The Emotional Mob Mentality Against Men's Rights Advocacy And Masculinity
Why is discussing the human rights of the male half of the human race socially taboo? Why is it that talking about the issues facing men and boys makes a man a misogynist? These are important questions, because it really is socially taboo to even mention the fact that men face inequality in this society and in some areas, dare I say it, gasp, men actually face more inequality than women. Men’s reproductive rights or rather the lack of them, is one such example. When we consider human behaviour, it is often not driven by rational thought but rather by emotion. This is particularly evident when we look at the reactions of some people, particularly feminists, towards men and men’s rights issues. Emotion seems to be in the driver’s seat and reason seems to be completely absent from their brains. This is why I don’t bother directly engaging in conversation with these people anymore. There is no point, they are gender ideologues. Dogma is more important than fact. Feelings are more important than reasoning. So let’s take a look at a few examples to demonstrate this shall we.
The 2012 Protest Against Dr. Warren Farrell Discussing The Boy Crisis In Education
Let’s start with the 2012 protest at the University of Toronto with Dr. Warren Farrell. At this event, Dr. Farrell presented a lecture on the boy crisis in education (the link to watch the lecture is here). In response to this, feminists blocked the entrance to the lecture, preventing guests from getting in and delayed the event for over an hour. Attendees had insults of all kinds hurled at them, implying they were rape apologists, scum, misogynists etc and so on. Eventually the protesters had to be removed by police. Please watch the adjacent video of the feminist protesters behaviour at that event, if you have not already seen it.
Gender Ideologues Pull The Fire Alarm And Force Guests Out Of Nathanson And Young Lecture
Then The Guests Are Bullyed Outside The Lecture Theatre
There is no reasoning with such people. They are not interested in listening to a rational argument. Of course this is not a one off. Disruptions of events attempting to address men’s issues are common tactics by feminists. Prof. Paul Nathanson and Prof. Katherine Young, both have had similar experiences when attempting to run an event discussing misandry in the culture (the link to view their lecture is here). Fire alarms were pulled, people were banging and screaming at the top of their voices right outside the lecture theatre and when the attendees eventually had to leave the event because of the disruptions and the protesters pulling the fire alarm, they were confronted with these gender ideologues outside and subjected to a verbal barrage of insults. Again watch the adjacent videos if you have not already seen them, of the feminists behaviour at the Nathanson and Young event. I want people to have a really good look at all of these videos of feminist behaviour at the Warren Farrell and also the Nathanson and Young lectures, so that they can see what the product of feminist indoctrination looks like and the barrier it presents to the advocacy of the human rights of the male half of the human race. Please tell me how this vulgar behaviour, is any different from the protests against african americans attending universities in the southern US in the 1960s. Do we really want feminist indoctrination and censorship of free speech on our university campuses? Universities are places where people are supposedly meant to learn how to think critically and challenge ideas. Something is awfully wrong, when universities become institutions of higher indoctrination rather than institutions of higher learning.
Feminist Indoctrination Is Institutionalised At Our Universities
Lets Call This For What It Is Shall We: Feminist Brainwashing
Feminist Hysteria Over Elliot Rodger Vs Logic
Gunman Elliot Rodger Had No Association Or Involvement With The Men's Rights Movement
Such a hostile and emotional mob mentality, is not just seen exclusively when someone tries to talk about men’s rights. It is also seen in the demonisation of masculinity in our culture. Elliot Roger is one of many examples, where the actions of one man were generalised to men as a whole. Elliot Roger was a psychopath, of that there is no doubt. Elliot Roger was not a men’s human rights activist, he was not a man going his own way (MGTOW) and he did not just exclusively hate women or just exclusively kill women. There is nothing in his manifesto or from his actions, to back up any of those claims. But that does not stop the emotional finger pointing and the mob mentality of feminist gender ideologues. The fact Elliot Roger hated other men and was jealous of them and wanted to kill them and did kill more men than women in his shooting, does nothing to stop the feminist sheep in their quest to demonise masculinity and lay the blame on men’s rights advocacy in order to shame them into silence. I am not surprised, I am not shocked, I am not even angry. This is the normal behaviour we have come to expect from feminists. You can count on feminists never to miss an opportunity to turn the actions of one evil man, into a reflection of masculinity in general. Spreading idiocy and hateful garbage is fully encouraged and even profitable for gender ideologues within the feminist movement.
There is one area though where feminists and the culture at large are completely devoid of emotion when it comes to men. When it comes to men’s safety, health and general welfare, no one cares. Men’s well-being is disposable. Aside from the role of men as utilities, men’s lives have no value in this culture. The humanity of men is invisible to society. Politicians, feminists, traditionalists, business leaders, the corporate media and the wider culture, do not care about men beyond what men can do for them as utilities. That is the world we live in and that is why men’s human rights advocacy is an uphill battle. Boko Haram and the complete silence of the mainstream media toward the genocide of the young boys in the tragedy that unfolded over in Africa, is one telling example of how little people care about men and boys. Only the kidnapped girls are the worthy victims in that case and the politicians and corporate media respond accordingly. No one bats an eyelid at the boys being burned alive or shot by these tyrants. No one.
All of these examples and so many others like them, raise some fundamental and confronting questions about our society, our culture and feminism. Where does this emotional mob mentality toward men’s rights advocacy come from? I would argue that it comes from the same dynamic behind the general apathy toward men’s welfare and suffering. I personally believe that both the anger directed at men's rights advocacy and the apathy toward men issues, hinges on gynocentrism. See my article on gynocentrism linked here, for further discussion. People get upset when you draw attention and support toward men and men’s well-being. People have a vested interest in seeing men get on the horse, beat their chests and be the white knights for women and society. People have a vested interest in making sure men remain as utilities for women, society and the state. When an attempt is made to confront that by addressing men’s issues, then essentially you are depriving society and particularly women, from using men for their benefit. Behind all of the emotional rhetoric, shaming tactics, guilt trips and the mob mentality of gender ideologues and bigots in the corporate media and politics, there is a deep seated need to maintain power over men. Power is the human need being satisfied by feminists who claim men are not human beings with rights. Caring about men who are meant to be the source of support rather than the target of support, takes that power away in their minds. It is all about controlling men and this is why men going their own way (MGTOW) and the men’s human rights movement are so important.
What MGTOW represents, is in some ways an old idea made new. Gandhi called it non-cooperation through non-violence. The idea being that all one has to do to bring tyranny to its knees, is to withdraw support. MGTOW represents the withdrawal of men from gynocentrism and a thorough rejection of institutions that support gynocentrism, such as the modern marriage and family court pipeline. But MGTOW is more than that. MGTOW is men defining who they are and what they will do with their own lives, on their own terms and not living their own lives according to the antiquated expectations society places on masculinity. Men are not coming back to traditionalism or embracing some twisted feminist view on servile guilt ridden masculinity. MGTOW is not just men failing to cooperate, it is men choosing a new life path for themselves and frankly a much healthier and more personally appealing way of living. The men’s human rights movement is about holding society accountable for the misandry and blatant bias toward men and boys. It is about raising awareness of men’s rights issues, exposing individuals that are in the government, legal system, media and elsewhere that tread on men’s rights and about engaging in activism against those who marginalise and abuse men and boys. MGTOW and the men’s movement complement each other.
When it comes to men, our culture seems to have no trouble bashing men, but a great deal of trouble showing men compassion. Men’s humanity is not even recognised. That is why men are going their own way and why there is a men’s human rights movement.
The simple fact of the matter, is that society is in a state of disequilibrium with respect to the genders. Gender equality works both ways or it does not work at all. Equality does not just mean giving women the same opportunities and rights as men, it also means giving women the same responsibilities and obligations which comes with those rights and opportunities and for which men are expected to adhere to. It is the failure to recognise this duality of rights and responsibilities, which is creating this disequilibrium between the genders and leading to gender inequality. Rest assured though, that any system that is out of balance will eventually rebalance itself. The critical question society needs to ask, is whether we are going to acknowledge the need for men’s rights before or after our social system and economies breakdown? Are we going to evolve as a society, or are we going to go full retard in stunning gynocentric fashion?
We are confronted with some other questions too. Do we want the feminist religion, sorry movement, which seems to run off emotion and ideological dogma rather than reason and logic, being involved in our government departments, politics and the mainstream media? Do we want their emotional hysteria and misandry influencing our culture and poisoning our universities? Do we want a future for our sons where women like Hanna Rosin and Maureen Dowd consider the male half of the human race obsolete? Do we want to base human rights advocacy on intelligence, or do we want to base our political and social decisions on emotion? Are we prepared to face a social breakdown and an economic depression by neglecting men’s issues like the boy crisis in education? If we are not, are we prepared to challenge feminism? Are we prepared to hold women as accountable for their actions as men? Are we prepared to truly acknowledge and respect the humanity of men and boys with no strings attached? We have so many questions we need to address as a society.
For me and a number of young men, regardless of what society does or does not do, we are going our own way. At the end of the day the only thing we can control is what we do with our own lives. This is more than a strike or a boycott. Society needs to evolve or men will leave it behind and build a new one once it does collapse. Will it collapse? If our leaders and the culture at large continue to do nothing about men’s issues, most certainly. Watch the following videos below, to understand how neglecting men's issues will cause a socioeconomic collapse.
The Demographic Winter
Government Debt Is Now Out Of Control
Feminism And It's Manipulation Of The State: Attempting To Silence Free Speech And Dissenting Opinion, Is The Hallmark Of A Totalitarian Ideology
A Warning To Men And Boys
I do want to finish this article with a warning. A warning that I will address to everyone, but specifically men and boys. Usually following socioeconomic collapse or a serious depression, there is a power vacuum. History has shown us that hate movements and oppressive ideologies rear their ugly heads in such circumstances. They feed off the fear, ignorance and bigotry which is often brought about by the dire societal conditions following collapse. The rise of Nazism in Germany during the great depression is merely one such example. It should be noted that there is usually a group of people that these hateful movements and ideologies blame for the broken state of society. They use fear and anger to direct the sheeple and to facilitate and condone the subsequent atrocities they commit on the vilified group. Genocide can be the end of result.
When I look at feminism, particularly radical feminism and spin-off ideologies like femitheism and the fact they have discussed getting rid of men (see links here and here) and do seem to blame men for everything wrong in the world, I am concerned about where we are headed as a society if the current socioeconomic system collapses. I think that concern is pretty valid considering what has transpired historically and the actions and rhetoric of radical feminists and other man-hating groups. If there is a collapse, these radical feminists and female supremacists, will make a play for power and will rush to fill the power vacuum. If things do go that way, then it is going to be up to those of us men and women in society that are sensible, balanced and reasonable, to stop the crazies and the psychopaths from sending us all back into the dark ages. Whether it is religious extremists, radical feminist ideologues or female supremacist groups, they are all cut from the same cloth of crazy. They all hate people that think for themselves and critically evaluate their rhetoric.
I am not saying collapse is a certainty, no one can predict the future to a tee. However men do need to be alert to the threat radical feminism and femitheists etc may pose in a future society on the decline and a potential nexus developing between these groups and the emerging police state that is being put in place right now under our noses. Call it alarmist, but I am sure the Jews in 1920s Germany had no idea that 20 or so years later they would be in death camps. Things can deteriorate very quickly if society breaks down and the finger pointing emotional mob goes looking for some group to blame. Human stupidity and the herd mentality are not to be underestimated, especially when it comes to modern gender feminism etc.
Let’s not be the frog in boiling water and dismiss the danger of radical feminism etc and the wider feminist movement that enables their behaviour, by doing and saying nothing in response.