The Truth about Dating Scene in Singapore
Romance in Singapore.
Some say it’s a dog-eat-dog world. Others say it’s only a myth. Many find it almost impossible to date in Singapore. Factors like lack of time, career driven life and lack of passion are used by individuals in Singapore who shy away from the dating scene.
Statistics gathered from the Ministry of Community, Youth and Sports or MCYS have shown that in the proportion of 40-44 year olds, 15% of males and 13% of females are still single. That is an abnormally high percentage and shows the career-driven mindset amongst individuals in Singapore. The unfortunate fact is these individuals are so career-driven, they end up still being single even upon reaching 40. Further statistics show that out of every 1000 marriages, 8 of them end in divorce every year. Again, an almost abnormal rate that show factors like a hectic lifestyle and pressure from the workplace do indeed take its toll on the Singapore household.
Heart to Heart
So what steps are taken to rekindle the romance on the tropical island?
We explore the dating agencies available in Singapore. Upon finding out the statistics released by MCYS, dating agencies have popped up all over the island like wildfire. A Google search on dating in Singapore cropped up almost a hundred of these agencies offering various activities and events to individuals looking for that certain Mr. or Miss Right. Activities range from the traditional speed dating sessions and fine dining to the zany and modern skiing lessons and rock climbing partners. While most dating agencies are just out in the market to make a quick buck from these busy professionals, some of them do indeed find success and strike romance gold, with couples proudly advertised as being a match made from their agency.
For the bolder and more adventurous, or the ones who look down on dating agencies as just a form of matchmaking practice, the Singapore nightlife in restaurants, pubs and clubs become the ultimate haunt. Companies usually organize monthly gatherings in restaurants as means to strike up personal bonds amongst colleagues. While these gatherings are purely organized for colleagues to get to know each other on a more platonic level, this is also the chance for individuals who have been interested to get to know a co-worker on a more personal note grab their chance. While dating colleagues are generally frowned upon in some societies and some smaller sections in the Singapore population, romance in the workplace are generally allowed in Singapore provided rules like maintaining a business-like manner while at the workplace is abided.
In fact, the dating scene in Singapore has been quite tragic over the years; the Singapore Government has taken an initiative to improve the social networking between busy working individuals in Singapore. The Social Development Unit or SDU was formed in 1984 to organize activities for its members. While not generally tagged as a matchmaking agency, the SDU has indeed found immeasurable success in getting its members of different genders together and forming romantic relationships. Through its vast networking abilities from universities to huge multi-national companies, SDU members range from many different age groups so those with age compatibility problems will be spoiled for choice.
SDU has had the social stigma of being a matchmaking agency for university graduates. Hence, in 2006, it has changed its approach of focusing on private dating projects to tapping into the private sector for singles. This was to create opportunities for individuals to interact and form relationships with others with different educational qualifications. This move was lauded by many as taking a step-forward in turning SDU into a proper initiative by the government to allow singles from all age groups and levels to mingle about with one another.
Though if you are feeling adventurous, instead of finding romance through the various dating agencies, the social business gatherings or through means of the SDU, I suggest the traditional method of asking out the person directly if you are interested in him or her. Not only will it give you a dramatic thrill, your courage might just win you a date. Or two. Good luck!