great to see that some of the richest Americans want to help with this cause to make sure the US rebounds and stay great into the future by paying their fair share in taxes.

          1. profile image0
            Madame Xposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            If he wants to pay more in taxes he should just write the government a check. No one is stopping him.

            But what gives him the right to demand that all other rich people do it too? That's socialism, in case you don't know the definition.

            Many people who are rich worked very hard to earn their fortunes. Why should they now have to "pay more" because a bunch of politicians don't know how to control their spending?

            1. creepy profile image57
              creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              very true

            2. profile image0
              Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Because the rich probably make more money when the economy is booming than when it is on the brink of disaster....  The rich are not immune from the economy.

              The rich people were not complaining while paying more in taxes during the Clinton years because they were probably making a lot of money.

              When the economy is booming, consumers spend more which results in more sales for companies the rich either own or invest in...

              If the US economy collapses and the dollar becomes worthless, what impact would that have on the economy and maybe some of the rich wealth?

              All Americans are in this together, no matter if they are rich or not.

              1. creepy profile image57
                creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                if we are in it all together then break out a pen and write a check

                a majority of people do not pay income taxes so they cannot feel the pain of coughing up their income to vampires who are never satisfied

                the rich are in it and everyone else is just along for the free ride

                1. profile image0
                  Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Who is looking for a free ride? Maybe the companies and individuals who participate in tax avoidance and tax evasion such as offshore tax shelters... If the rich do not want to pay more in taxes to make up for large deficits that contributed to the this current crisis... do not elect people like Bush W and instead elect people like Clinton.

                  1. creepy profile image57
                    creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    no not them they pay taxes it just happens to be the consumers money

                    the individuals running those corporations also pay taxes

                    im specifically talking about those who have been on welfare for generations

                    i do not make a distinction between black or white they are equally guilty

                    write a check or sit down and quit bitching

              2. Harvey Stelman profile image60
                Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


                You do not understand what you say again. I know a few people that got rich in the depression. That is the time when true thinkers emerge.

          2. Harvey Stelman profile image60
            Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


            You speak for every rich perso, as I speak for every Black person.

            1. profile image0
              Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Harvey, I think you speak for a good portion of the Fox News fans. Your wisdom is on display throughout this forum. Keep up the good work. lol...

          3. Taz_bb2 profile image57
            Taz_bb2posted 14 years agoin reply to this


            I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but 100% of all income taxes collected each year goes to the military payrolls.

            Everything else, including the social programs instituted by the Democrats for the last 100 years, if paid for by borrowing from other nations. How sustainable is that?

            Our Government has 2 functions and TWO functions only:

            1) Protect us from violence - our military does that, but got snubbed by our President with a 1.6% salary increase.

            2) Protect us from fraud - that's where laws come into play.

            Tell me how Nancy Pelosi's pork barrel project to study why pig farts stink at a cost of almost $2,000,000 falls into either category. For that matter, tell me how Obamacare fits.

            Reality is... it doesn't.

            1. profile image0
              Madame Xposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Yeah. Very few people realize that.

        3. Harvey Stelman profile image60
          Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


          He pays millions.

  11. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    The OP is useless. No Leader should be put in place for life. It's absurd.

    1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      I was just joking, but believe he actually wants to run the world. World leaders are laughing at him.

  12. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 14 years ago

    No one needs to be President for life and I doubt that is what Obama thinks he should be. Lets' not put words in his mouth....

    1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      There is no better person to put words out ther like the President.

  13. creepy profile image57
    creepyposted 14 years ago

    to answer the threads question   


    he shouldnt be appointed president for life

    he should be made to get a real job

    hes never had one

    1. profile image0
      Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Could you explain why he has not had a real job?

      1. creepy profile image57
        creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        no i cant explain that

        because he is lazy?

        whats the explanation

        1. profile image0
          Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Could you explain why his is lazy?

          1. creepy profile image57
            creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            that was a question didnt you see the question mark

            1. profile image0
              Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks for the great wisdom Creepy.

              I'm pretty sure I can acquire more of the same by watching the upcoming tea parties and town hall meetings that will oppose the health-care bill. 

              (1) President Obama never had a real job because his is lazy?

              (2) People are not wealthy because they are maybe bums and do not work hard.

              1. creepy profile image57
                creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                that stuff makes about as much sense as you wanting tax increases but do not want to pay them

                1. profile image0
                  Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  How do you pay for tax increases?

                  I pay my fair share in taxes and do not care if taxes for my bracket will increase in order to reduce the deficit.

                  I am not the one on here opposing the expiration of the Bush W tax cuts.

                  1. creepy profile image57
                    creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    what is your fair share 0

                    i find it hard to believe that anyone having to pay taxes are willing to pay more

                    that kind of gives you away

                    nice talking with you

                  2. Harvey Stelman profile image60
                    Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


                    If you want to reduce the defecit, you are against everything Obama has or wants to to.

  14. donotfear profile image82
    donotfearposted 14 years ago

    Does a Chicken have lips!!????   LOL.
    lol lol lol lol lol lol

    1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      I prefer ducks; QUACK!

  15. mikelong profile image60
    mikelongposted 14 years ago


    You don't understand him up to now; why should you see the big picture?"

    Harvey...I have come to understand both of you much better...

    You have the fearmongering agenda to push....poorly at that.

    1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      What fear do you speak of? I only warn (at most) what his policies will do.

      -Don't you think the deficit is out of control?
      -Don't you know this will cause inflation and unemployment?
      -The value of the dollar shall continue to fall.
      -Other countries will not buy our treasury bills.
      -Recession will turn to Depression.
      -The result could be Anarchy or Communism.

      As the years have gone by the books in schools have changed history.
      Young people are taught revised history.
      Many are ignorant of the truth.
      They have NO idea what the Constitution says.

      Take a look at these books yourself, you won't believe me. As ex-military see if things are taught as you remember. Get the minds of the kids as soon as possible. Obama has run ads for kids using kids to say; we have to teach our parents, they just don't understand, and more. What does that tell you?

      1. Doug Hughes profile image61
        Doug Hughesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        "Don't you think the deficit is out of control?" Harvey

        Funny how conservatives are suddenly deficit hawks.  Bush passed his tax cuts for the rich (by reconcilliation) which clipped the US of a Trillion in revenue from wealthy taxpayers over 10 years.  He undertook 2 wars, the a larger one (the oil grab) in Iraq  will cost over a Trillion  - all of it unfunded! Either one of those items would TOTALLY pay for health care reform!

        And you can wring your hands about 'out of control' spending'.....

        The President is TRYING to get it under control. The Senate in Jan. failed to muster the 60 votes to create a bipartisan budget committee. Guess who opposed it. The president created the panel that the Senate  could not - bipartisan - and it remains to be seen if the GOP will show up. They made the mess, but they are sitting on their hands as we try to clean it up.

        "-Don't you know this will cause inflation and unemployment?" Harvey

        The problem is deflation - not inflation, which is the opposite of inflation and existed in the Great Depression.  Read any economics blog. In the 30s deflation was a prime mover in 25% unemployment and was only cured by the massive government jobs program that drove the deficit to 120% of GDP and pulled us out of the Great Depression - WWII.

        In economic terms, WWII was a huge government  jobs program! Massive government spending DOES work.
        "-The value of the dollar shall continue to fall."

        The international value of the dollar is related to the perceived productivity of the US economy. To some degree you are right here - the US has to regain much of the manufacturing base that Wall Street exported to China primarily and we have to retreat from the global 'free market' trade agreeements that don't provide equal trade (We buy from them AND they buy from us.)

        "-Other countries will not buy our treasury bills."

        What will they buy? The Euro?  The Yen?


        When we came out of WWII we had a huge debt, 120% of the GDP. (We are at (about) 80% of GDP.)  After 1944 we maintained high tax rates for the rich in the most prosperous years the country had (for the middle class). The deficit fell to under 50% of GDP under mostly democratic presidents until Reagan/Bush the greater financed the prosperity with - deficit spending. The national debt under GOP presidents rose from near 30% to near 70% of GDP.  It went down under Clinton - and Bush the lesser spent like a drunken sailor.

        I don't make this up.

        Now (as usual) the democrats are having to clean up the mess left by the republicans.  The Great Depression was a party sponsored by the GOP. Hoover took the blame for what Cooolege did for 8 years - record low taxes for the rich and no governemnt intervention - sounds familiar. It's  the formula Bush the lesser used to plunge us into the Great Recession. And it's the same formula the GOP wants to return to now!!!!!!!

        1. profile image0
          Kenrick Chatmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Nice analysis Doug. I do not know how the GOP keeps its supporters... since a good portion of them are probably not rich.

          The GOP's policies set the house into blazing flames and now they want to curse the firefighters (Dems) for trying to extinguish the fire and rebuild the house.

  16. getitrite profile image71
    getitriteposted 14 years ago


  17. mikelong profile image60
    mikelongposted 14 years ago


    What fear do you speak of? I only warn (at most) what his policies will do."

    here are the fears you work to tease.....aside from the idea that Obama is somehow "seeming" to seek lifelong Executive control (something I'd expect much more from the likes of the Bush clan and Cheney)

    "-Don't you think the deficit is out of control?
    -Don't you know this will cause inflation and unemployment?
    -The value of the dollar shall continue to fall.
    -Other countries will not buy our treasury bills.
    -Recession will turn to Depression.
    -The result could be Anarchy or Communism."

    The deficit is not causing inflation or unemployment...the decline of the American production infrastructure and the outsourcing/offshoring of jobs (production/support/logistics) undermines the tax bases that keep deficits from occuring in the first place....... I can look to past depressions in the United States, and see that we typically find a way out of them...and that usually revolves around a military invasion of some type......and through this the expansion of American business interests....

    Of course, when one is funding world war....(the Cheney "blank check" policy)....or Haliburton/KBR...deficits skyrocket...

    "As the years have gone by the books in schools have changed history.
    Young people are taught revised history.
    Many are ignorant of the truth.
    They have NO idea what the Constitution says."

    I argue that most American youth have never known what the Constitution says.....aside from being able to rattle off the first couple amendments.... Being a historian, I understand that "American" education has always been based on "revised" or selected truth...which is why my father was taught that native American peoples just kind've "disappeared" into America...


    "As ex-military see if things are taught as you remember."

    I remember the garbage that I was taught Harvey....I was taught in our Marine history classes that the role of the U.S. in the Spanish-American War was caused by "poor treatment of Cuban citizens by their Spanish governor."

    Of course.....they ensured to leave out William Walker....the ideations of Jefferson, Franklin, and others.....and the fact that the United States, after halting the battling between the Spanish and Cuban revolutionaries, ensured that instead of independence, the Cubans would have an American-written constitution giving the United States the freedom to set up a base at Guantanamo Bay, and ensuring America the liberty to intervene whenever it thought necessary in Cuban affairs....the good ol Platt Amendment.....and the right to bring political bimbos like Bautista in and out of office.....while Americans flock to Cuba..and enjoy the "lure of the islands" that they just can't find in States.....and leave their fatherless offspring in Vietnam, Germany, the Philipines.....Thailand....and the list continues on and on......

    (I love the music of Harry Belefonte....his words are so deep....)

    They didn't teach about stuff like that.....It would lead us to think a bit..

    While I served with the "best and brightest" of the Marine Corps (and of the entire military I argue), we all were aware of the "dumbening"....the stupifying effect that military life can have on people....the life of routine and following orders does not lead to active, critical minds....or to extensive vocabularies...

    When politicians say that we are "developing new markets" or that we "need to", what does this mean?

    I have my own view...I want to hear yours Harvey....

    "Get the minds of the kids as soon as possible. Obama has run ads for kids using kids to say; we have to teach our parents, they just don't understand, and more. What does that tell you?"

    I was able to teach my father that evolution is a real, tangible phenomena, and that yelling "dumb Mexican!" out the window when the driver in front of him drives in an unapproving manner is unacceptable.....  I taught my father to pursue researching and thinking for himself as opposed to following the ideas and beliefs that had been impressed on him by his father...... My parents have taught me a great deal, but to deny their ability to learn even more from their children, regardless of age, is ridiculous...

    1. Sab Oh profile image58
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "I argue that most American youth have never known what the Constitution says....."

      Maybe you've forgotten that it is taught in just about every US History course at some point.

      ...but I guess only the little genius students like you really 'understand' it

    2. Sab Oh profile image58
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      " My parents have taught me a great deal, but to deny their ability to learn even more from their children, regardless of age, is ridiculous..."

      LOL! Most teenagers get over what you seem to be going through. When you are older you will see who has what to teach whom (hopefully).

    3. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      The commercials have 10 and 12 year olds telling their parents how to run their lives. Did you know everything at 10 or 12.

      Was  your dad an immigrant, and didn't know how things operate here?

      Sab made an excellent point for you.

  18. mikelong profile image60
    mikelongposted 14 years ago

    "Maybe you've forgotten that it is taught in just about every US History course at some point."

    Even by the 1960's, about half the population of this nation were high school graduates...let alone holding the literacy skills to understand the constitution..

    I argue that they largely know about the constitution as many Sarah Palin follwers understand their reasons for backing her...I have an article about that already out...

    While things are also has to ask how much is doesn't always infer the other...

    This is relatable directly to our ongoing exchanges....

    1. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      You are giving too much credit to the schools. The kids no longer know the Constitution. Most don't know what states border theirs.

  19. Sab Oh profile image58
    Sab Ohposted 14 years ago

    This is more of the typical liberal "we know better and everyone else is an ignorant victim" nonsense.

  20. mikelong profile image60
    mikelongposted 14 years ago

    I the 1960's more than half of the American population had graduated from high school...

    But prior to that..............hmmm

    And when Jim Crow, and other unofficial rules exist.....and are widely accepted (until relatively recently)...what the Constitution says and what it is are two different things.....

    1. Sab Oh profile image58
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "Jim Crow"?! Relatively recent?!  Why not go back to the 3/5th Compromise for crying out loud!

      Beyond ridiculous.

      This is what happens when you exercise your library card more than your common sense.

    2. Harvey Stelman profile image60
      Harvey Stelmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      I agree with Sab. You throw out Jim Crow and recent. Did you know what you were fighting for in the Marine's?

      1. Doug Hughes profile image61
        Doug Hughesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah - he was stealing oil from Iraq for the American Oil Companies - but he wised up to  the game.

        1. Doug Hughes profile image61
          Doug Hughesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          A wacky liberal wrote a book called "War is a Racket".  I quote:

          "The only way to smash this racket is to conscript capital and industry and labor before the nations manhood can be conscripted. One month before the Government can conscript the young men of the nation – it must conscript capital and industry and labor. Let the officers and the directors and the high-powered executives of our armament factories and our munitions makers and our shipbuilders and our airplane builders and the manufacturers of all the other things that provide profit in war time as well as the bankers and the speculators, be conscripted – to get $30 a month, the same wage as the lads in the trenches get.

          Let the workers in these plants get the same wages – all the workers, all presidents, all executives, all directors, all managers, all bankers –

          yes, and all generals and all admirals and all officers and all politicians and all government office holders – everyone in the nation be restricted to a total monthly income not to exceed that paid to the soldier in the trenches!

          Let all these kings and tycoons and masters of business and all those workers in industry and all our senators and governors and majors pay half of their monthly $30 wage to their families and pay war risk insurance and buy Liberty Bonds.

          Why shouldn't they?

          They aren't running any risk of being killed or of having their bodies mangled or their minds shattered. They aren't sleeping in muddy trenches. They aren't hungry. The soldiers are!"

          The author was Major General Smedly Buter USMC,  2-times decorated with the Congrssional Medal of Honor,  the most decorated marine at  the time of his death in 1940.

          The racket continues - the US currently spends more on national defense than the rest of the world - COMBINED!

  21. mikelong profile image60
    mikelongposted 14 years ago

    Jim Crow and the 3/5ths?

    Something constructed in the 18th century, and made irrelevant in the mid-19th century is comparable to a process of unofficial social regulation that wasn't openly challenged until the 1960's?  And even then, has not been completely irradicated? 

    Again, Sad, you teach well..... Your arguments prove that many  members of this American society are 1) ignorant of their own past, though they profess otherwise, and 2) they will work blatantly to twist actuality into whatever narrow spectrum of deluded thought they are trying to propagandize onto the unknowing and weak-minded...

    Keep it make my points well

    1. Sab Oh profile image58
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      So you feel the Jim Crow laws are still in effect? And you expect to be taken seriously by anyone other than fellow radicals? Your college professors must have loved you, but I wonder if you left any Koolaide for anyone else?

      Ok roll

  22. mikelong profile image60
    mikelongposted 14 years ago

    Harvey....I know well who I was fighting for...literally....which is why I am no longer there...

    I realized that if one really wishes to fight a just war, he or she needs to be in the communities back home...making them stronger, taking care of the youth who are, due to war, increasingly role-model-less....especially in today's society....

    You can point to Sad...but he has made no points.

    Was his koolaid remark the one I was supposed to read?

    Sab mocks the well-recognized..have to be stone-headed and blind to not see...concept of color-blind racism....

    Sab was just comparing life in the United States in the 1964 to a way that could not possibly be done...

    "You throw out Jim Crow and recent."

    I'll wait for you to complete your sentence....

    My father was the son of an immigrant.....but to look through the "immigrant" aspects of a person does little justice to what I mean when I made the comment you responded to.....I have some writings here at hubs that delve into all of this deeper..and I have commented in other forums with the same Sad/TK Oh....we have quite a history...

    The spirit behind Jim Crow has not lurks just underneath the surface of what most Americans consider a "reformed" society.....but this is simply mistaken thinking.....

    1. Sab Oh profile image58
      Sab Ohposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oh brother...more emo nonsense... roll

      Gotta have the drama to make some people feel important...

  23. mikelong profile image60
    mikelongposted 14 years ago


    You must be younger than you try to represent....

    I don't even use that word....too juvenile for my vocabulary...


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