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Questions A Man Must Answer For Himself

Updated on May 29, 2015

1) Who Am I

One of the very elementary things we so easily forget about ourselves is that above all we are humans and we live on planet earth. This fact is easily and often taken for granted because life is so busy. Other than choosing to check out early or temporarily flying to the moon, should one be so inclined, we are bound here on planet earth, inextricably connected in one form or fashion to every other creature, including other earthlings.

Our ego's would love for us to separate from the other forms so as to distinguish itself, somehow making it and us unique, you know, special, somehow built differently. We begin to identify only with those of similar interests and all too soon we forget we are a diverse population of the same basic form that unites us more than any other trait. We are still human. Sorry folks, we can delude ourselves all we want, but until proven otherwise, we're just humans tied to mother earth physically and energetically. I ask that you dwell on this fact and see how it influences your ego: Before you can call yourself anything else, before you can identify with other traits, characteristics or elements, you must not forget you are first a human being . You are not first man or woman, genetically pigmented into a certain culture, not divided by a language or socioeconomic habitat, you are, I am, we are Homo Sapiens. Again, let that sink in and then feel free to share it with everyone you know.

My point is; we are here together, like it or not, and we therefore have an obligation to each other to preserve this place we all call home. We may differ on how we believe we should execute that obligation and that's what we have to work out. Make no mistake though, we must, at some point, find out how to live together in peace and harmony if we expect to inhabit this place long term. So, can we dispense with the murder and mayhem, armed conflicts of global proportions and the philosophical and political phobias that all too soon tend to separate us from our most important mission...that of human being , peace.

Before this becomes a global solution it must first be answered by each man about and within himself. A man must ask himself "Who am I" because once I begin to say I Am... , I begin to define and identify myself in that way. Sounds like a great time to look into a mirror and take a good, long, hard look into our soul, the place where some say our humanity meets our creative life force or God. Also, once I say this is what I Am , this is what I believe, my actions spring forth based on those beliefs. Then the only thing left is the consequence and the whole process, in my humble opinion, all of that which makes me what I am, beyond my childhood conditioning, is my choice!

I believe a man must ask this question often and he must also answer it for himself, adopting only his own belief upon which he will act. That is his character and it belongs to him even in the darkness and silence of solitude. This is where he meets and lives with himself. If he can do that, a man can live with anyone else in peace.

The River of Life


2) What will my epitaph say about my life?

No one is guaranteed tomorrow, or even later on today for that matter. That being said, why not live now as if there is nothing more? If the series of moments that we call now are lived without remorse, but invested and enjoyed to the fullest; if they are a progressive series of choices through which we learn about ourselves and ultimately lead to fulfillment, then the epitaph can say anything you choose.

The question then becomes what do I choose my epitaph to say? For me, I continually ask not what have I accomplished, but what remains for me to do now while I still live and how do I achieve it so effortlessly that no one knows it's work for me?

The answer for me is in the photo above. The answer is analogous to jumping off a cliff into the murky water below, all the while trusting my fellow man (or woman) to let me know if the water is too shallow or not! It doesn't matter how much safety equipment one possesses if there is no trust or the fear of jumping is too great. The answer is: ask questions, seek trust, then JUMP, or in the words of the famous Nike brand "Just Do It'."

My epitaph will read what and how have I lived. There are three points to this life and I have control over very little and everything at the same time. Though some would say we choose to come into this life, I am not sure. So there is birth, over which I can only accept the outcome. Though some would say there is life after death, I am not sure, so I can only accept the outcome. However, there is a full, full, victorious life in between of which I am certain and I know I have control over one element and that is what I think. What I choose and what I accept are enough for me because I know who I am and what I want out of life.

I get to choose how I view life, in spite of any circumstance. I get to choose how I behave because I can choose what I believe, which is what my actions are based upon. Nothing is forced upon me. I get to choose whether or not I will accept responsibility for my actions and I get to choose if I want to build a life that matters or just accept whatever circumstances the world throws at me. In other words, I get to choose how I want to live in between the unknowns of birth and death. To me, when I understand the many alternatives and when I am certain I make the choice, I know I am free and if I am free I can certainly write the epitaph of my dreams which is to help another human being live a life of joy by showing them they too, can choose who they are and what they are to do here on this planet.

In her "Rules of Life: Ten Rules For Being Human, Author Cherie Carter-Scott said, "There are no mistakes, only lessons!" Happy learning my friends.

Peace be with you always!

Listen and Live Now With Great-Fullness!

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