OBAMA`S SPEECH ON AFGHAN WAR, Poisoning Gift to the Whole World
Poisoning desicion for the whole world
When Barack Obama announced in his speech on Tuesday expansion of war in Afghanistan, he did not involve in prolonging tragedy of this war only United States. He made it very clear that he expects more help from his allies and friends, insisting that extra NATO troops was a test of the alliance's credibility. On that way he involved in his decision big part of the world, including my country (Croatia) that is also member of NATO.
His speech was "poisoning gift" for the whole world.
Obama said: "Because this is an international effort, I have asked that our commitment be joined by contributions from our allies. Some have already provided additional troops, and we are confident that there will be further contributions in the days and weeks ahead. Our friends have fought and bled and died alongside us in Afghanistan. Now, we must come together to end this war successfully. For what's at stake is not simply a test of NATO's credibility — what's at stake is the security of our Allies and the common security of the world."
Am I touched and inspired with Obama`s speech? Not at all. As a person who can read and sense the energies I had pain and sickness in stomach while reading each his sentence, there was none enlightening moment in his speech, no hope for "embetterment" , no passion, no ideals, he was certainly not telling the whole truth.
Do I believe Obama ? No, I cannot. War is always huge economical interest for small percentage of people, while others are paying the cost in their own blood and flash, as a victims of destruction who need to cope with all possible tragical consequences ... The highest irony is that that ones who are most hurt by every war are also the same ones who finance that war... Yes, we all are financing such wars through the taxes and by sacrificing prosperity.
I passed experience of war in my country and all political games behind that. This experience is worth like 5 universities, because when you are directly involved, you are far better observer, then when war is on another part of globe.
One war is just like any another - it is caused BECAUSE CERTAIN GROUP OF PEOPLE WANTS TO EARN MORE MONEY AND GAIN MORE POWER. This small group knows tactics how to provoke wars and they do it every time on any imaginable way. During the whole war the same ones who provoked it on the both sides - do cooperate and negotiate among themselves about sharing the war-profit, while naive and stupid ones are dying in the name of "freedom", "idealism", "protecting the world against therorism", "defending the homeland".... whatever.
Financial interest of that "leaders of the world" is always reason, NEVER ANYTHING ELSE; in whole human history was like that, each war has the same story. Each war has been "artificaly provoked" and brought good only to the leading groups.... There is no another reason for wars: fear, hate or idealism and fanaticism of ordinary people (nations) directly involved is just catalisator which allows materialization of all known wars in written human history.
When majority of people will understand that and refuse to take part in this chaos, peace will become normal part of human life, as well as global prosperity.
Will Europe Answer Obama´s Call for Troops or not ??
Now European Community and other countries, members of NATO need to say will they support Obama`s plans or not. 30.000 American troops, which will cost USA 30 billions of dollars more per year is certainly not enough for continuing the Afghan hell. NATO-members are supposed to find and send in Afghanistan as urgent as possible additional 5000 troops, and maybe even 10.000 in addition which is now missing in number of troops allegedly needed.
Last weeks ,general Rasmussen (NATO Secretary) was traveling around the Europe with aim to assure support of Europe in troops and money for Afghan war and he is pretty convinced that support is arriving.
It is interesting to say that Europe spent in past 8 years over 12$ billion in aid to help projects like rural development, governance, health, mine removal and human rights - in Afghanistan. At the same time majority of European countries were avoiding giving military support and still intent to avoid that. MAJORITY OF EUROPIANS ARE FOR EARLY WITHDRAWAL OF TROOPS FROM AFGHANISTAN, so Europe might not support Obama.
When we analyze whole situation, it is very naive to believe that 8 years long war can be over up till July 2011, when US and NATO troops are supposed to start pulling out from Afghanistan. If something was not achieved in 8 years, it must be good reason why was not (answer is in my comment in 2nd chapter).
From the point of view of Afghan people, they can perceive Obama`s decision only as further attack on their right to be left alone: historically they never reacted peacefully to thousands of armed foreigners on their territory. All Afghanistan people are not so naive that they really would believe that armed ones are only their saviours and not conquerors and that they just came there to bring them breeze of prosperity. Would you on their place?
Reactions from Talibans are also expected. Expansion of the war will be intensively focused on Pakistani border, from the both sides (including territory of Pakistan) on that way, many new "unexpected" complications can occur. These new complications might be good excuse for further prolonging this war... what will happen for sure, if "leaders of the world" do not find some more interesting territory for gaining material interest... and new enemies of humanity. Thanks to the 6-7 billions of people and many fanatics, finding new enemies and terrorists should not be problem.
Whole world is exhausted by economical crisis and unemployment that is very much caused by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we are all paying the price for that. We are in the middle of the climate change on our planet. In addition to that, people are scared to death with flu-pandemic story created by the same ones who drag us into wars. I hope that it will come day when people will say "NOW IS ENOUGH".
For me is certainly more then enough for very long time! I VOTE FOR PEACE NOW! DO YOU?
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PEACE SONG from musical HAIR
Blowin' In The Wind by Bob Dylan
How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
How many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
How many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
How many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
How many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
How many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.