This quiz has been taken 2 times.
Average score: 80%
Where did Sangria origionate?
The correct answer is "Spain"
In the United States where was Sangria first tasted?
The correct answer is "At the 1964 World's Fair in New York"
Sangria is based on the traditional red wine punch popular across Europe. The punch base would be called what?
The correct answer is "Claret"
Claret is the British term for ?
The correct answer is "Bordeaux wine from Bordeaux, France"
What drink concoction enjoyed in the middle ages was made with spices like ginger and cinnamon?
The correct answer is "Hippocras"
In Modern times the only safe liquid to drink had at least some alcohol in it?
The correct answer is "True"
Sangria is traditionally a red wine punch?
The correct answer is "True"
With white wine Sangria is known as what?
The correct answer is "Sangria Blanco' (white sangria)"
When making your own Sangria- why is it important to chill overnight?
The correct answer is "lets the fruit flavors blend into the drink"
Why use a Traditional sangria pitchers when serving Sangria?
The correct answer is "They have a pinched lip so that the fruit and other solids do not plop into the glass and splash"