9. Adolescent Criminal
Adolescent Criminal
Adolescent Criminal is the continuation in a series of hubs in which I discuss my life of rebellion, dabbling in the Occult, drugs, crime and prison to life-changing conversion through Jesus Christ. Click here to read it from the beginning. In this hub, I will discuss how I started out using and dealing drugs.
Living it Up
By the age of 23, I was a full-time drug dealer. I had no “normal” job; I didn’t want a normal job. Selling drugs paid too well, was tax free, and provided me with nice things: cars, an apartment in California, leather furniture, a big screen TV, a pocket full of money, the attention of pretty girls, friends and more drugs than I could ever do (oh, yes. I was a user).
I dealt in anything I could get my hands on; although I had three main products: marijuana, cocaine and crystal meth. Over the years of my drug dealing career (which lasted about 5 years), I worked my way up to where I would buy between $3,000 to $10,000 worth of dope at a time (depending on the product). I always tried to buy as much as I could afford because buying in bulk was cheaper. In other words, it increased my profit margins. At times, I would invest everything I had in a few pounds of weed, a pound of crystal meth, or a quarter-kilo of cocaine. However, getting caught with a load of dope means getting an increased prison sentence; but I wasn’t thinking about that at the time. That’s too bad, because that is exactly what happened to me in Emeryville, CA, in November of 2003.
Drug dealing is not a job you can apply for in your local paper. Neither is it something you could major in, in college—it is something that you learn solely from the streets! And those could be some hard lessons. I was a drug user for many years before I tried my hand at drug dealing.
Bottles Up
I spent much time with my new friends. We smoked weed, laughed together and listened to West Coast gangster rap music. My friends were even so kind as to introduce me to alcohol. Drinking alcohol just became another routine in our friendship. At first, I didn’t like the taste of alcohol. It is something that you really have to get accustomed too. After all, you are drinking poison; and your body does not take too kindly to poison. Moreover, I had a low tolerance for alcohol and would get sick and vomit; although, it was partially my friends’ fault because they insisted I finish my 40 oz. or 62 oz. bottle of malt liquor. I think they wanted to see me suffer. Sometimes I would get so drunk that I lost nearly all motor functions. A few times I called my mom to come and pick me up from my friend's place because I was just too drunk to maintain.
My parents would get heated whenever I came home drunk or high. However, in my immature adolescence, I did not understand that they were just worried about me and that is how they expressed their concern. They were trying to discourage me from ruining my life, because they had more foresight as to where the path that I was walking on would lead. Nevertheless, in my stubborn selfishness I continued down the road to ruin, soon to enter into a new experience with drugs: crystal meth. I'll talk about that in my next hub. Click on the link below to read it.