On Friendships: How To Apologize to Somebody You Care About
We all make mistakes. They are an integral part of our lives. How to deal with mistakes and learn from them determines who we are and who we will become. When you make a mistake and hurt someone who you care about, it's important to be able to apologize for that. An apology is always the first step in saving any relationship.
What Are You Apologizing For?
First you need to think about what you did wrong, and why you did it. Before you start apologizing, think about what you want to say. Your apology should be sincere and heartfelt.
Learn how to apologize:
Apologize in Person!
Apologies, if possible, should always be done in person. If you are not able to meet up, you could call. Never apologize through an e-mail or a text message. Written word could be taken a wrong way, or misunderstood.
How To Start?
First, say you're sorry for what you did or said. Tell your loved one that you wish it never happened. Apologize for the fact that your caused him/her pain, and promise that you will take full responsibility for your words or actions.
Tip: When you are apologizing to a woman, bringing a beautiful flower is always a nice gesture.
What To Say in Your Apology?
Tell your loved one that it will never happen again, and explain how you would try to avoid such situations in the future. Say that you realize that it may take time to regain his/her trust, but you will do your best to earn it again.
The "Finale"
At the end of your apology ask him/her what else you could do, and if he/she is ready to accept your apology. Now it's time for you to listen, regardless of how painful it could be. Try to put yourself in your friend's shoes, it will help you understand his/her feelings.
Be Patient!
Rebuilding relationships always require a lot of time and effort. Remember to always keep your promises! If you say something won't happen again - make sure it doesn't, or sadly there won't be room for any more apologies!
Also read:
- How to Forgive a Friend
How to forgive a friend, when he has failed you?
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